Tuesday, November 4, 2014

ISS cuts live feed video .

felecia187the International Space Station cut live feeds of the station when what appears to be UFO flying around the ISS . video has been upload to several sites for November 3 2014 , there are a lot of UFO sightings happening this year a lot more then normal if you believe then do you believe these aliens may have something to do with what is going here on earth do they control ISSI are they behind this government conspiracy to strip us of our freedom so that the revelations of the bible king James version can come to pass , what am i saying look up the seven trumpets in revelations , did aliens bring Christ back to life and do they intend on doing so with the ones mentioned for the seventh trumpet . it would be like this if you could go back in time with a bic lighter and flick your bic to a caveman then the caveman would consider you there God , so lets say the aliens bring back to life the two mentioned in the seventh trumpet , and they would make people believe that the aliens are now your Gods , make sense now , when you have the power to bring the dead back to life you have the power to make Gods of yourself , when captain kirk and spock were on the planet where they were suppose to be talking to God that wanted the USS enterprise , captain kirk ask [ what dose God need with a space ship ] what do we need with aliens that want to make us believe they are God ? now this is starting to make sense to those of you that have read revelations . My God is not an alien nor will he ever be . if this dose not make sense to you then talk to me i will listen . God bless the real God almighty .

super foods that boast your brain power .

felecia187 so here are seven foods that will boast your brain power .
1,almond butter .
2,leafy green salad with cheese chedar .
3,blueberries .
4,green tea .
5,salmon or tuna fish .
6,cherry tomatoes .
7,root vegetables .
 eating right dose have it's advantages not only for a healthy weight but for every part of your body . God bless .

Monday, November 3, 2014

daylight savings time can hurt you .

felecia187 so it is time to turn back the clocks , so will it hurt you here are four things that say it will .
1,it is like getting jet leg which means you are 14% more likely to get into a car accident .
2,the chance you will get a heart attack on the following Monday are a 24% increase .
3,your sleep will not be improved .
4,this is a good news one your mood will improve because you get more sunlight .
God bless .

Friday, October 31, 2014

Boyd Bushman worked on UFO

felecia187 this may sound crazy but Boyd Bushman on his death bed blows the lid off area 51 . search Boyd Bushman on you tube . he is a credible witness to what is really going on with the governments of the world secret labs . this man was the head of major companies that did work for the USA air force this video was made just before he died what gets me is the credibility of this witness Boyd Bushman is real and you need to watch this video to here what is real going on . enjoy the video 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

fish with human teeth .

felecia187 this is one strange looking fish it looks like it has human teeth it can grow up to three feet in length , its jaws can take your finger off , but they can make a great pet they do like to be petted , watch your fingers when you do pet it . they are called the Pacu fish God bless .

Monday, October 27, 2014

Poodle moth .

felecia187so the Poodle moth craze started with a photo that people thought was fake . it turns out it is not fake and everyone wants one as a pet . God Bless .

Friday, October 24, 2014

true cost of a Canadian speeding ticket .

felecia187the good news you got a ticket for speeding the bad news you will pay more ways then one .i tell you how to beat a traffic ticket in a previous post . depending on how many demerits you got will depend on how much more you pay for insurance , now if you got the ticket in a school or playground zone your insurance just tripled dose not matter how many demerits for that one , 50 kph over the posted speed limit you louse your license for one year , a motor bike in Fort Mcmurry got a ticket for $8,000 he was doing over 260 kph in a 100 kph zone in Sweden you get the price of a ticket based on your yearly income one guy had to pay over three million for a ticket , so slow down and drive to the road conditions because the posted speed limit is for sunny dry roads any rain or snow will drop the speed limit to road conditions , this means if you are driving 100 kph posted in a snow storm you can get a ticket for reckless driving not kidding , God bless .

Thursday, October 23, 2014

UFO on mars rover nasa

felecia187that's right this is the photo taken by the NASA mars rover on mars judge for yourself if you think it is a real UFO . too bad it was not a video .

update 28 Malaysia flight 370

felecia187 so Indonesia has been alerted to the fact that maybe some of the flight of 370 will wash up on there shores . but Indonesia says that if there is any it will wash up in Australia shores . I say we are all being lied to about what really happened to flight 370 and you can read that in my previous post on flight 370 . not much of an update but not much left of the plane . God Bless .

