Saturday, June 14, 2014

some easy ways to get rich that actually work .

felecia187 so you want to get rich fast who dose't , here are some ways people have gotten rich really fast .
make an app . 
become CEO of your company .
start a web site for the masses .
make lots of videos and post them on popular web sites .
invent something and make people believe they can't live with out it .
find something at a garage sale for a couple of bucks that is worth millions really dose happen .
make a computer program to make them better .
write a novel .
become a movie star .
flip real estate  .
make a better video camera .
sell your ideas on line to big companies .
remember real wealth is family .enjoy .

habits of thin people

felecia187 so you want to know the habits that thin people do that keeps them thin well here they are .
the eat three meals a day only .
they eat one meal a day at a table .
they leave some food on there plate .
they make an effort to eat health period .
they let food taste the way it was meant to be , they don't add lots of hot sauce , and salad dressing , they like the way food taste naturally .
if they over eat one day they are back on track the next day .
they don't leave some types of food out of there diet .
and they drink lots of water .
try it you might like it .enjoy .

how to hack well camping .

felecia187 doritoes make great kindling .
used tick tack container for spices salt and pepper .
my favorite take a jug of water and turn your iphone on and fave the flash light for the phone toward the jug of water the jug will give off a lot more light . enjoy .

sign that he is cheating on you .

felecia187 is he cheating on you ? find out with these tips to watch for .
changes his appearance .
his attitude toward you changes .
he seems farther away from you .
he has guilty behavior .
he seems secretive .
always gone .
don't know where he is most the time .
you feel something is going on .
he dose things different in bed with you .
talks about another women a lot .
gets defensive . will not tell you where he has been .
remember communication if there is none then there is no relationship .enjoy .

Friday, June 13, 2014

ten body parts you don't need .

felecia187 these are the ten body parts you do not need .
plica semilunaris , this is what is left of you third eyelid you can find it next to your tear duct .
darwin's point the top of the upper ear found in %10 of people .
body hair .
vomeronasal found in your nose dose nothing .it is a sensor of no use .
wisdom teeth , %35 of people no longer develop them .
auricular muscles , these are to move your ear in the direction of sound but few of us can use them now .
coccyx it is a vertebrae that was used for when we had tails some people still are born with tails .
erector pili the little muscles that give us goose bumps .
appendix this is thought to be an extra stomach .
male nipples use less .
that is the top ten but i can name , finger nails , % 90 of your liver because livers grow back , toe nails , finger prints , %75 of your kidneys , spleen , enjoy .

Thursday, June 12, 2014

are hackers smart ?

felecia187 the truth is no . this is because if you wish to hack someones computer all you need to do is learn how to on line , not kidding , two kids hacked an ATM  they found the Manuel on line that gave them a fault password , so you do not have to be smart to hack ,.but you do have to know where to find this information you need to hack someones computer , and all that information is on line , yes that means your money is not save nor is the information about you save from hackers , if the computer is one line then it can be hacked , and yes your banks computer is also on line and so are the Manuel to get into the system and your banks computer does have a fault password in the Manuel that you can find on line , enjoy .

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

how to hack a ATM

felecia187 two teenagers in Canada go online and find a ATM machine Manuel , so they go to a grocery store and with the help of the online Manuel they hack into the ATM  , they did not think that they could do it , well be good kids they then go to the bank that owns the ATM  and tell them what they have done , the bank dose not believe them , so they convince the bank that if they are allowed to prove it will the bank listen , so they go to another ATM change the password , set the sur charge to $0.01 copy out the information on the ATM how much money is in it , how many transactions it did that day , they changed the opening screen to say ( don't use this ATM it has been hacked ) then they took the information back and showed the bank , yeah now the bank listens , so the bank manger came out and thank them and got all the information the teenagers had and how they did it , the bank manger even wrote the kids a note so they would not get into trouble for being late for school , now how they did it , they found online a Manuel  for the ATM machine , the Manuel showed them how to get into the operating system , now the Manuel also gave a default password that you can use with all the ATM  machines to gain access to the system , you can even get the machine to empty the funds for you , the bank said they have the problem fixed but i don't think that all ATM machines have been fixed it takes to long to reprogram millions of ATM machines and this happened in Canada so what about the rest of the world  , all you have to do is go online and search for ATM Manuel for the type of ATM  you want to hack , enjoy .  

