Wednesday, June 18, 2014

what can you do with ketchup ?

felecia187 what can you do with ketchup .
 well you can use it to shine your copper .
 use it to clean your car parts . 
 take a bath in it to get rid of skunk odor .
 use it to fix your water damaged hair , chlorine . 
 your kids can make fake blood with it . 
 use the empty bottles to store stuff in .
hey here is an idea use it on your fries .enjoy .

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

heart disease signs

felecia187 male baldness can be a sign of heart disease , check with your doctor to determine this , it shows that you may have poor circulation in your heart .
snoring and sleep apena this could also mean you are fat either way you need to get this checked .
 headache can also be a sign and if you don't get them and you get a bad one go see your doctor right away .
 fighting with your spouse will cause a women to get a heart attack not kidding learn to communicate better .
 problems in bed you may need more then the blue pill .
 so learn the signs and exercise and eat healthy you can still prevent a heart attack even if you have bad genes . slurred speech , blue vision , pain left arm , sweating , headache , learn them kown them it could safe your life , enjoy .

belly button secret ?

felecia187 i did not know this yes even us smart people have something to learn , so your belly button is you center of gravity did not know that , and it will tell people if you are a runner or a swimmer , if you have a higher belly button then you are a runner , if your belly button is lower then you are a swimmer , men and women both even thou and yes i know this one women s center of gravity is at there hips even if you get a sex change the center of gravity is still at your hips , and a mans centre of gravity is right below his nose , and women s hips are still a women s hips after a sex change and women have one more vertbrate then men , maybe something to the Adam and Eve with the rib thing so ,enjoy .

waist size and your health .

felecia187 your waist size and your health have a lot in common , you will live longer and be more active if you have a small waist line , people who have a obese waist line will have more health problems and will die sooner then the small waist people , this is because your organs do not operate properly with all the extra fat that is squeezing them inside the organ and out , this is the same for your heart , so get fit live longer or stay fat and die sooner , enjoy .

what your bra size says about your IQ

felecia187 so you think that blonds have more fun , not if there bra size has anything to do with it , and yes it dose , women who have a larger bra size have higher IQ , this was discovered at the university of Chicago so if you have a large bra size then you have a smarter brain then the under sized blond , and no getting bigger ones dose not make you smarter , in fact %50 of women that get bigger ones try and kill themselves in the first year , you can't change who you are inside by changing how you look out side , enjoy .

Monday, June 16, 2014

myths about getting older .

felecia187 so you are getting older so will you become senile ? no keeping an active brain like reading , puzzles , mind games extra will help prevent it . just like your body needs exercise so does your brain . will you need dentures ? no because of dentist and better ways to give our selves better teeth care like oil pulling , better tooth paste . will you get sicker when you get older ? no remember to get your flue shot after 50 . will changing my lifestyle help when you get older ? yes a life of better food and exercise will help at any age . as long as you eat the same when you were young you will stay healthy ? not , you should see how i eat ,scary but i am fit and not fat but i can still eat 23 pancakes at once . i weigh in this morning at 186 lbs .fitness and proper diet even for your brain the old saying use it or lose it works here and your brain needs exercise as much as your body , enjoy .

hair facts does and don'ts

felecia187 should you brush your hair often ? no because it pulls out more hair . will hair products repair split ends ? no the only way to get rid of spit ends is to cut them . will pulling grey hair out cause you to grow more grey hair ? no . will shaving cause your hair to grow back thicker ? no . are you stuck with your hair texture from birth ? no diet and stress will change that . should you brush your hair from your roots to the tips ? no you should start from your tips and work your way up . so you have to wash your hair everyday ? no because it will cause your hair to dry out because your hair has natural oils in it . will trimming your hair make it grow faster ? no and who thought it would come on . dose washing your hair twice help ? surprise no . how do these myths get started , is someone sitting back and laughing hey i started that lol , enjoy .

how to tell if your cat is stupid .

