Tuesday, April 15, 2014

the foreign worker program under fire , part 2

felecia187 so the truth about this program is coming to light , they are going to need some time to find out what is wrong with this program and what needs to be done to protect Canadian workers , so this update is about Naomi Alboim , he is the chair of the Queen's University's school of policy studies , he brings several things to light , but it is what he said that hits the home run , and i quote [ if employers would invest more into working conditions , improving wages , would there be more Canadians willing to do this job ] unquote , the answer is yes , but we already know that , the foreign worker program is basically for the food service industry and hotels , which have very low wages and bad employers , so i think this guys question should be taken more seriously then it has , because if you improve working conditions and raise the wages in any industry of course you will get more people working for you duh . there is a restaurant on Gasoline alley out side of Red Deer Alberta where the owner has a starting wage of $15.00 per hour , but she can't keep any staff even thou this is a pretty good wage , because she is a pain in the ? you get the point , if she were a nicer person people would want to work for her but even the foreign works refuse so what dose this say about bad employers who want foreign workers , it is because foreign workers do not have a right to work any where else because they are under contract and this is the only type of workers she has because Canadians will not work for her because of her attitude , so both the wages have to increase and the working conditions , enjoy .

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