Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rolex watches how to tell if it is a fake .

felecia187 how to tell if your Rolex watch is a fake , first test the gold to see if it is real , this won't take long for this one , the number one way to test to see if you bought a fake Rolex is this , the minute hand on a real Rolex will sweep not tick across the face , if the person who sold you a Rolex that ticks and says it is a real Rolex then they are lying to you , so fake Rolex will tick with the minute hand , a real Rolex will sweep with the minute hand , enjoy.

designer purses how to tell if they are fake .

felecia187 how to tell if your designer purse is a fake , if it comes from the Philippines , it is a fake , because the Philippines is one of the largest black markets on the planet , if yours came with leather on it and the leather dose not change color over a period of time then it is a fake , you will not see a designer purse with stitching going over there logo , there zippers are made of real brass so they will not chip or flake off , now if your purse passes all these test it still dose not mean that they are real , because they do make really great fakes that will pass these test ,but they will sell them to you for less then a real one but the really good fakes will still cost you hundreds of dollars , if you didn't but it from a reputable dealer then you got ripped off , enjoy .  

diamond is it fake ? how to tell.

felecia187 so you have a diamond and want to know if it is fake , here are three simple test you can use to tell if it is a fake . huff on the diamond to fog it up , if it doesn't fog up then it is a diamond because real diamond dispense heat as fast in as it dose going out .
two , get a magnifien glass if you see imperfections in the diamond it probable is real , because fake diamonds have no flause  , now take the diamond find something with very small print on it and but the diamond with the pointy end facing up , you will not be able to read the letters threw a real diamond because a real diamond dispenses light different then a fake diamond , and yet another way would be to get a diamond meter tester , and that is how to tell if your diamond is a fake , enjoy . 

who owns a selfie ?

felecia187 so people all over the world including celebrities are taking selfies , and some of these photos are very popular , some are raising funds for charity , which is a good thing to do with the money , but who actually  owns the rights to a selfie , the person that is holding the camera , cellphone extra extra , so even if you are in the photo if you are not holding the camera then you have no rights to the photo taken , enjoy .

the Alberta distraction law ha ha ha ha. and dash cams .

felecia187 so they the government created a law to prevent people from using there cell phones while driving you get a $ 200 ticket if caught , now i say if very loosely , children in a grade 5 class in Calgary where to do a project which was to count how many people where using there cell phones while driving in a period of just one hour they counted over 200 people using there cell phones while driving , because of a dash cam a accident happened because the other driver was using his cell phone , but because it was caught on video he was the one charged with distracted driving , with out the video it would have been the other persons fault , you snooze you loose , people are now buying dash cams for there cars for insurance reasons who can blame them , people in Calgary Alberta were warned that a driver in Calgary was streaming live video of his dash cam to the internet , and believe me the RCMP now check his live video feed to give other drivers tickets , so before you go road rage think who has you on camera , enjoy . 

Elmer McCurdy who is he and why do we care ?

felecia187 who got the money for his performances he was dead since Oct 7 , 1911 , he was a famous train robber not good at it just more famous in death no he is not an artist , he was embalmed when he died with a special formula which made sure he would not decay over the years he was in side shows , traveling road shows , he was in the movie Dwain Esper a 1933 movie his final film was in the Bionic man the episode was called : carnival of spies : #4.17 in 1977 this was to be his final movie , after he would be buried finally at yes you guessed it boot hill , he had two tons of cement cover his casket , to make sure that he wouldn't return to make even more movies no kidding , and you thought  you have heard everything , enjoy .

why are you more likely to die if you get hit by a bigger vehicle .

