felecia187 the dark night no not that one , there is a satellite orbiting earth some say for 10,000 years or more it gives off a signal that has not been figured out yet , it is the only satellite that orbits the north and south poles all other satellites orbit around the equator , there are many photos of this object on the internet that have been taken by NASA is it a begone , is it alien , where did it come from , what or who made it , how did it get here , why don't we just go and bring it back to earth , very little is known about it Mr.Tesla was one off the first to discover its orbit because of the signal it gives off , you can look it up and see the photos for your self , very little is known about it , would it be good idea to bring it back to earth , why don't we land on it and get the facts before we may do something stupid , or maybe the reason they [ our governments ] have not done anything to find more out about it is that there is something they don't want you to know , enjoy
Monday, March 24, 2014
why do radio stations have so many contest
felecia187 viewers equal money the more viewers the more money radio stations can charge for there advertising , now how do they get there numbers for radio , they get them from the number of contestants that call in to there show to see if they are winners of the contest they are holding , then the number cruncher makes the rest of it up literally , there is some reason to this but not enough to prove really how many people are actually listing to the radio , now when you pay to listen to the radio they know how many people are listening , this is baste on the number of people who bought there service which is more accurate then stations that don't charge you to listen , so if you want to advertise on the radio then go with the radio station that charges you to use it , because they know how many people are really listening the other radio stations makes it up , after all it is your money , enjoy
the truth about car prices and how stupid they really are
felecia187 so i started going threw the paper today , and i am looking at the car adds and it hit me so to speak on how stupid it is to price cars the way they do , now for a little money game it cost about $ 5,000 to make a car , truck , SUV , basically any vehicle cost that little to make , so the profit on the more expensive ones are huge , so much for the money game , now when you go buy a car today you need to know that the gas mileage is the most important thing , because gas prices go up and down so often , now this being said , how come the cheapest cars get the best mileage ? they all cost the same to make and the best thing that you want in a new car is gas mileage , so you would think that they would charge you more for the better mileage , but they don't , the worst cars for mileage cost more and they sell more of them then the ones that get better mileage , so what car would sell more if you priced it according to its mileage the better the mileage the more it cost , i bet you would sell more gas efficient cars , and this would be good for the environment , plus we would not use as much gas and this would lower gas prices , this trick to sell cars , would be awesome , you would get better mileage and and cheaper gas cool , enjoy
Saturday, March 22, 2014
God gave a man the recipe to fix potholes and save money $
felecia187 so it is that time of year which potholes are created to make driving your worst fear , you can land in one and total your car , no kidding has happened , repair cost can run into the thousands of dollars $ , tow truck drivers love this time because this is there second busiest time other then winter , which last far to long in this country ,sure you can get your money back from the city but you have to take the city to court which cost time and money , so God gave the recipe , you take ash fault , and mix it with recycled rubber and you heat it to 350 f then you pour it into a hole and pack down , this patch can be done in any weather including winter , you used to have to wait for spring but not no more , it cost % 30 to % 40 less to make it last 2 to 3 times longer then the old way , which means you can save about an additional % 11 because you don't have to fill in the same pot hole every year , so it is more environmentally , saves you money , can be used any time of year , last longer , so do the search it is easy to find on line and get your city involved so you can enjoy you summer driving with out the FEAR of the POTHOLE , enjoy .
which public bathroom stall is the cleanest
felecia187 so you go to the public washroom you go to the stall you normally go too , have you ever considered which stall is the cleanest one , it might make sense that the least used one is the cleanest one and you would be right about that , so do you pick the closest to the door the one in the middle or the one on the end , well the one on the end gets the most used and is also the dirtiest one , so do you pick the one in the middle well it is the second most used and the second dirtiest one , so if you choose the first one then you picked the cleanest stall in the bathroom because it is also the least one used , so the next time you use a public washroom think this , cleanest nearest , dirtiest farthest , enjoy
money from meteors
felecia187 how to make money from finding a meteor , scientist pay tens of thousands of dollars to people who find meteors that are from other planets like Mars , in Australia people make a very good living wondering around with there metal detectors looking for these meteors , they are very heavy mostly made of a iron ore , scientist want them because they could hold secrets on how old Mars is if there was live or water and many other important questions that we need to know before we go to live on Mars , most meteorites burn up in our atmosphere so even though they may be hard to find sometimes they are well worth finding if you make a very good living on them one of the great things about these meteorites is that they are found on every land mass in the world so may have one right in your own back yard , one person had on as a door stop until some one told him what is was and how much it could be worth so do some home work on how to tell if it is a meteorite and see if you can find one who knows this could be a great vacation where you find one worth over $ 100,000.00 and yes they have paid this much for them , enjoy
Friday, March 21, 2014
how to make a blue geyser
felecia187 how to make a blue geyser , you will need the following items .
