Friday, January 17, 2014

felecia187 and BOOM goes the BOMB , welcome to Edmonton Alberta Canada air port where  you can bring anything that goes BOOM , this kid named Skylar Murphy did just that when he packed a pipe BOMB in his carry on , they even tried to give it back to him , maybe the American system isn't so stupid after all he gets a one year suspended sentence , if he was colored he would have got life , that's right the 18 year old is 
white enjoy your flight lol. 
felecia187 so the sex industry in la is moving to sin city that's right las vages this is because condoms must be worn by all male , there are other things that make the move better for this industry , i am going this is stupid in the first place because , the internet killed this industry a long time ago , you can get every thing on line so you don't have to go out to the nearest shop to get it , most sites are free , you can get it delivered in a brown paper package , video sales are down , the alnight theaters are gone , and you don't have to leave the privacy of your own home to get your women turned on , that's right i said it women turned on , hey men  are always turned on , this dose help  the crime rate because the lady's of the evening are also easily found on line and next year in Canada the lady's of the evening are legal , so now the government is going to start taxing them go figure , i guess the women will start to complain about that also , this believe it or not all reduces the crime rate in your area , so we should rejoice for a change in this industry , it means more tax dollars for our government to throw away , enjoy  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

felecia187 this is the great truth about hemorrhoids , the cause to pregnant women and men is really quite simple , the reason is that everyone has two major blood veins that connect the top of the body to the bottom , now when these veins get pressure put on them ,which comes from your tummy , this pressure is caused by a baby sitting in your tummy wrong or your intestines having trouble digesting your meal , this puts pressure on your veins which causes them to relive that pressure by building up in your bum , it is kind of like taking a long balloon and making the air stay all in one end , now to get rid of these nasty hemorrhoids is you can get a doctor to operate , and get them back , change your diet , and get them back , and the list goes on , now before i tell you how to get rid of hemorrhoids , i will first tell you how this cure for hemorrhoids works , a eye doctor in the English journal of medicine gave his clients 10,000 iu of this , well he discovered that the veins would get bigger and the blood flow to the eyes and the rest of the body would increase , the other thing is that 60% of the population of the world die with some form of scurvy , have you guessed what it is yet , vitamin C 500 to 1000 mg per day will start the repairs to you system so the healing will begin , vitamin C thins your blood , and helps you digest your meals better , i have not had one in 16 years with this vitamin C , i don't know if smoking or drinking liquor , or coffee will have an effect on this , because i am allergic to smoke and liquor , no i am not recovering i real am allergic to liquor , a change of diet is good for you anyway , i also have noticed that i can now drink milk more often ,one vitamin a change of diet and no more pain in your ass , or you go get cut up by your doctor when ever you have a flare up , vitamin C , or pain at the doctors office hum vitamin C 500 to 1000 mg per day i notice the change in as little as three months , and no more pain in my ass since so that is why you get them and how to cure them your ass will thank me for this . enjoy   

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Strangest Coincidence Ever Recorded? - Strange as it Seems (2010)

felecia187 OK this one seams really weird , but my advise is if you get on a ship , and one of the passengers name is Hugh Williams , then get the hell off and find another ship to sail you will know what I mean just watch .  

Monday, January 6, 2014

felecia187 lady gaga says that she got used by people she trusted , she said they were in it for the money , and that the millions she has made doing this was not worth it , haha the music industry all so has used meatloaf he made $24,000 off the bat out of hell album even though it sold 24 million copies , alana milles made nothing of her first album , people in the entertainment industry are thought to make millions well the truth of the matter is they only take home a third of what they make , taxes , agent fees , hair dressers , body guards , and the list goes on when it comes to making this type of money you got to realize that crooks are everywhere this is also true in the sports industry , many of these celebrities do not know how to balance a check book , when you make this kind of money you better learn how to take care of your money yourself , first and foremost pay your taxes , then set a budge on how much you need to spend and what you want to spend , when you start a tv show or cut an album you do not get paid anything for the first year when the money it makes gets total up , this is the same if you write a book so keep this in mind .     