felecia187 how to tell if your cat is stupid , easy one to do , get a TV and sit your cat in front of it if your cat watches TV then the cat is stupid , here is why cats brains move faster then the TV dose there are 32 frames per second so to put it another way you see 32 different pictures per second on your TV , but since a smart cat brain works faster then humans then they can not see the each picture , OK try this a cat would need far more pictures per second to see a TV like you or i would , now you got it , now if you know anything about breads of cat well orange tabbies will watch lots of TV , now a few strange facts about cats , there sense of smell never turns off , they will always land on there feet , orange tabbies have more toes on each foot , they are inter breed , if you cross a wild cat with a house cat you get a tame cat , not so with dogs you cross a tame dog with a wolf you get a breed that is worse then the wolf , most people who have and allergy to cats really have an allergy to pet dander not the cat , you can not bath a cat every day because it will lose its natural oil for its fur , enjoy .  

tips on being a competitive eater .

felecia187 so you want to eat lots stay fit and break records , so here is what you do .start training to swallow more then you are use too ,the day before you compete drink 15 liters of water in a couple of hours to stretch you stomach to its max , when you are competing you will be drinking lots of water to wash it down , you must learn to swallow more then you chew so downing large pieces is best , train you gag reflex to let you swallow whole foods , when you are eating hot dogs you break the wiener in half and place both parts into your mouth at once , you dunk the bun into a glass of water , and put into your mouth right after the your wiener , the bun is suppose to wash it all down , not all competitions are how much food you can eat at once , but how much  of some very HOT food you can eat at once , like ghost peppers how many  can you eat ,the more you chew the more you loss , the more you swallow the more they follow , i like , competitive eaters do not eat lots all the time most stick to a healthy diet , this is a competition to better your skill in eating , never stop learning , about what you want to do , enjoy .

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Malaysia flight 370 update 25

felecia187 Oh is this ever going to end , Ok so Malaysia wants Australia to split the cost of the search for flight 370 50 50 now the other countries involved have paid there own so far , do not know how much that is , the other countries are USA , China , Japan ,Britain , South Korea , and New Zealand . they are now searching 26,000 square miles , will they find it or dose the USA have the plane , and when are we going to know how much this is costing in total ? thank you for reading the update , enjoy .

Saturday, June 14, 2014

some easy ways to get rich that actually work .

felecia187 so you want to get rich fast who dose't , here are some ways people have gotten rich really fast .
make an app . 
become CEO of your company .
start a web site for the masses .
make lots of videos and post them on popular web sites .
invent something and make people believe they can't live with out it .
find something at a garage sale for a couple of bucks that is worth millions really dose happen .
make a computer program to make them better .
write a novel .
become a movie star .
flip real estate  .
make a better video camera .
sell your ideas on line to big companies .
remember real wealth is family .enjoy .

habits of thin people

felecia187 so you want to know the habits that thin people do that keeps them thin well here they are .
the eat three meals a day only .
they eat one meal a day at a table .
they leave some food on there plate .
they make an effort to eat health period .
they let food taste the way it was meant to be , they don't add lots of hot sauce , and salad dressing , they like the way food taste naturally .
if they over eat one day they are back on track the next day .
they don't leave some types of food out of there diet .
and they drink lots of water .
try it you might like it .enjoy .

how to hack well camping .

felecia187 doritoes make great kindling .
used tick tack container for spices salt and pepper .
my favorite take a jug of water and turn your iphone on and fave the flash light for the phone toward the jug of water the jug will give off a lot more light . enjoy .

sign that he is cheating on you .

felecia187 is he cheating on you ? find out with these tips to watch for .
changes his appearance .
his attitude toward you changes .
he seems farther away from you .
he has guilty behavior .
he seems secretive .
always gone .
don't know where he is most the time .
you feel something is going on .
he dose things different in bed with you .
talks about another women a lot .
gets defensive . will not tell you where he has been .
remember communication if there is none then there is no relationship .enjoy .