felecia187 red for bloody mess , so you are out driving and you are driving a 3,000 lbs car now the other guy or girl is driving a 20,000 pound mac truck , will you survive , chances are the answer is NO , this is the reason for this , bigger heaver rules period . they don't make cars to withstand the G-force of 50 mph or more when you take on a semi trailer , the truck driver believe me will not even know they hit you , this is because , what happens when an irresistible force meets an unmovable object , crush is what happens , the truck driver will feel no g-force to him or her at all , now you in the small car will feel the whole g-force , fighter pilots can die when they hit more then 100 g-force now a g-force is the amount of gravity times the pull of the earth , two g-force two time the gravity of earth , one hundred times you are dead , now back to the crash you 3,000 lbs truck 20,000 , truck on impact zero g-force , you on impact 800 g-force this is 800 time the force of gravity you lose , g-force in a crash can go even higher what's the point your dead ,so watch your road rage and drive safely , my dad and brother were driving a logging truck and a half ton truck ran a stop sign the half ton lost it flew over 50 feet threw the air my dad and brother felt nothing , when they test your car in crashes they test them at 30 mph not at the 50 mph plus that the accident you will be in will cause , and they test them on stationary objects like large cement blocks , so in real live these test are garbage , in real live the semi will be travelling at 50 mph you will be travelling at 50 mph so the point of impact will be 100 mph , in the 30 mph test the point of impact is 30 mph , when you know the facts then the fear will help you to drive a whole lot safer , enjoy .     

Monday, March 24, 2014

how to make glow in the dark water balloons .

donations https://paypal.me/VictorPizzeyfelecia187 so summer is almost here yeah right , any how it may be where you are and every summer people make water balloons , now why do you want to be the old guy with the boring balloons , that's right you don't so now you want to PIMP THE WATER BALLOON , how do you do this to impress your kids and become the bests Dad ever . you will need .
balloons , easy one .
glow sticks the mini ones .
first blow up the balloon to make sure it works trust me one in a thousand you can huff and puff and that one balloon will never blow up , then let the air out of it ,now break the mini glow stick so that it starts to glow , then place it inside the balloon , then fill the balloon with water , now before you tie the balloon closed make sure all the air is out of the balloon ,this will make sure that the balloon will explode on impact , so when it gets dark out side tell your kids it is time to stay up past your bed time then show your kids how to do this and take them out side and have a glow in the dark water balloon fight , oh yeah the fun , after the balloons go boom you can reuse the glow sticks which last for hours , the only thing you will run out of are balloons and energy so have fun you cool Dad , enjoy , enjoy.

what did they do to our cars gas tanks

felecia187 with today's cars you can't fill them past the first click , you can't drive past the quarter tank before it is remanded that you put more gas in them , now with the older cars some have a vacuum gas tank , this mean you have a gas cap that does not let air into the gas tank or out , now on hot days you gas will expand and the vapors will help your car to get at least 30 extra miles to a tank of gas , in today's cars you don't have a vacuum tank and your gas cap dose let air into and out of the gas tank , the reason for this is in the new cars the gas pump which is in your gas tank is sitting upright , now in the older cars the gas pump is laying down in the gas tank , now gas in both new and old , use the gas in the tank to stay cool this helps to stop your gas pump from burning out , old gas pumps cost under $ 100 well gas pumps for your new car can cost way way over $ 100 , so which is the better the old vapor gas tank and cap , or the new ones , well when you use gas to drive you are not burning the liquid gas you are burning the vapors because the gas it self dose not burn , so a pressured tank has a big advantage over the new ones more fuel economy , the gas that comes out your tailpipe is the gas that has not turned to vapor yet yeah you just wasted some of your gas out the tailpipe , about % 40 worth , so which is better the old way of course , now if you could turn all the gas in your gas tank to vapor you would get about 200 miles to the gallon , and you would not wast anymore gas out your tailpipe and this would be a lot better for the environment , so as you see some things should be left the way they are . enjoy .      

why do people eat really hot stuff FIRE .

felecia187 red like fire , so people like my girlfriend love hot food , but with my girlfriend it has to taste good , so even if it really is hot she will not like it unless it taste good , now are there any benefits to eating hot , and i mean hot spicy foods , well the facts are these my girlfriend who has eaten hot spicy foods all her life , 
one has no cavities and perfect teeth ,
two has never thrown up from being sick .
her hair is three times thicker then yours or mine , you could make a rope out of it ,
she also has great looking skin , but she doesn't where make up .
they make food at restaurants that you have to sign a waiver for just to eat it , but dose it taste good ?the truth is we don't know it has any benefits to eating hot spicy food , but people eat it because they like it , remember eat to life don't live to eat , enjoy .     