Friday, January 3, 2014

felecia187 well it is now 2014 and time to make predictions OK so this is more snow then i have ever seen in Alberta Canada , we had a major flood in Calgary in 2013 , my prediction if the snow melts all at once like it did to create the flood of the century in Calgary in 2013 then this flood to come will make the flood of the century look like a puddle , so people better get ready for the disaster of disaster to come , what is your prediction for 2014 .  

Friday, December 27, 2013

felecia187 so i was wondering how i could upload the documents of the abuse of my children and myself i came across a web site called you can hit this button on my blog at the top right of this blog , you will go directly to the documents that i entered as evidence , this is not for the timid , these are the documents that the abusers of my children gave to me , it is not easy to read about child abuse and we would all like to think this shit never happens but this is not a perfect  world this hurts me the most , but uploading these documents is easier then reading them , not being normal has a few draw backs like the ability never to forget how my children and i have been abused by the very system that is suppose to protect us , on one of the documents you will see that i got arrested for [ being a man ] true story but a long one to tell , i went everywhere did everything talked to contacted and met more people to stop this shit from happening , in the end the abuse continues to this day and to be honest there is no one you can turn too to stop people from abusing your children or violating your human rights here in Canada , when you try and stop the abuse it seems they abuse your children more , the list of who has done this is long when you go to click on my link to the right of this page and when you start reading all i can say is welcome to my hell .  

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

felecia187 it is almost time for the big  guy to slide down your stack and leave you your gifts , so what have you done to make some have a good Christmas , free toys for the girls and boys , paid off some ones Walmart tab , help a older person across the street , shovel your friends sidewalk , sweep off some ones car , give a hug just because , tell them you love them , be a secret Santa , embrace this holiday for what it is meant to be , they stopped and sang Christmas songs  during a battle off world war two , surly this is a sign that we can have love for our fellow person , whether you believe in Christ or not make your self happy by making some one else happy it actually works , merry Christmas to one and all .

Sunday, December 15, 2013

felecia187 more people should buy kids a present for christmas because you don't know if they are being abused by there parents and if you bought a kid a present and it turned that they are being abused you just showed the [silents of abused kids] that the world is not all bad , you just made that kids day.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

felecia187 you can add 500 url channels to your adsense account with google this could come in handy if you want to make more money .

Friday, December 6, 2013

felecia187 today i got my first payment from google adsense so i will be making more videos hopefully great ones thank you for watching and making this day possible .

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

felecia187 i'm back no i am not dead yet update you can make 5% commision on this if you can find me a lawyer to take my case , that being said this is page three of the doucumtation ; rick e howarth hello , victor [thats me] rick howarth [double crossing lawyer that is him] returning your call , i got your last message. i don't know what to tell ya . i know what you're saying , you don't want to agree , that if you agree you give up your right to an appeal , you can't appeal what you agree to . so we should talk about that . i don't think i can get you what you want . i guess i want to be , you know , up front with you . i hope i have been up front with you . i don't think i can get you what you want .  in fact , i can almost guarantee you i can't get you what you want , so we might have to think about something else. i don't want to run a three day or a four day or even a two day trial when i know i can't get you what you want , so what i'm thinking about doing is i'll just give you your money back because i'm not sure i'll be able to give you what you want. so give me a call and we'll talk about it , 342-7400 , thanks. bye.  hi the last part of this part of the doucuments is next and i am going to tell you in the next part why he did this you will be a pissed as i am . 
felecia187 oh yeah page two ; remember you can make money by finding me a lawyer for this so here goes victor pizzey central alberta reporting professional building #400 , 4808 ross street , red deer ,ab t4n 1x5 phone 1-403-340-3414 fax 1-403-309-4636 date of invoice january 14, 2010 attention victor pizzey [thats' me] telephone messages left by rick e howarth attendance time .5 hours @$70.00 per hour 4 pages @$4.75 per page (original and one copy) please note : interest will be charged on overdue accounts past 30 days @18% per annum , paid in full jan 15 2010 gst#126891969 total $56.70 10766 please make payment payable to central alberta reporting  please remit duplicate of invoice with payment . thank you , so ends page 2 i paid cash if you know a lawyer who can help me then you could earn 5% of my take .page three is next on the last page i will tell you why rick e howarth did what he did , i know they are watching .