1, a two liter of clear diet pop .
2, food coloring .
3,one tube of mentos with a plastic sleeve .
now take the label off the clear diet pop , take the top off , then put your blue food coloring into the pop you don't have to mix it , it will mix all by itself , then put the mentos in to the sleeve and pour right into the pop and watch it explode with a streaming blue geyser . enjoy
1, a two liter of clear diet pop .
2, food coloring .
3,one tube of mentos with a plastic sleeve .
now take the label off the clear diet pop , take the top off , then put your blue food coloring into the pop you don't have to mix it , it will mix all by itself , then put the mentos in to the sleeve and pour right into the pop and watch it explode with a streaming blue geyser . enjoy
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Alison Redford resigns from Premier of Alberta Canada
felecia187 Alison Redford resigns from Premier of Alberta Canada , as of this Sunday it will be her last day as Premier of Alberta Canada , dose this mean that she will not pay back the money she stole from us tax payers interesting question don't you think , her resigning was a good thing now it gets worse , you see there will be no election to replace her , oh it gets even worse now the party will vote on who it will be that runs this province not the people who pay taxes , that's right this is called a dictatorship and dictators are elected by their parties , we got to change this bull so when one dumb ass quits then we should have another election to see who we want to run this province , this will get rid of the dictatorship that keeps popping up in this country , it is great news that this Redford quit because this means we the tax payer are no longer her own personal bank account .after all a thief is a thief no madder who they think they work for .enjoy
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
how to blow up whip cream
felecia187 how to blow up whip cream , first you will need .
whip cream in an aerosol can .
you will need a 2 liter bottle of diet coke .
you will need one tube of mentos that comes with a plastic sleeve .
you pour out about 1/4 of the diet coke from the bottle , then you pour the whip cream into the bottle leave about one inch from the top of the bottle , then you take your plastic sleeve with the mentos in it and pour the mentos into the diet coke bottle it will take a couple of seconds for this to work because the mentos has to fall threw the whip cream in order to work , BOOM goes the whip cream which comes out of the bottle as fast as the coke , enjoy.
how to blow up marshmallows
felecia187 how to blow up marshmallows you will need the following items .
diet coke 2 liters .
the small marshmallows so they fit threw the top of the pop bottle .
and one roll of mentos with a plastic sleeve .
now pour out a 1/4 of the diet coke from the bottle , then put your marshmallows inside the bottle fill about an inch from the top of the bottle , then but the mentos in the sleeve and place over the top of the bottle , release and wow get back the marshmallows will fly out of the diet coke bottle with the diet coke and BOOM goes the marshmallows ,enjoy
diet coke 2 liters .
the small marshmallows so they fit threw the top of the pop bottle .
and one roll of mentos with a plastic sleeve .