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Food of the Gods . duckweed .

felecia187 duckweed , when disaster strikes you need a food source put duckweed into the nearest pond lake slow moving river any where , there are fish and this food source will double in size every 48 hours as long as the fish are not eating it .you then wash it off like lettuce and you can eat it fresh or use it in a stir fry or salad or make soup with it . 
           Label 100gr
89 calories
potassium       8%
carbs               4%
diet fiber        31%
protein           16%
 you can live off this stuff and it reproduces itself so you don't have to keep adding seeds no work needed to grow this stuff you can grow it on top of your fish tank . all you have to do with aquponics is harvest it and you can use it as fish food this is the greatest food for aquponics no fish food to buy no up keep no work this could be the lazy persons food , God Bless .

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

hover board from back to the future really works .Marty Mcfly .

felecia187 the hover board from Back to the Future has been made yes you did hear me right . the board has been made by Arx Pax they are now on line raising money to mass produce the hover board it is suppose to be ready for sale in 2015 it is a magnetic board that hovers over a sheet of copper . the one they have now can run for 7 minutes , and weighs 100 lbs . they are developing one that will weight a lot less and have more battery life . the cost to have your own hover board is $10,000 this would be awesome for someone to start their own business with you could charge $20 for 10 minutes and people would be lined up for blocks just to ride the back to the future hover board . contact them and get your business ready for 2015 . God bless .

paralyzed man cured yeah you heard me right .

felecia187 this is an awesome day because today doctors have cured spinal injuries is this the end to being paralyzed they took the cells from his sense of smell and implanted them into the part of his spine that was severed . and what do you know he now is walking after years of being paralyzed . this is not a joke the cells they used keep growing back . they are now going to do 10 other people to see if it works on them . the end of spinal injuries is over . God bless .

Monday, October 20, 2014

business phone scam cost billions .

felecia187 talk about being in the red business all over the world are getting ripped off and it is costing billions . here is how it works a company in Africa hacks a business phone line out side Africa and reroutes the business phone to a adult or physic line and sells the phone time to the other line for $0.24 per minute the company that got hacked owes for the calls the hackers made , the hackers pay nothing for the phone time but make big profits selling it to the buyer . $0.24 dose not sound like much but when you see that the company phone was being ripped off for 222 minutes each minute one minute would make the hacker $53.28 per minute and they hack the phone line all weekend so for a period of 24 hours that would be $76,723.20 per day . well that is the bad news now for the good news to prevent this from happening you can do this get a phone provider that has a system set up to deal with this , then you don't pay when it happens to you because the provider has safety checks in place to prevent it from happening to your company . the other thing you can do is don't use internet phone lines for your company , that is why they are called hackers . God bless .

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

two ingredients pizza dough

felecia187 so to do this is simple .
 1 cup Greek yogurt .
 1-1 1/2 cups self rising flour .
mix in a bowl and kneed after 8 minutes add flour if to sticky then make your pizza out of the dough add olive oil and your toppings . then bake in oven at 450 degrees and for 10 to 12 minutes it is that simple .
God bless .

ALS cure maybe .

felecia187 so the ice bucket challenge raised $100,000,000 in the month of August that is 12 times what they raised last August . so science now thinks that a lack of copper in the DNA of people who have ALS maybe what is causing the genetic mutation in the DNA to cause people to develop ALS when test with mice were done in replacing the lost copper the mice lives increased by 12 % this gives hope to the people who have ALS research is now paying off . God bless  

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

nearly blind stem cells improve vision .

felecia187 so they are now using stem cells to help people who are almost blind to see this is the worst cases to have stem cell put directly into the eye . but when testing is done maybe if you want to improve your vision all you have to do is go to your eye doctor and get a stem cell shot in your eye and within weeks you will be able to see better no more glasses awesome . and no more lazer surgery this could be the new treatment we have been waiting for . God bless .

Autism treatment new .

felecia187 so a new treatment makes people with autism mentally better but yeah here is where it gets bad the drug is not on the market , they got the drug from vegetables yeah you heard me right the extract is sulphoraphane now to get the same benefits you would have to eat a lot of vegetables to do it . all of the group tested showed improvement , so how long before you can get this i do not know but we will see . God bless . 

flight 370 27 Malasyia

felecia187 so here we are at six months and no sign of flight 370 so the search is back on for even more money $57,000,000 for this one how much now ? don't know . any how now the experts are saying conspiracy that's right you heard me CONSPIRACY which is stupid because i have been saying that in my last 26 updates on this so how is this going to end because our tech has made it harder to cover this with a lie . God bless .

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Diabetes cure .

felecia187 so they may have finally found a cure for type 1 diabetes by using stem cells from your own body to make cells that regulate your sugar levels . when you use your own cells to make stem cells there is very little chance of rejection . which means you don't need to take drugs for the rest of your life after treatment . one shot and you are done with this forever what else can they do with stem cells ? we will see . God bless .