felecia187 believe me this is stupid every cell phone in Canada and the USA is recorded which is why drug dealers never use them to sell drugs , your kids phone is being watched to see if they have sent nude photos to other cell phones , they don't have your permission and they don't need it , kids are being charged with child porn because of this , the rule is simple any photo that shows the bare skin between there neck to there ankle , and between wrist to wrist is considered child porn , this applies to people 17 years old and younger , by the way drug dealers use telephones dial , rotary , touch tone , look it up so make sure your kids know how not to use it , oh and if you had a important talk with someone on the phone and want a copy get a hold of your cell phone company and get them to give you a copy , and if you don't want someone listening to your call then talk to them in person , enjoy