now pour out a 1/4 of the diet coke from the bottle , then put your marshmallows inside the bottle fill about an inch from the top of the bottle , then but the mentos in the sleeve and place over the top of the bottle , release and wow get back the marshmallows will fly out of the diet coke bottle with the diet coke and BOOM goes the marshmallows ,enjoy
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
celebrities wanting our attention all have one thing in common
felecia187 when celebrities act out in public to get our attention , such as DUI , fighting in public , calling there fellow cast mates idiots , dressing like a s*ut , showing up 2 hours late for a show , hanging out with the lower life celebrities , throwing mental melt downs , acting like a complete idiot , bash there fans , spending more money then you will make in a live time in ten minutes , like buying a $ 2,000,000 sports car , renting a plane for $ 60,000 for one trip to Toronto Canada , showing total disrespect for everyone including there family , hey i just listed over 100 celebrities bad behavior in this short period of time cool , so what happens to these celebrities , there family steps in and takes control of there money , sends them to rehab wouldn't be great if the average person could afford rehab , any how , they end up dead , broke oh with this one it is always there business managers fault , here is a tip its your money you learn to take care of it , living on the street , so what do all these celebrities have in common , OK here goes still with me DRUGS yep they are full blown addicts they spend more on DRUGS in a day then you make in a year , oh i included a Mayor also guess who , all this dose is show our kids that drug addicted celebrities can make lots of money and get there way they spend no time in prison for what we would they can afford the best lawyers so what do you think of these brats because if it were not for you making these meat heads popular we would have better acting celebrities that is right blame your selves because you earned it , enjoy
Monday, March 17, 2014
the magic diet pill that just might work even Dr.Oz is liking it
donations https://paypal.me/VictorPizzeyhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCKkYVvl9FBW7NIUSt9KoJgfelecia187 Dr.Oz has the experts on his show and dose his own homework on this amazing pill , well actually it is a fruit , and it is very cheap to buy , so this is what they do know . it blocks fat from becoming fat in your body , it makes your liver work in a way that prevents sugars from helping fat get bigger , it shrinks fat cells , you don't have to exercise diet and you will still lose weight , interested so far , if you do exercise then you will lose the weight faster , now one awesome thing this fruit dose is that even with out exercise or diet your muscles get bigger which helps you to lose fat even faster again no diet or exercise is required , this is awesome you will also feel fuller longer after eating the fat that has built up in your brain will start to shrink which will help you to feel better about your self , it lowers your cholesterol and your own bodies insulin will also become more normal so what is this amazing fruit well i will tell you it is called [ garcinia cambogia ] and it dose come in a pill and a extract that you can take orally give it a try and see just how good this little fruit pill will make you feel , you can lose 2 to 3 lbs per month with out exercise or diet when taken properly , you can lose 6 to 9 lbs with exercise and proper eating habits , so pick some up to day and get the body you have always wanted , enjoy
honey and other preservatives in your food and fat people
felecia187 honey has been found in the pyramids of Egypt , and was very likely could have been eaten when found , this should tell our meatballs who put preservatives in our food that the natural ones are the best ones , but no they put toxic garbage in our food that makes us hungry for more , plastic , food color from motor oil how else do you say it , chemicals that your cat won't eat , so they can add color , taste , flavor to most of the fast food garbage, we shovel down by the pound , this has created a society that can't cook to save there lives , these hugeness of human flesh that use a drive threw because they are so fat they can't get out of there car with out help , there guts hang over the top of the steering wheel and they have there seat leaned all the way back , because the fat on there back won't a lough them to sit up straight in the seat , now ever since they have been putting these preservatives in out food the population of the world has become a whole lot BIGGER , in order to stop this madness we have got to start putting natural preservatives back in out food to make them last longer , honey , salt , and sugar are all good ones that come to mind i could write there preservatives here but you and i know we can't pronounce them properly , honey can last over one thousand years because it never goes bad this should tell people something needs to change , this will make us healthier not fatter , face diets don't work , diet food makes people even more hungry diet drinks make people drink more then is normal , diet drinks make people think they are thirsty when really they need some carbes , the truth about diet drinks is that your brain can not tell the difference , between being hungry or thirsty , and have you ever noticed how much a fat person on a diet can drink , it takes up to two years to get diet drinks out of you system , we should be able to buy foods with ingredients we can read and not have to pay more for the real food then we do for the junk food , the food we need that is healthy for us is always costing us more then the food we don't need , if this were the other way around then people would be a lot thinner , you can't tie you shoes when your fat , you can't wipe your butt when your fat , you can't play out side with your kids when your fat , how come fat people who can't get out of bed always have someone feeding them , do they think they are doing these obese people a favor by feeding them to death , how many surgeries to remove your skin when you go from 1000 lbs to 200 lbs is this really worth the pain when you get that big , instead of putting a gun to your head you fat people are putting food to your gut , think about this the gun is faster and in the end maybe even less painful then years of feeding yourself to death , in order to eat right the truth be told is it starts with you not the people making garbage for you to eat , so eat right for live , eat garbage and feel look and act like garbage , so instead of using excuses start by taking responsibility for your own eating habits and learn how to cook great meals at home for you and your family and learn that you eat to live , you don't live to eat and enjoy food they way it was meant to be oh and get off your lazy ass , enjoy
