Saturday, June 7, 2014

how much yard work to burn 100 calories ?

felecia187how many minutes to burn 100 calories when doing this type of yard work ? 
mowing lawn 20 minutes .
painting house 18 minutes .
raking leaves 23 minutes .
snow shoveling 15 minutes .
washing car 20 minutes .
pulling weeds 20 minutes .
now you know that your hard work helps you stay fit , enjoy .

burn 100 calories in these sports .

felecia187 you will need to play these sports for these amount of minutes to burn 100 calories , so here goes .
basket ball 20 minutes .
bowling 30 minutes .
darts 35 minutes .
golf carrying clubs 15 minutes .
ice skating 18 minutes .
kickball 13 minutes .
playing catch with football 35 minutes .
frisbee 30 minutes .
skiing 10 minutes .
baseball 18 minutes .
volleyball 28 minutes .
enjoy the fun that playing sports has to offer . 

burn 100 calories doing this during work out at gym

felecia187 this is how long it will take to burn 100 calories now remember that people burn calories at different rates , lots of reasons why , any how .
biking 23 minutes .
dance 15 minutes .
elliptical 8 minutes .
jumping rope 9 minutes .
weight lifting 15 minutes .
Pilates 24 minutes .
rowing machine 13 minutes .
running up stairs 6 minutes .
swimming 15 minutes .
walking 3 mph 20 minutes .
yoga 20 minutes .
Zumba 11 minutes .
enjoy the work out .

do the following diet aids really work ?

felecia187 do the following diet aids really work , 
apple cider vinegar , this one will level your sugar levels and help to stop your body from absorbing sugar so yes this one dose .
green tea dose it help you lose weight ? Oh yeah it dose it helps your body to regulate your weight , so losing weight becomes easier to do , it may also help prevent some kinds of cancer , green tea has a ingredient called catechins this is also an anti-inflammatory which helps you to burn extra calories and , and burn the body fat you already have , awesome stuff , enjoy .

Friday, June 6, 2014

Mexico news paper on paper towel

felecia187 the Mexico news paper had an idea to print the news on your paper towel in the bathroom , it prints up to date news as it comes out of the dispenser , they have three public washrooms with it and an office building , believe it or not there subscription rate to there internet site has gone up 37% , the ink will not stain or rub off on to your hands , so what next toilet paper , who knows , enjoy .

chose none of the above in election

felecia187 finally they got this one right , you can now vote for none of the above in Ontario Canada elections , this should bring more people to the poles , and they hopefully will make the results public so we can see just how many people do not like the idiots that we have to keep voting for , when we find out that the results are more in to the none of the above , they should start learning that we need people in office that will get the job done and not have to put up with the other party making sure the job dose not get done , enjoy 

the right to die is now legal in Quebec Canada

felecia187 the bill is called "dying with dignity " bill or bill 52 , this passing of the bill means that people who are terminally ill and can not care for them selves now have the right to die with dignity , now not every one can use this bill in Quebec Canada you first have to meet the proper requirements before you have the right to die , if you have a incurable illness , but you can care for yourself just fine do not count on the right to die , if you have an incurable illness can not care for yourself , need others to help you day to day you may have the right to die , the bill dose out line who can , and who can't use it as a right to die , if you or a relative want to learn more get a hold of a lawyer or doctor in Quebec Canada , enjoy .

Thursday, June 5, 2014

how much sugar and garbage is in your pop ?

felecia187 this will make a cool experiment you take your pop and pour it into a pot that you will bring to a boil on you stove , you will boil it out until the only thing left is the sugar and garbage that you have been putting into your body , you will see that the amount of sugar on the label of your pop dose not match the amount of sugar left in the pot , there is far more then you think so boil out your pop and see for yourself , you may never drink pop again enjoy .

no more diet this pill really works Garcinia Cambogia

felecia187 this pill will suppress your hunger so you eat less , it will add more muscle mass so that you will burn more fat , it will stop fat from staying in your body even after you eat , when you buy this pill you will only buy the ones made in the USA , because the ones that are made else where have way to many additives which prevent the pill from working , so only USA ,  the name of the pill is Garcinia Cambogia , and make sure the pill has at least 50% , you will lose weight with this pill , you will lose even more faster if you exercise sorry just the way it is so get some , talk to your doctor before you start anything when it comes to your new lifestyle , enjoy .

how to make a fake UFO

felecia187 this is easy and maybe someone has already done it who really knows , you get a weather balloon and before you blow it up with helium you put a couple of hundred glow sticks into the balloon after you break the glow sticks so that they will glow then you put in the helium , and when this baby gets airborne you do this at night so you can do your video and say that you saw a real UFO and no one will be any wiser enjoy .

