Monday, April 14, 2014

bleeding bug revenue Canada

felecia187  so revenue Canada has admitted that the bug you didn't have to worry about has now stole about 900 sin numbers , and people keep saying it is save to do your business on line , and i say if you do business on line you are nuts , the internet is like a door with a lock on it , it was made to keep stupid people out , but the smart ones keep getting in the door , you want to know how to pick a door lock then go to the video site and search really easy to pick locks , beat motion detectors , break handcuffs , make a bumper key and the list goes on , if someone comes up with the idea of making the internet safer , then someone is going to figure  out how to make it unsafe again it seems to be a challenge waiting to happen so DO NOT DO BANKING ON LINE  , how and when is this message going to get through to you people , hacking is the easiest  thing to do so don't fool your self keep it secure don't publish your banking information on line , word of warning if i had your e-mail address i could find all the sites you have ever visited in 5 minutes and you don't have to be a genus like me to do it , so if you go online everything you do on line is there for the picking so DON'T do anything on line you don't want someone to know about , in order for someone to stop someone from opening the locked door you first have to get rid of the door , enjoy .

foreign worker program Canada under fire .

felecia187 now the truth about the abuse of Canadian workers comes to life , they are now saying that Canadian workers get paid less then foreign works , get less hours , and have less rights then foreign workers , the investigation has now gone from a McDonald in Vancouver to Lethbridge Alberta ' in some stores you have to sign your wright away to a raise or you don't get hired as a Canadian worker , you now get performance increases not raises that they can take away from you anytime they want , the fast food restaurants are the most profitable and pays the least amount for workers , the truth be told we do not have a shortage of Canadian workers in Canada what we have is a shortage of employers who are willing to pay a decent wage , and because of the foreign worker program the Canadian wages are being staled or frozen so you Canadians are more then getting screwed , now the numbers fast food restaurants in Canada make any where from 80 cents to 90 cents PROFIT on the dollar so the restaurant gets the most money and they spend 10 to 20 percent on running the restaurant this is a huge profit and this includes wages , upkeep which they right of on there taxes , rent , advertising , product , so the profit for fast food is HUGE  it is going to grow and the investigation is going to get bigger we don't know of all the fast food places that are screwing Canadian workers because some workers are don't want to come forward because as a Canadian you would lose your job and they will replace your job with more foreign workers , enjoy 

flushable wipes verse biodegradable flushable wipes

felecia187 so you want to know the difference between flushable wipes and biodegradable wipes , a flushable wipe in it self will not bread down when you flush it it pretty much stays the same and will clog up your sewer line , now a biodegradable flushable wipe will break down and will not clog up your sewer line , so just because they say flushable dose not mean they will break down when in water , you must make sure the package says that they do break down and that will be the ones you buy , enjoy 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

part 13 Malaysia flight 370

felecia187 so there are no new pings the search area is down to 500 square miles , there deep sea sub will take about six to eight weeks to search that much ocean to see if it can find the black box , who the hell made a black box that only last 30 days what were they thinking oh that's right they weren't , so this black box lasted 37 days , like i said you need to get the black box or the conspiracy theory will not go away , and another thing why don't they make a black box that sends a message to a satellite to tell were it really is oh another good one if you can send a message to a satellite that can pin point your cell phones position to with in three feet , then why can't you make a black box do the same thing ? if they made a black box properly they would of found it a long time ago , i said it once and i will say it again stupid people make the rules and stupid people make black boxes , or maybe the USA  doesn't  want you to find it , enjoy .

Saturday, April 12, 2014

how to catch a child molester .

felecia187 now i don't recommend people do this but many people have done this to catch child molesters , first you set up a fake account on a social site , now you state that you are young do not say at this point how young , now when the child molester answers your add you get them talking about what kind of sex they like , now you tell them that you are 12 and that you want to meet them for sex , you set up a time and place make sure the child molester gives you a very good description of them selves and make sure you keep the e-mail of your talk with them on your fake site , you will need this as evidence , now when they show up for the meet you and you friends pull out your camcorders and confront the child molester and tell them that you got punked in the worst way make sure you get the plate number on there car with the camcorder to not attempt to arrest or hold them for the cops , now after you got all this on video you take the evidence to the cops and let them deal with the child molester do not do this by yourself take your friends with you , because you do not know if the child molester is armed or dangerous , it is that easy , enjoy .

how to get out of credit card debt .

felecia187 so you have a credit card , learned your lesson yet , can't stop using it , you put it in a cup of water and froze it , then got the hair dryer out to get at it , you cut it up but ordered another one , you gave it to someone to hang on to but they give it to you when you ask for it , well i could go on and on but this works for me i have a safety deposit box at my bank i put it in there , now when i think i need it i can't get it because most of the time my bank is closed when i think i need it , works great give it a try .enjoy 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Ryan Smith retiring

felecia187 so Ryan Smith of the Edmonton Oilers is retiring as of today , my friend who is a till setter did his bathroom not once but twice the floor was not properly made the first time so they had to add a sub floor to Mr.Smith house , when he got traded from the Oilers and was on the news crying like a baby it made me wonder what kind of man that makes millions of dollars he really is , i think he might need a shrink , any how retiring might be more his enjoyment considering he can't score goals any way hey i tell them like i see them over paid , and under worked hockey players the world is full of to many of them , so before i get going with more on this , enjoy your retirement Mr.Smith .