Saturday, March 15, 2014
we are not as high tech as you might think Malaysia air lines
felecia187 here is what we know about the disappearance of 239 people on Malaysia air lines , nothing that's is every thing we know , theories are triangle , which it did enter into , hijacking , which is what they are looking at now , thanks to the internet thousands of people have been using satellite from Russia , USA , and China now they got a USA war ship , the relatives are not being let go and are still waiting to see what happens , now they are talking about using satellites to monitor air travel with up to the second monitoring , it is amazing that something like this has to happen before some one brings us tech that will help with missing planes , but for every disaster like this , you will find that we have had the tech for many years before this happens so why do we make it public now , because social paths are in power , it is like this if you drive to a corner in your town that dose not have a four way stop , then one day you see there is a four way stop this means someone died at the intersection before something was done , and that is how stupid people make the rules . enjoy
Friday, March 14, 2014
how to win at contests
felecia187 green for winning money most contest require you to sigh up name phone number address , you can find these contest everywhere like your grocery store , when you find a contest read the rules , in most contests you can send in multiplies of entry forms , this will increase you chance of winning , radio contest are good to so start winning today ,enjoy
saving $$$ with coupons
felecia187 green for saving money so there are many websites that give you free coupons to products you already use but spend to much on , some stores allow you to stack coupons this means you can use more then one coupon for the same product so you can actually get the product for free no kidding , they also have coupon groups where you can go and learn everything there is to learn about coupon clipping , it is quite simple to learn and a lot of fun , you can cut your grocery bill in half or more , free groceries awesome , no i am not kidding , for very little work you can get big rewards like free food , so don't delay do it to day , enjoy
beer controversy in Boise Idaho March 13 ,2014
felecia187 so a fan in Boise finds out that the small beer is in a fat cup , but it is suppose to hole 16 oz , so he takes the beer in the small cup and pours it into the large cup which is thin and tall , he discovers that they both hold the same amount of beer which means the small is 16 oz and the large also holds 16 oz so the fans are now suing the stadium , wait i got more , did some checking and in June 8 , 2011 this also happened at the Sea Hawks stadium also , now let us put two and two together and if you go to a stadium why don't you buy two beer the large one and the small one and see if they are both 16 oz because i think a lot of people are getting ripped off at sporting events in the USA the ticket price alone should tell you something , by the way the small one cost $ 4.00 and the large one cost $7.00 three dollar difference for the same beer , enjoy .
Thursday, March 13, 2014
premier Alison Redford is a thief
felecia187 oh this ain't over yet so Alison Redford now has promised to pay back some of the money she spent on travel with her daughter , and the flight to a uncles funeral , why are the first three letters of funeral fun ? what about the trip to Africa for $ 43,000 is she going to pay that back , three senators of Canada did the same thing Alison Redford did and are now facing prison time , so why hasn't Alison Redford been charged for the same crime , the crime is [ misappropriation of government funds ] its on the books look it up , this bull about the government using our money like there bank accounts has got to stop , you will love my story yeah i am getting in position to tell it and it will blow your mind on how the Alberta Canada government is using your tax dollars , but not yet soon , enjoy
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
DNA verse the monkey , humans , sea-sponge
felecia187 evolution people say we are closely related to the monkey based on the monkeys DNA compared to humans which is 97% human , this evolution started with Darwin , they mistook what he meant and turned his words around , in other words Darwin was not discussing evolution but what he was saying is how animals adapt to there environment , which is a lot different , the first so called missing link as they call it is based on bones which are suppose to be from the so called missing link and they are in fact the jaw bone and the teeth from a pig , that's right a pig and they still use this as evidence of a missing link to this day the back teeth of a pig look a great deal like humans teeth , so when they did the DNA test and found out that the monkey has 97% of our DNA the evolutionist made more then a big deal out of this , so here is where it gets really weird , the sea-sponge shares better then 99% of human DNA , now this is going to blow you away there is no living thing animals plants one celled creatures and the list goes on that share 100% of our DNA because humans are the only things that have star dust in there DNA and nothing else on earth as we know it has star dust in there DNA , ENJOY .
you owe the tax man , they owe you what happens
felecia187 this is a rip off waiting to happen , when you owe the tax man they want there money now and they want interest with it , if your late they impose a surtax , which cost you even more , now when the tax man owes you they pay you nothing for interest , you can't impose a surtax on them , but if the government dose decide to pay you interest they give you prime which is what i think 3 % , now when you owe them then they charge you 8 % or higher , the law says you can't have one set of laws for one group of people and a different set of rules for the other group all are equal in the sight of the law , the tax man makes a mistake you pay for the mistake that they made yes they have add zeros to peoples tax bill even if the tax man lied , now you have to pay legal fees you can't afford to get back what the government stole from you , when is this madness going to STOP , enjoy
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