why building a bridge over pass is a waste of your tax $ dollars

felecia187 so this is beyond stupid if you know how much it cost to build an over pass , this is not about a bridge over water , this is only about an bridge over another road we call this an over pass , so here is the thing it cost one billion $ to build a bridge , yeah i know you can't imagine that but it dose , this is a huge amount of money , now if you were to make a clover leaf this is a type of traffic circle , then it would cost you one million a mile so lets say you need twenty miles of road way to build a clover leaf this would cost the tax payer YOU  twenty million dollars , which means you would save 980 million dollars , you could build a lot more clover leafs and save the tax payer a HUGE amount of money , so why don't they build clover leafs instead of over passes , easy answer because they like to waste your tax dollars , oh i am not done yet it gets better , for those in construction know that if it cost a billion dollars to build a over pass then the contractor usually gets a percentage of what it cost to build the over pass this percentage usually can be % 50 to % 80 cents on the dollar , so the contractor would get $ 500,000,000 to $ 800,000,000 for himself so the over pass really only cost between $ 500,000,000 and % 200,000,000 for materials so in a clover leaf they would make a lot less profit they would make about % 500,000 to $ 800,000 per mile but the cost would be a lot less , so neck time you read in the paper that they are building an over pass , you now know how much off your tax dollars they are going to BURN  , maybe we should build a bridge over pass and then we could retire , oh yeah now i'm thinking maybe that way we would get our tax dollars back , enjoy the math lesson for today . 

your lost in the woods and have a watch , what to do .

felecia187 this is an easy one , so you are lost in the woods and you have a watch , there is no flowing water near by , if there is flowing water , river , stream ,then you follow the flowing water down stream and you will find civilization , but this is about your watch , so lets say you don't know where the water is , you can do this the hour hand on your watch will always point south on a compass , so use your watch by pointing the hour hand at the sun this will always point you in the south direction , and if you have a app phone then download the watch app , so if you are ever lost in the woods try this trick to get you to civilization  , enjoy. 

why you shouldn't use antibacterial soap

felecia187 green for clean or  is it , bugs are every where some nice that help us get threw live some not so nice which don't help us but make us sick beyond all reason , where do all these super bugs come from , while they come from you silly , that is right you heard me you had them all along , so when you use antibacterial soap you kill off a lot of germs , good ones and bad ones and you get left with the bad ones these bad ones are called super bugs , when you use regular soap you kill lots of germs but you still have a balance of germs that keep each other in check , but when you use antibacterial soap you kill all the germs except for the super bugs , so there are no lesser germs to keep the super bugs in check , then they multiply and make us sick beyond all reason , so go the natural way , it is the best way stay clean and keep the balance , enjoy 

the dark night

felecia187 the dark night no not that one , there is a satellite orbiting earth some say for 10,000 years or more it gives off a signal  that has not been figured out yet , it is the only satellite that orbits the north and south poles all other satellites orbit around the equator , there are many photos of this object on the internet that have been taken by NASA is it a begone , is it alien , where did it come from , what or who made it , how did it get here , why don't we just go and bring it back to earth , very little is known about it Mr.Tesla was one off the first to discover its orbit because of the signal it gives off , you can look it up and see the photos for your self , very little is known about it , would it be good idea to bring it back to earth , why don't we land on it and get the facts before we may do something stupid , or maybe the reason they [ our governments ] have not done anything to find more out about it is that there is something they don't want you to know , enjoy

why do radio stations have so many contest

felecia187 viewers equal money the more viewers the more money radio stations can charge for there advertising , now how do they get there numbers for radio , they get them from the number of contestants that call in to there show to see if they are winners of the contest they are holding , then the number cruncher makes the rest of it up literally , there is some reason to this but not enough to prove really how many people are actually listing to the radio , now when you pay to listen to the radio they know how many people are listening , this is baste on the number of people who bought there service which is more accurate then stations that don't charge you to listen , so if you want to advertise on the radio then go with the radio station that charges you to use it , because they know how many people are really listening the other radio stations makes it up , after all it is your money , enjoy   