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Canadian hockey is fixed

felecia187 ever since the last deal that was made no Canadian hockey team has won the USA Oh i mean Stanley cup how many years has that been ? so this is how it works you will get  Canadian teams into the play offs , but when it comes down to the last two it will be the USA  team that wins , they are playing on stupid people to watch a game that is fixed , they get Canadians to watch to the end which is not very much anymore , then the USA  will be the ones that really bring in the views , why ? because the USA  has ten times more people watching and ten times more people mean ten times the money in viewers , this is the only reason that Canadian hockey is fixed , because of the money they can get when they get the USA  to watch , money talks , but the Canadian people are stupid enough to buy into it , it is like a bad soap opera that never changes , i see hockey rinks put up in every Canadian city every winter and no one uses them , most kids in Canada don't even own a set of skates , let alone how to use them , this setting up hockey rinks every year is a great way to waste the tax payers money , so when are Canadians going to get smart about this ? most parents think that to get there kids into hockey is a financial burden and most Canadians would agree , hockey is getting to be like golf every one will watch the tiger but no one will buy the equipment , some Canadians will watch hockey but most will not put there kids in it , i wonder what would happen if drunk , pizza eating people in Canada stopped watching hockey ? and we tax payers stop putting up hockey rinks no one uses , although you could make money on this because if i were to bet on a winning hockey team i would bet against the Canadian team to win and i would make a lot of money doing so i could go on but i will do that later , enjoy .

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

the detox diet

felecia187 the detox diet works by flushing your system out one day a week , you basically drink water mixed with lemon juice for one whole day a week , draw back is that you will need to be close to a bathroom for this one to work , because it really will clean you out , and the more you drink the more you loss , enjoy .

the twinkie diet

felecia187 this one is easy you simply eat twinkies and only twinkies the theory is that your body will adapt to this diet and you will start to loss weight , and yes it has been shown to work , so if you have a craving for fat foods this could be it , enjoy .

the tapeworm diet

felecia187 so you go to the doctor and yes they still do this one , and you get a pill that has a tapeworm in it , you eat the tapeworm and in about a couple of months this tapeworm will grow inside you and it will help you loss weight , after you have lost enough weight you simply take a deworming pill to get rid of the tapeworm , how sick and easy is that ? enjoy .

the baby food diet .

felecia187 the baby food diet now don't get me wrong i like baby food in the jar , so here is how it works you eat baby food for one of your meals everyday this in turn is suppose to help you lose weight , easy enough , but when you change your diet for two weeks no matter how you change your eating habits you will lose weight any way , enjoy .

the cotton ball diet

felecia187 cotton ball diet , you take about ten cotton balls and you eat them , they will fill you up and make you feel less hungry , now the supermodels use cocaine cotton balls , now you will probably end up at the doctor get them removed , but when it comes to losing weight people will try anything , enjoy .

the ice diet

felecia187 the ice diet is easy you basically make a slushy out of ice and flavor , such as two table spoons of orange juice and a cup of crushed ice you can add your own flavors , about two table spoon full to a glass , the theory is that your body will burn 160 calories more for to warm up the ice for your body to digest with every one liter of slushy this diet is not proven to work but hay nice way to stay cool in the hot summer time , enjoy .

Monday, June 2, 2014

ivory soap experiment

felecia187 this is easy and quite save to do , you take a bar of ivory soap and place it into your microwave oven turn your microwave oven on with the bar of soap in it for about five minutes , the time depends on how much power your microwave has , then you will see how big your soap will really get , that's it simple , enjoy

how to start a fire fast

felecia187 this is fun , do this outside and have a pale of water encase , you take the fine steel wool , and place it on the ground , then you take a 9 volt battery and place the connections of the battery on to the steel wool , it will start on fire right away , it s that easy , enjoy .


felecia187 these bugs are called junebugs and are very poisons , they fly at night and are native to Canada i know i live here , they usually live in sand like play grounds , beaches , so do not let one bit you , you will become very sick i just made a video on my video site by the same name and it flew by my head at one in the morning before it landed under the street light in front of me , they are about four inches long , dark in color so i got out my video camera and made a video at a safe distance , it was safe because i am still here and not in the hospital , enjoy , do not play with them .