Thursday, April 24, 2014

top ten stupid super powers

felecia187 these are the stupid powers that have no real reason in a fight . 
10 . madam fatal / she is a guy who dress like an old women to fight crime .
9 . bouncing boy /inflates his body into a giant ball and bounces .
8 . hindsight lad /tells you what you just did wrong and how you could do it better .
7 .dogwelder / he can weld dead dogs to people .
6 . thunderer / you put on a costume add a microphone and talk really really LOUD .
5 . zeitgeeist / he throws up on people .
4 . dazzler / blinds people for a short time with light .
3 . color kid / can change the color of objects .
2 . arm-fall-of-boy / he takes of one of his arms and beats the villain  with it .
1 . and the number one stupid power goes to squirrel girl / she can move her tail , and talk to squirrels . 
enjoy .

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