Saturday, May 31, 2014

trick to bad breath

felecia187 this one smells yeah the breath , 90% of your bad breath comes from your tongue , so you need to do more then just mouthwash you need to get a tongue rake and scrap your tongue clean of the bacteria that is causing you to have bad breath , brushing your tongue will only smear the bacteria around which will cause more bacteria to grow and make your breath smell even worse , so get a tongue rake and get your friends back ha ha little joke there , so enjoy .

Friday, May 30, 2014

how many words can you make with your calculator ?

felecia187 how many words can you make with your calculator ? well i have the answer i will list the numbers first then the word next to it , so get a calculator and play along , here we go .
77145 shill 
7715 sill
7714 hill
41 hi
7734 hell
34 he
345 she
7734 sell
7714 hello
77345 shell
710 oil
7105 soil
05 so
09 go
5309 goes
7719 gill
739 gel
907 log
937 leg
807 lob
3807 lobe
8075 slob
0937 lego
7334 heel
51 is
3705 sole
335 see
5537 less
008 boo
808 bob
58008 boobs
818 bib
918 big
607 hog
304 hoe
3045 shoe
0045 shoo
7718 bill
7738 bell
3718 bile
55378 bless
55178 bliss
5507 loss
5508 boss
338 bee
9908 bogg
938 beg
805 sob
3504 hose
339 gee
having fun yet , see how many sentences you can make with your calculator , enjoy .

flight 370 Malaysia part 24

felecia187 is this ever going to end ? so now they say for sure that the flight did not crash where they thought the pings were coming from [ USA HAS THE DAM PLANE ] but now there next stupid trick is to map the ocean floor , then bring in better sonar subs to search where they think it might be , they have asked the USA  for there documents about there microphones that they have in the ocean to see if they can tell them where the plane is , gets better now they are talking money how much to do this search for the next year ? price tag $60,00,000 so how much has all this cost to date ? do not know the answer to that , when will this end ?, no clue enjoy .

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

flight 370 Malaysia part 23

felecia187 and here we go again , so they have released the satellite data but they are still holding some of it because of security reasons , yeah right , so now they are going to map the sea floor and release all the data that they find this will determine the best places for the underwater sonar to search for the missing flight 370 , so it will take three months to map the sea floor which will be the area of 60,000 square km , not done yet then they will send in the sonar subs , the whole thing will take one year , i think what they are doing is hoping that this story fads away , the best bet is that the USA hijacked the plane read my previous post and you will learn why , enjoy 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Indian casino in Calgary Alberta Canada

felecia187 so the reservation in Calgary got $240.000.000 so the ring road can go threw , they also have a casino now before all this started the casino paid out big time someone was always winning , but now that they have started to build a hotel next to the casino and with all the money they got from the city no one wins anything anymore , they don't pay taxes on any of the money made at the casino they could put 80 per cent back into the games and still make a whole lot of money but now they just got greedy just like the white man , i was there when two women won $22,000 , i was there when a man playing won over $400,000 i even won money , but now the money is going into the pockets of thieves there casino is no longer as popular as it used to be , there people still live in poverty well the chief and there members rake in millions what gives when you can not even help your own kind , OH and the government is still giving them even more money , this band used to own downtown Calgary not kidding so they sold all that land which was making them millions a year in revenue , but there people still starve what gives , send your people to college motivate them educate them and give them a fair share of the wealth , knowledge is power so show your people how to get empowered , and put more money back into the machines this will get more people to go to your casino and make you more money DUH , enjoy 