what is in our drinking water ?

felecia187 this can not be good if you have a fish aquarium then you know that in order for your fish to be healthy you have to add stuff to the water that you drink in order for your fish to live a long healthy life , now if your drinking water will kill your fish then what is it doing to you ? maybe we all should be asking ourselves that question so that we can make drinking water safer for everyone and not just the fish we keep at home , my daughter thought that the fish were cold one day early in the morning so she turned up the fish heater , so at around seven am i smelt fish cooking , Oh yeah they were cooked we even had a convicted fish we called Tommy if you only knew , needless to say we explained to here the importance of taking care of the fish properly , so maybe all the drinking water they deem for us to be safe really isn't enjoy .

how to make a bad roommate into a great one .

felecia187 so you have a bad roommate well start by sitting down and talking , then have them wright down what they like about living with you and what they don't like about living with you and you do the same do not hold back then exchange letters and allow yourself time to let it sink in before you sit down and talk about it , then tell them what you want to see in a roommate wright that in the letter also  , you will like what happens , you will get a new roommate or you will have a better roommate , communication works in every relationship , when the communication stops so dose the relationship , enjoy .

need a hobby collect something

felecia187 so you need something to do so collect something , ideas easy comic books that is what i collect , pens , watches , coins , stamps , you can collect anything be the first to start a whole new type of collecting , when you start collecting start small in price , you must learn that they make fakes and you must know how to spot them , yes even comic books have been faked , as you get more knowledge on what you are collecting , the more of an expert you will become ,Oh did i mention that experts can make money , blog your knowledge , open a web site that you sell your collections on , make videos on how to spot a fake , this way you can be a collector and a seller all at once , no more fun then making money at what you love to do , one person collects famous peoples socks no kidding , so have fun and enjoy .

be the gamer that makes money .

felecia187 stop thinking about it get started and make money at what you love to do , you can blog your knowledge about games , make videos on how to beat games , get a hold of the ones making the games and go to work for them , you are a gamer because you love to play , well play and get paid , awesome , they won't hire you then tell them you will work for them for free for three months , then they will hire you , and if they don't you have them on your resume , win win , there is no job greater then making money at what you love to do , so become one of the many over paid gamer in the world these people make a LOT OF MONEY , the more money you make the more time you have to play , enjoy .

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

facts about soda

felecia187 this could make you sick Oh well , when soda fountains at restaurants were tested they found that %48 had human poop on them , want a drink .
%94 of the population of the world know coke .
some pop contained 69 mg of phosphorus per can .
the color of dark pop is from coal tar ,
when boiled out on a stove top pop sugar looks like tar .
enjoy your next pop .

this is why i want the price of gas to increase .

felecia187 you think that i am crazy for saying that I want the price of  gas to sky rocket , the reason for this is simple , when the price of gas goes up we learn to buy cars that get more to the gallon , right now the oil companies of the world own our transpertation needs , now in order to get other energy to replace the oil companies we need the price of oil to go higher then $300.00 $500.00 , or more this will get us to make other energy sources work , and take the power away from the oil companies and government , hey we should try making energy that everyone can use and it will cost us nothing more then the parts to make it , so you never have to pay a power bill again , still think I am nuts , well they already make houses in Canada that use no more power then they make , which means you pay more for the house , but you pay  nothing for the power to heat and run it , there is a 18 year old kid that people are backing up that wants to put an nuclear reactor under everyones house , don't worry it uses thermonite and the shelve life for thermonite when it has been used up is 18 months , this kid built his own nuclear reactor at 14 , has already made a device for finding nuclear material for making bombs that the USA is now using at boarder crossings , so the price of gas goes up oil goes up and free energy for everyone becomes a reality , because of energy effeicent homes the power compines are already felling the pinch , the oil companies are feeling it also because cars now are lasting longer and getting better mileage so the time of the big oil compyies and power compyies is finnally comming to a close enjoy .