Friday, June 13, 2014

ten body parts you don't need .

felecia187 these are the ten body parts you do not need .
plica semilunaris , this is what is left of you third eyelid you can find it next to your tear duct .
darwin's point the top of the upper ear found in %10 of people .
body hair .
vomeronasal found in your nose dose nothing .it is a sensor of no use .
wisdom teeth , %35 of people no longer develop them .
auricular muscles , these are to move your ear in the direction of sound but few of us can use them now .
coccyx it is a vertebrae that was used for when we had tails some people still are born with tails .
erector pili the little muscles that give us goose bumps .
appendix this is thought to be an extra stomach .
male nipples use less .
that is the top ten but i can name , finger nails , % 90 of your liver because livers grow back , toe nails , finger prints , %75 of your kidneys , spleen , enjoy .

Thursday, June 12, 2014

are hackers smart ?

felecia187 the truth is no . this is because if you wish to hack someones computer all you need to do is learn how to on line , not kidding , two kids hacked an ATM  they found the Manuel on line that gave them a fault password , so you do not have to be smart to hack ,.but you do have to know where to find this information you need to hack someones computer , and all that information is on line , yes that means your money is not save nor is the information about you save from hackers , if the computer is one line then it can be hacked , and yes your banks computer is also on line and so are the Manuel to get into the system and your banks computer does have a fault password in the Manuel that you can find on line , enjoy .

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

how to hack a ATM

felecia187 two teenagers in Canada go online and find a ATM machine Manuel , so they go to a grocery store and with the help of the online Manuel they hack into the ATM  , they did not think that they could do it , well be good kids they then go to the bank that owns the ATM  and tell them what they have done , the bank dose not believe them , so they convince the bank that if they are allowed to prove it will the bank listen , so they go to another ATM change the password , set the sur charge to $0.01 copy out the information on the ATM how much money is in it , how many transactions it did that day , they changed the opening screen to say ( don't use this ATM it has been hacked ) then they took the information back and showed the bank , yeah now the bank listens , so the bank manger came out and thank them and got all the information the teenagers had and how they did it , the bank manger even wrote the kids a note so they would not get into trouble for being late for school , now how they did it , they found online a Manuel  for the ATM machine , the Manuel showed them how to get into the operating system , now the Manuel also gave a default password that you can use with all the ATM  machines to gain access to the system , you can even get the machine to empty the funds for you , the bank said they have the problem fixed but i don't think that all ATM machines have been fixed it takes to long to reprogram millions of ATM machines and this happened in Canada so what about the rest of the world  , all you have to do is go online and search for ATM Manuel for the type of ATM  you want to hack , enjoy .  

what is in our drinking water ?

felecia187 this can not be good if you have a fish aquarium then you know that in order for your fish to be healthy you have to add stuff to the water that you drink in order for your fish to live a long healthy life , now if your drinking water will kill your fish then what is it doing to you ? maybe we all should be asking ourselves that question so that we can make drinking water safer for everyone and not just the fish we keep at home , my daughter thought that the fish were cold one day early in the morning so she turned up the fish heater , so at around seven am i smelt fish cooking , Oh yeah they were cooked we even had a convicted fish we called Tommy if you only knew , needless to say we explained to here the importance of taking care of the fish properly , so maybe all the drinking water they deem for us to be safe really isn't enjoy .

how to make a bad roommate into a great one .

felecia187 so you have a bad roommate well start by sitting down and talking , then have them wright down what they like about living with you and what they don't like about living with you and you do the same do not hold back then exchange letters and allow yourself time to let it sink in before you sit down and talk about it , then tell them what you want to see in a roommate wright that in the letter also  , you will like what happens , you will get a new roommate or you will have a better roommate , communication works in every relationship , when the communication stops so dose the relationship , enjoy .

need a hobby collect something

felecia187 so you need something to do so collect something , ideas easy comic books that is what i collect , pens , watches , coins , stamps , you can collect anything be the first to start a whole new type of collecting , when you start collecting start small in price , you must learn that they make fakes and you must know how to spot them , yes even comic books have been faked , as you get more knowledge on what you are collecting , the more of an expert you will become ,Oh did i mention that experts can make money , blog your knowledge , open a web site that you sell your collections on , make videos on how to spot a fake , this way you can be a collector and a seller all at once , no more fun then making money at what you love to do , one person collects famous peoples socks no kidding , so have fun and enjoy .