Monday, May 26, 2014

how to turn cards into dominoes

felecia187 here is something fun to do , first you will need  a deck of cards , they cost a dollar at the dollar store , then you will need a pair of scissors , you cut two lines on the bottom of the card one on both sides , then you turn the flap you just made by cutting , you turn them opposite of the other then you can stand them up and make a roll of dominoes cards , this is also much cheaper then real dominoes so , enjoy 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

up date on flight 370 out of Malaysia part 22

felecia187 silence , the government of Malaysia is 100% silent now the conspiracy theories rule , do not let them get away with this , keep screaming talking blogging push push , enjoy 

new crater on Mars

felecia187 so they have found a new crater on Mars , here is a thought how about you send one of those robots over to check it out ? when the last one landed on Mars it made an impact crater that blew away the top layer of the ground , but they did not sent the rover over to investigate , why ? this was a great opportunity to see what was under the surface of Mars , is there something they don't want you to know ? and what happened to the bright light on Mars did they go and investigate that ? no , so what gives are they trying to hide something ? get with it you NASA  scientist are suppose to be smart so get with it , enjoy .

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Omar Khadr being sued for 50 million dollars

felecia187 this sick murder should be hung until dead , so this is what is going on he in now in prison in Bowden Alberta Canada which is twenty minutes from where i live , the Bowden prison is for sex offenders yeah you heard me right it is also minimal security , this scum should be at Spy Hill prison in Calgary Alberta Canada where they eat people like this for lunch , any how he is suing us Canadians for violations of his rights by the Canadian intelligence for $20.000.000 , while the widow of Sgt Christopher is suing him for $50.000.000 he has no defense because he pleaded guilty for the murder of several men two of which he murder in front of his dad to get his dads approval this is a full blown terrorist that is bragging about what he is doing to the Canadian justice system , what happened to Stephen Harpers tough on crime ? a butcher is butcher no matter how old he was or is , enjoy .

the truth about charity lottery in Canada

felecia187 they should have better rules for charity lottery in Canada , here in Canada you do not pay tax on a windfall so all the prizes that are won in these lotteries are free , this is good , your odds of winning a prize in a charity lottery in Canada are better then the state lottery , this is even better , now the down side , tickets will cost you any where between $10.00 to $100.00 per ticket you can also get group tickets at a discount like instead of one ticket for $100.00 you can get three for $200.00 , the cost to buy a ticket is high , now the real awe-full truth is that the charity that is selling the tickets to raise money for sick kids , air ambulance and things like that do not get as much money as you might think the children lottery only gets about 4% on the dollar the rest goes to advertising , phone centers and the one running the lottery , now i think that most of the money should go to what they are selling tickets for not everyone but them , it is better to donate your money directly to the charity because then 70% will go to where it is suppose to go in the first place and you can write it off on your taxes , but you can not write of the lottery ticket , enjoy . 

Friday, May 16, 2014

truth about horoscopes

felecia187if you read your horoscope in the paper every day , you should realize that it dose not fit you personally , it is based on  your birthday , now a real horoscope would include your birthday , your chines sign , position of stars and planets , basically a lot more details would go into it , the one in the newspaper is very poor when you take into account how many people have your birthday , so the one in the newspaper is really not specific to you , so if you believe that your future can be told then you should seek out someone who will give you a real reading and not charge you an arm and a leg for it , enjoy

weird foods we love

felecia187 so you have a craving for something weird , like pickles and ice-cream , deep fried chicken , orange and onion sandwiches , these cravings could be telling your body that you lack something such as not enough salt in your diet , or you are pregnant , people who smoke prefer salty foods , which is stupid because people who smoke only taste the salt never the food , what is your craving , some of mine and i have many , peanut butter and pork and beans together , a large amount of cookies , chocolate milk , and apple sauce , i used to soak up chicken noodle soup with crackers then pout in ketchup , i did this until i found out that i have an allergy to tomatoes , bummer ,if you have a craving like the ones here your just normal and probable need adventure in your life so enjoy .