Penhold Alberta Canada fire .

felecia187 on April 10 . 2014 about 5 pm in Penold Alberta Canada a fire broke out at the apartment building on the south side of town i filmed it and will post to my video upload site , this fire started fast and got real big real fast the four story building was in golfed in flames very quickly , there was black smoke that went two hundred feet into the air , the fire truck was there in about 15 min but they had a hard time finding the fire hydrant there was fire trucks from Red Deer , Innisfail , and Springbrook , they had the fire under control in about one hour but it was not entirely out yet i do not know if anyone was hurt , lets hope these people who lived there had insurance i know i do it comes in handy when something like this happens , we will know more tomorrow , enjoy   

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Quebec language law struck down .

felecia187 score one for the big guys , several store chains took the Quebec language law to court and won the judge stated that there store front signs did not go against the Quebec language laws and that they could keep there store front signs , so Quebec , got there butt kicked in the provincial election and now they get there butt kicked with there communist language law , personal the families of Alberta want there $ 7,000 a year back that we give to the people of Quebec , they should of had a vote that everyone in Canada could vote to keep Quebec and see what would happen with this one , it is amazing how the Quebec communist hay what else would you like to call them , have to impose laws to keep the fastest dying language alive in the world , if they stopped this garbage about there rights to french language and stop trying to separate , and get on with running the province then maybe they could make the province of Quebec more profitable , so everyone else in Canada would not have to support them anymore , and stop there bull wine about everything stupid about there government , but know they want to be like the oldest child , and you should treat the oldest child like the first pancake you throw it out , you get the point ,enjoy 

top 5 guns for your home protection .

felecia187 top 5 guns to protect your home with .
5 , maveric 88 shot gun 12 gauge .
4 , mouthberg 500 20 gauge 6 shot .
3 , smith and wesson governor 45 ,with 4 pellet shot .
2 , clock 19 , this is the easiest to use .
1 , and the number one which looks crazy for home protection but hay who am i to say no when your live is on the line , Krisvector .
enjoy .

Malaysia flight 370 part 12

felecia187 well they have not given in yet they now are searching a much smaller area of the Indian ocean , about 500 square miles , which would be about the size of LA they are still picking up pings , now they are going to drop a microphone down one thousand feet below the surface of the water to see if they can locate right where the plane is , the smaller there search area gets the faster they can locate the plane , they have hope , but like i said they have to find the plane to get rid of the conspiracy theories ,  enjoy

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

part 11 flight 370 Malaysia .

felecia187 so the search continues now they are saying that they are picking up lots of PINGS now they have not said where the pings are coming from or even if the pings are from flight 370 , you would think that the ping finder would have a directional finder on it but nope not that smart in making a ping detector so like everyone else we have to wait and see for our selves what the ping is from , how much is this costing and which person is paying for it , enjoy . 

strange light on mars .

felecia187 red for the red planet Mars , well today a strange light has been spotted by the Mars rover , there were two cameras going at the same time and in the same direction but only the right one picked up the bright light in the distance , so you guessed it no one knows what caused it , theories abound , aliens maybe , cosmic rays is this the best answer NASA has cosmic rays ha ha , or it could be a shinny rock , so check it out and you can decide what it is maybe it is ET sending an S.O.S if people can not explain for sure on what something is then they make up ideas to make the FEAR of the unknown go away , this makes people feel better the truth is no one for sure knows what the bright light really is maybe you can find out , enjoy .

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

car tipping

felecia187  you have heard about cow tipping well now try car tipping no you don't give the driver a tip , you tip his or her car on  there side , they are mostly doing this to smart cars , this started in San Francisco , now that it is in the media i think you will be seeing a lot more of this car tipping going on even in your own town , you need a small group of kids to do this so beware of kids travelling in packs , the reason they are using smart cars is because they are easier to tip , personal my girlfriends car gets better mileage then a smart car and it is twice the size , maybe smart cars should be turned onto there sides , so beware this is not a urban legend they have started what looks like the next stupid craze , enjoy

glow in the dark drinks for your next party .

felecia187 so you are throwing a party you want low light or no light maybe even moonlight dancing now i am getting romantic any how , you get yourself some glow sticks break them to activate them than you put them in the the big pop bottles you are using to mix drinks , then you can put them in the drinks and people can use them as stir sticks , enjoy 