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

felecia187 as i said in my last post you should read the last one before you read the following ones so here goes all hell is going to break their balls on this one page one ; original telephone messages left for victor [me or felecia187 or victor pizzey ] by rick e howarth [ my laywer red deer alberta canada] trudy seykora, csr(a) examiner [of the tape in my safety deposit box ] central alberta reporting red deer , alberta  1-403-340-3414 this ends page one page two is next and the law society of alberta did nothing oh and i need a fucking lawyer to sue these bastards for there part in this so if you can help me find one that would be great and i will give you 5percent of my share from the law suit so that ends page one of this part of the court doucuments there is money in this if your refferal to a lawyer makes me money .next page .you will find out how this lawyer screwed my ass when i finish with the next 4 pages .remember you can get free money by getting me a lawyer .
felecia187 this is a build up to my next post so here goes you will know why i did this one first when you see the next one . ok so here this one is . your lawyer owes you , as the client , a duty of loyalty . your lawyer [rick e howarth]can't simultaneously represent you and another client with legal interests that conflict with yours [me victor pizzey] this is a conflict of intrest and in my[victor pizzey] case he also commited breach of contract . now to make this even better i do know they are watching , so if i end up dead well heroes don't die cowards.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

felecia187 this is page 2 ; in the court of queen's bench of Alberta judicial district of red deer between Victor T Pizzey [ this is me ] and Loretta Florence Rooks [ the bitch ex wife ]  in the coutinuing matter of custody and access to the child Alexander Timothy Pizzey [ my son ] court file#:4810-014690 the honourable justice j.l.foster last hearing date: September 13 , 2000 [ and still going on big money spent ] respedtfully submitted by: Colin Dykes , [ he had sex with my ex so she could keep the children and continue the abuse ] notary public central Alberta Homestudies Red Deer , Alberta c.a.h
felecia187 i just read that my favorite tv show Charmed may get a rebot from warner brothers , this being said is that some things should be left as they are , sometimes the first is the best and should remain that way .

Monday, October 28, 2013

felecia187 people on you tube are getting pissed because google wants them to join google plus and combine both accounts into one they also want you to use your real name on you tube they are doing this shit by forcing pop up on your channel , so if you have a problem with this shit then phone you tube at 1-650-253-0000 or fax them at 1-650-253-0001 or better yet write them at you tube llc 901 cherry ave . san bruno ca.94066 now if you just want to get rid of the pop ups then set your pop up blocker to high .they are doing this to increase there rating with so that they can charge more for there advertising so instead of logging in to you tube or google plus and getting one view each you will be logging into both and getting two views for one this i find is unfair and is a cheap way to fix the view counts and web sites like should be made aware of this diception so that the counts for your adverting dollar can be made to be fairer then the cheap underhanded way google is working the counts , by hte way has beat google this year in ratings and views so keep it up yahoo and kick they cheaters asses . you tube was the greatest until they sold out to google .

Friday, June 14, 2013

felecia187getting closer to the truth can be a pain but you will belive get me on the steve wilcok show and i will prove this shit is real.

Friday, June 7, 2013

felecia187hi again my followers you can find the court documents on [] under felecia187 i am looking for a law firm to take on my case , i know the law society of alberta canada has me on there black list so this will make things more interesting in the near future , now that the documents are now being posted on line and soon will be posted here thank you for your help . you can find the documents at the above and download them and post them yourself this would also help the documents are not for the weak of heart.