the truth about car prices and how stupid they really are

felecia187 so i started going threw the paper today , and i am looking at the car adds and it hit me so to speak on how stupid it is to price cars the way they do , now for a little money game it cost about $ 5,000 to make a car , truck , SUV , basically any vehicle cost that little to make , so the profit on the more expensive ones are huge , so much for the money game , now when you go buy a car today you need to know that the gas mileage  is the most important thing , because gas prices go up and down so often , now this being said , how come the cheapest cars get the best mileage ? they all cost the same to make and the best thing that you want in a new car is gas mileage , so you would think that they would charge you more for the better mileage , but they don't , the worst cars for mileage cost more and they sell more of them then the ones that get better mileage , so what car would sell more if you priced it according to its mileage the better the mileage the more it cost , i bet you would sell more gas efficient  cars , and this would be good for the environment , plus we would not use as much gas and this would lower gas prices , this trick to sell cars , would be awesome , you would get better mileage and and cheaper gas cool , enjoy 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

God gave a man the recipe to fix potholes and save money $

felecia187 so it is that time of year which potholes are created to make driving your worst fear , you can land in one and total your car , no kidding has happened , repair cost can run into the thousands of dollars $ , tow truck drivers love this time because this is there second busiest time other then winter , which last far to long in this country ,sure you can get your money back from the city but you have to take the city to court which cost time and money , so God gave the recipe , you take ash fault , and mix it with recycled rubber and you heat it to 350 f then you pour it into a hole and pack down , this patch can be done in any weather including winter , you used to have to wait for spring but not no more , it cost  % 30 to % 40 less to make it last 2 to 3 times longer then the old way , which means you can save about an additional % 11 because you don't have to fill in the same pot hole every year , so it is more environmentally  , saves you money , can be used any time of year , last longer , so do the search it is easy to find on line and get your city involved so you can enjoy you summer driving with out the FEAR of the POTHOLE , enjoy .

which public bathroom stall is the cleanest

felecia187 so you go to the public washroom you go to the stall you normally go too , have you ever considered which stall is the cleanest one , it might make sense that the least used one is the cleanest one and you would be right about that , so do you pick the closest to the door the one in the middle or the one on the end , well the one on the end gets the most used and is also the dirtiest one , so do you pick the one in the middle well it is the second most used and the second dirtiest one , so if you choose the first one then you picked the cleanest stall in the bathroom because it is also the least one used , so the next time you use a public washroom think this , cleanest nearest , dirtiest farthest , enjoy                             

money from meteors

felecia187 how to make money from finding a meteor , scientist pay tens of thousands of dollars to people who find meteors that are from other planets like Mars , in Australia people make a very good living wondering around with there metal detectors looking for these meteors , they are very heavy mostly made of a iron ore , scientist want them because they could hold secrets on how old Mars is if there was live or water and many other important questions that we need to know before we go to live on Mars , most meteorites burn up in our atmosphere so even though they may be hard to find sometimes they are well worth finding if you make a very good living on them one of the great things about these meteorites is that they are found on every land mass in the world so may have one right in your own back yard , one person had on as a door stop until some one told him what is was and how much it could be worth so do some home work on how to tell if it is a meteorite and see if you can find one who knows this could be a great vacation where you find one worth over $ 100,000.00 and yes they have paid this much for them , enjoy  

Friday, March 21, 2014

how to make a blue geyser

felecia187 how to make a blue geyser , you will need the following items .
1, a two liter of clear diet pop .
2, food coloring .
3,one tube of mentos with a plastic sleeve .
now take the label off the clear diet pop , take the top off , then put your blue food coloring into the pop you don't have to mix it , it will mix all by itself , then put the mentos in to the sleeve and pour right into the pop and watch it explode with a streaming blue geyser . enjoy