Quebec Canada election

felecia187 so Quebec Canada now has a new leader because there previous leader she got her ass kicked hard , she didn't even win her own riding , the Liberals have now won , this is the people of Quebec way of saying no to seperation , good for them bad for us because it is the rest of Canada that pays the bills in Quebec , so if they were to seperat then the rest of Canada would get our money back here in Alberta Canada they take over $ 7,000 per family and give it to Quebec , well there are a lot of family here that could use that money a lot better then supporting those free loaders in Quebec , the way they have to protect there languag is stupid , did you know that it was not the french that found Quebec but the english , not done yet %90 of Quebec is owned get this by the indians , and if you think that the broke provice of Quebec is going to pay the indians for there treaty land you should really think again , in fact i bet that the indian voted more in this election then anyone else , since the people of Quebec want to stay with Canada then they should at least start to make money in there province instead of taking ours , and start giving back what they have taken for so long hell we own Quebec we paid for it so maybe we should go there and staighten it out with a can of woop ass , Canadian style , enjoy .

Monday, April 7, 2014

how to make our roads safer .

felecia187 you need a witness to an accident can't find one or they drove away , you know you had the right of way but can't prove it , solution buy your self a dash cam and install it now when you start driving turn it on then you do not have to worry about who was at fault , this makes it very bad for the road rag idiot that slammed on his brakes in front of you at 70 mph , after cutting you off , put one in the back window that way you can show the police who was tailgating you at 70 mph and only was two feet from your back bumper , or the idiot who was on there cell phone when they hit you , i could do this all day , i just uploaded a ten second video on my video page about a women on her cell phone , so be careful because i make money on idiots like this , and if the RCMP are watching my videos then they are handing out  tickets , i am not the only one there is a man in Calgary Alberta Canada that has his dash cam uploading to a live video stream on the internet and the RCMP are watching his live steam and handing out tickets , just think if there were enough people with streaming live dash cams we could put the RCMP on a different patrol , like finding drug pushers , web cams have been used to charge people in riots like the one in Vancouver B.C. so video is starting to make people famous for being idiots and also getting them charged , and making people like me money , you do not need permission to upload these videos because the criminal is not allowed to prosper from committing a crime but you are allowed to make money off the idiot in your video news is news no matter who video it , enjoy .     

how to lose on the stock market and make a bundle .

felecia187 remember knowledge is power and in this case also money , you can buy stock in a company that might fail and make even more when it dose , her is how it work you buy the stock , and then you buy the insurance , that is right you heard me insurance so if the stock fails you still make money this is a win win and it is legal , they do this all the time .
 now if you have a lot of money and i mean a lot of money you can buy gold for one price and sell it to another exchange for a higher price you could do this all day and some people do and they make a lot of money and it has % 0 risk not kidding .
the biggest gambling casino in the world is the stock exchange ask anyone who has lost millions .
if you really want to make money you have to learn to do it yourself , because when you give your money to someone to make money for you they are the ones that make the most for them not you ,
some people are really stupid when they do this but hear goes you start a company and make it make a lot of money then someone tells you that you can make even more if you go public with your company , so lets say your company is worth $ 100,000,000 now you go and put that company on the stock exchange , well you just rolled the dice and lost , this is how you lost when you put your company on the stock exchange you no longer own it the stock holder owns is and you are only allowed to have so many shares for your self , you may have the most shares but this gets better if someone else obtains as little as five percent of the company's shares then they own it not you , because five percent gives them controlling interest , so before you blow a hundred million dollars do your homework , there are many ways to make money on the stock exchange these are only a few , so remember do your homework , learn to invest your own money do not give it to someone else to and like every casino set your limits , enjoy .

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Chupacabra found .

felecia187 so a Texas Ratcliffe couple may have caught the chupacabra it is hairless has a strange growl , and they have it in a cage in there yard , is it the legendary creature , well look up your video upload site and see the video for yourself as always people will try to debunk this video so the legend will live on , but that is how it goes , so if it is then the mystery is solved , but people always want more the the legend can give , enjoy .

adult diapers do you need them .

felecia187 touchy subject would you rather wear a diaper at your age or get a cure so you don't have to , well turns out that more then % 90 of everyone who wears an adult diaper doesn't need to , the reason people would rather wear a adult diaper that stinks yea you are not fooling anyone sorry , is because they think that if they go to a doctor they will become embarrassed  by what the doctor will tell you or what he will see , well the truth of the matter is that %90 of you that wear an adult diaper it is curable , there are several ways to do this depending on what really is wrong , you might need your bladder lifted , or something as simple as getting Botox injected into your muscle , you may just have to exercise your pee muscle , this is very easy for your doctor to cure you so you don't have to worry how the doctor will see you , they are there to help and it is not that hard to cure and your life will be back to normal in no time , they are also using your own stem cells to grow you a new bladder if it comes to that , so instead of smelling like you are wearing a adult diaper you should really go see your doctor because there is nothing your doctor has not see , and your doctor has already help maybe even your friend so get help and start to enjoy the little things in live like going to the bathroom like everyone else no smelly diapers to deal with and you will indeed fell better about yourself , enjoy.