Showing posts with label killer toothpaste. Show all posts
Showing posts with label killer toothpaste. Show all posts

Thursday, August 14, 2014

killer toothpaste

felecia187 so this ingredient is in your toothpaste , mouth wash , hand soap , hair shampoo , heck it is everywhere it was put into products since 1972 , and has been placed in many more since then , it causes cancer in mice but they are trying to down play this by saying that just because it effects mice dose not mean it will effect people , but don't they use mice to test this stuff because if mice get it so will we , so now they are lying to us , shocker , this ingredient kills bacteria in your mouth that causes your gums to bleed , it is found in antibacterial hand soap and other products , some kinds of products do not have to put it on the label , say what , you heard me , the name of this cancer causing ingredient is TRICLOSAN , so if you are using antibacterial soap or toothpaste that stops gums from bleeding then stop , and tell everyone you know about this garbage , enjoy