the kids shows we used to watch

felecia187 so my girlfriend bought me a kids show that i used to watch as a kid , it was great fun at the time , but now that i watched it again i realized that it was a load of garbage how could something so bad entertain me as a kid but be so bad to watch as an adult , so if your teenagers are misbehaving then force them to watch the shows they loved as a kid in front of there friends this should straighten them out but quick , enjoy

steel toe verse composite

felecia187 red for bloody don't worry i will make this short , the difference between steel toes and composite toes is simple composite will crush your toes but you can heal from that , steel toes will cut your toes off , this you will not heal from , so save your toes and buy csa approved composite toes your feet will love you for it , enjoy 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

how to dye your hair with jello

felecia187 yes you heard me right how to dye your hair with jello , so you will need to put water on the stove about two liters worth and bring to a boil , now pour your jello in to the boiling water , after the jello has been dissolved , you then pour it into a bowl , now you place on the table and sit in a chair and put your hair into the bowl with jello the longer you leave your hair in the jello the darker your hair will become , about 30 minutes for most depending on how dark you want it to be , this dye job will last about one month , so what color are you going to dye your jello hair ,OH one more thing you must get the sugar free jello because the one with sugar will leave your hair all sticky , and the sugar free one will not , enjoy 

2013 Calgary flood facts

felecia187 Calgary Alberta Canada in 2013 got hit with the biggest flood it has ever seen now the numbers .
 25 % of the province was flooded .
 2,300 Canadian troops were deployed .
 32 state of emergency declared .
 1,000 km of roads destroyed .
 six billion dollar price tag .
 120,000 people forced to evacuate .
 4 people drowned .
 4,000 downtown businesses affected ,
 14,500 house damaged ,
 over 200 millimeters of rain fell on the rocky mountains ,
 Calgary set a record for rain fall June 21 45 millimeters of rain fell in a single day ,
 Bow river crested at 1,682 cubic meters per second on June 21 , the normal flow rate is 160 to 180 during spring thaw .
i posted the video of the aftermath of this flood on my video page , the good news is that over 100,000 people who were not affected by the flood showed up to help the flood victims clean the mud and destroyed belongings from the homes that were affected , in my video i show you how high the water went in to there homes yes it went way past the basement and even as high as there first floor a lot of houses have been bought out by the government and you can no longer get them insured , was global warming a factor , not , enjoy . 

how to lite charcoal the fast way

felecia187 when you go to buy your charcoal for the barbque buy a bag of charcoal that will fit into your barbque , then instead of using lighter fluid , just lite the bag on fire problem solved , enjoy 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

mosquitoes how to keep them away

felecia187 these blood thirsty mosquitoes can be kept at bay by using catnip oil , i had to get it at the pet store and the one i found is like a roll on , it works great and they say this stuff is better then DEET when it comes to getting rid of them so you don't get bit get catnip oil and your problem with these nasty creatures will go away , you put it on every two hours , enjoy 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

cure for heart burn

felecia187 see your doctor , if you need to cure your heart burn fast then do this little trick , take one teaspoon of vinegar and add it to one cup of water ,then drink it , in minutes your heart burn will go away , now this is a awesome way to get rid of heart burn , but you should talk to your doctor if your heart burn continues , heart burn can be a sign of more serious things that need to be dealt with ,remember listen to your body , it may be trying to tell you something , enjoy 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

ten ways to get rid of mosquitoes

felecia187 they are blood thirsty creatures that carry disease and if you have a friend like me you are very lucky , because mosquitoes will prefer me over you no i am not kidding ,
 1, get rid of free standing water in your yard ,
 2,garlic mix one part garlic juice with five parts water and put in a spray bottle , spray on your self , 
 3,catnip oil repeals them better then deet .
 4,get or build a bat house and hang it out side your house they can eat hundreds of bugs an hour .
 5,throw rosemary or sage on your barbecuing and it will keep them at bay .
 6,use fans around your outdoor play area , a wind of less then two miles per hour will blow them away because they suck at flying .
 7,plant lemon grass in your yard it makes it hard for them to find you because of the strong sent it gives of it masks your breath which is how they find you in the first place .
 8,they say to use bug lights , but the truth be told you kill more of the bugs that eat them they you kill mosquitoes so i say stay away from bug lights , you will find a lot more moths in a bug light they you will find mosquitoes , and moths eat them .
 9,wear light colors , don't wear perfumes they are attracted to it .