Monday, June 9, 2014

add muscle mass no gimmicks

felecia187 so you want to get bigger with out the bull and the gimmicks , simple solution PEANUT BUTTER .this over looked food has 400 calories for half a cup and it is loaded with protein which helps in muscle growth , so peanut butter or just peanuts , you can add peanut butter to some of your food dishes as well , so enjoy the tip and the mass  you will add , steroid free .

my awesome invention to replace remote .

felecia187 so you lost the remote again here is a great idea , why not get voice command for the tv, vcr, blue ray , dvd player and much more and you will not have to worry about losing the remote ever again , enjoy

how to tell if someone is lying to you .

felecia187 is the person you are talking to lying to you well they may be if they are doing the following .
moves there head around allot .
there breathing changes .
they stand really still .
they repeat what they are saying allot .
the give you to much information .
they cover there mouths .
they cover parts of there bodies .
shuffle feet .
they can't talk .
they do not blink .
they point allot .
now keep in mind that these things can mean that they are shy , may have a health problem , or maybe they do not know how to explain what they are trying to say , these things are a lot like health issues that could be anything , but this may mean they are lying , but if you know the people you are talking too then you will know they are lying and you don't need these tips to tell you that , enjoy .

home based business .

felecia187 these are a great way to make money from home , like me , 
make jewelry at home and sell on line , do your own design and your business will grow ,
food catering you cook share the great taste of your food and have fun and make a very good living at it .
a wedding planer you get paid very well for this because you take on all the pain of making the most important day of two peoples lives happen ,
be a tutor to school kids , they have ones here that make $300 per hour per kid think about this if you love kids and like to help others then get paid for it .
if you enjoy what you do then there is a way for you to make money at it , and it is always better to enjoy what you do then to work at a job you hate , take a chance and live your life don't give your life to a dumb boss , why should they make all the money off you ,when you can make all the money doing what you love to do ,enjoy .

how cruise ships entertain .

felecia187 water slides that will scare you are big and bigger on your cruise , scare the kids and adults alike , getting wet is now more fun then ever .
 karaoke for everyone nightly for all adults who think they can entertain the masses , so you think you can sing lolol go on a cruise and have fun finding out .
 surfing on a cruise ship not kidding will the fun never end ?
 ice bars Oh yeah bars with drinks and bar tender made totally of ice great way to keep cool on a cruise .
Oh yeah rock climbing on a cruse ship Oh  did i mention you will be way above the top of the ship scared yet .
bumper cars i thought they outlawed these well i was wrong .
a full size skating rink for you to have fun on ,
all these and many more can be had on a cruise for you and the whole family , enjoy you next cruise ship vacation . enjoy .

Sunday, June 8, 2014

how to check the exhaust when buying a used car .tip .

felecia187 rule number one it is your money so learn how not to buy a lemon .
 so you want a second hand car this is one of the best was to tell if you will have problems down the road , to check the exhaust you will need a clean white rag , or white paper towel . make sure the car is running when you do this , now take your cloth and place it over the end of the exhaust so that you cover the hole completely hold it for about two minutes , now take the cloth off and see if there is any color that came out of the exhaust , if the car burns oil and it is black this means that the rings in your motor are gone , now if you get the color blue on your cloth this means the heads are gone , either way do not buy the car , now if your cloth is white then the car burns clean so this is a good indicator that you should buy the car .
black rings are gone .
blue head gasket is gone .
white car is good to buy . 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

what you do everyday will burn 100 calories in this many minutes .

felecia187 you will burn 100 calories doing your everyday chores in this many minutes .
carrying your baby 24 minutes .
cleaning 26 minutes .
cooking 34 minutes .
dishes 30 minutes .
mopping 20 minutes .
playing with your kids 23 minutes .
moving furniture 14 minutes .
shopping 38 minutes.
sweeping 23 minutes .
walking your dog 26 minutes .
all these things lead up to weight lose , enjoy .