felecia187 MSG the first time i ate a burger with this my mouth got blisters in it , this was invented to increase the flavor of the food that people put it in too . they now post in the menus and on the door of the restaurants that serve MSG so that you know what to expect when you eat there , enjoy
Sunday, March 2, 2014
mcdonalds what is in there food ?
felecia187 the list of bad stuff in there food is very long so to make it short with out writing a book here they use chemicals that are used in paint products , cleaning products , and industrial plants , they have burgers which are more then ten years old left out on the counter , bugs will not eat this nor will bacteria , it will not rot out side of you , by the way they are also the largest buyers of soy beans on the planet , but hey there menu is simple enough , enjoy
what is in taco bell food ?
felecia187 dimethylpolysiloxane this is used in chalk and as a foaming agent , don't know what it dose but that means we don't know how bad it is taco bell uses it in there rice , i only ate there twice that was enough crap for me they suck , enjoy
subway bread causes asthma
felecia187 the brown bread at subway may cause asthma like breathing sinus problems , the ingredient they put in it is called azodicarbonamide this is banned in Australia , it makes the bread more sticky , watch what you eat , enjoy
Saturday, March 1, 2014
your cell and your kids cell phone is tapped being watched
felecia187 believe me this is stupid every cell phone in Canada and the USA is recorded which is why drug dealers never use them to sell drugs , your kids phone is being watched to see if they have sent nude photos to other cell phones , they don't have your permission and they don't need it , kids are being charged with child porn because of this , the rule is simple any photo that shows the bare skin between there neck to there ankle , and between wrist to wrist is considered child porn , this applies to people 17 years old and younger , by the way drug dealers use telephones dial , rotary , touch tone , look it up so make sure your kids know how not to use it , oh and if you had a important talk with someone on the phone and want a copy get a hold of your cell phone company and get them to give you a copy , and if you don't want someone listening to your call then talk to them in person , enjoy
Vince Li cold blooded murder free
felecia187 red for blood , so Vince Li cuts a mans head off on a Greyhound bus in Manitoba Canada , is found not criminally responsible and now six years later starts to get freedom after committing this murder in front of the children on the bus were there kids on the bus i don't know but hay makes a better story , any way they say as long as he continues to take his meds he will be fine , omg do they make a med that can make your kid clean there room , can you give someone a med with no side affects , if being on a pill worked then we could give pills to people to stop them from committing crimes in the first place , oh did i mention he has no criminal record so he can travel to the USA and kill again think about it , if the person that killed was your kid what would you do ? enjoy
the xl pipeline propaganda is a lie
felecia187 the truth about the advertising about the xl pipeline this is called propaganda , now what this really means is that people with money are trying to convince you that this pipeline is great for the environment and for the over all population of Canada and the USA , and this is not the case because most people do not understand the truth about this bull , it will take 900,000 barrels of water a day to put this oil sand stuff through the line this in it self is a environment disaster how lakes that is right lakes will they have to drain dry up get rid of before they realize that the tar sands can only be viable with turning it into bio fuel no other technology can make this work again dumb dumb people in power , you know why these idiots are in power it is because these lairs can't hold a real job lol truth hurt good those who can't work run for office those that can run billion dollar companies lol oh just getting started lol enjoy
Friday, February 28, 2014
Alison Redford spends $ 9,200 of your tax money premier of Alberta Canada
felecia187 so this thief is on vacation in Palm Spring California USA when she gets a plane to come from Canada pick her and her daughter up and fly them back to Edmonton Canada for a Ralph Klien memorial , now this thief knew about the memorial and could have planed this vacation a lot better then she did and since her secretarial person plans all this he should take some responsibility for this , has they dig deeper into her spending you will find even more tax dollars spend that should of come out of her own pocket because we just paid $ 9,200 for her vacation time and this is not the first time she has spend our money , enjoy
Alison Redford is a thief and here is why premier of Alberta Canada
felecia187 Alison Redford is the premier of Alberta Canada , that is right oh did i mention a thief that's better some people beat around the bush when it comes to our leaders not me a thief is a thief no matter who they steal from , this one stole $ 45,000 to go to a funeral for Nelson Mandela don't get me wrong this was a honor to sent this leader which is still a thief , now i don't know what her and her partner spent $ 45,000 on but this sounds a lot like the rich and stupid , oh i don't know Justine Beiber ring any bells , he spend $ 60,000 on a air plane to Toronto to turn himself into the RCMP , but Redford didn't make this money we did and she should have to pay it back , oh i got one how about we charge her with misappropriation of government funds yes we do have that on our law books and many a political person in Canada have been charged under this law so what do you say we charge the child abusing b*tch or make her pay it back out of her own pocket oh did i mention that she is a thief , enjoy
Thursday, February 27, 2014
what you need for safety in your car in Alberta Canada
felecia187 so you live in Alberta Canada and you drive a car or truck you do not need summer tires because it has snowed every month of the year here that's right even in July and august so you will have all season or winter tires all year round and yes winter tires all year round are legal here , you will need a candle which helps to reduce panic when you are waiting for help , you need a cell phone to call for help , and a portable radio if it is really cold the batteries in your cell will die faster so keep it warm , inside your coat , jumper cables and you better know how to use them or you will burn out your cars computer chip , blankets to keep warm matches or a lighter , a shovel , know where your jack and spare tire are and know how to change them , if the roads are bad do not drive , this doesn't matter weather you know how to drive , because it is the other idiot on the road that will crash into you because they don't know how to drive in the winter or summer for that matter , listen to road condition web sites if they have a tow ban on a road this means the road is closed so listen , if it is really cold with a tow ban you could freeze to death waiting for help to arrive , number one rule dress for the weather not for how you look , enjoy and drive save
they have free fuel
felecia187 people listen to this , because oil fracking may have caused gas to mix with the ground water they use to drink out of there well they can no longer use there water for home use anymore but , there water now will light on fire and burn of the gas that mixed with there well water , so instead of these people crying over split gas why not sell the water gas we will call it to people , they can use it for there lawnmowers , small gas engines or even for there cars , it's your water and you can under cut the oil company because it cost you nothing to use what use to be your well water , this sale of the gas water will help you ship in the water you need for your house hold use and it won't cost you a thing so make the best of fracking and sell sell sell the gas water enjoy.
how not to pay property tax
felecia187 in today's world the tax man is a thief but there are legal ways around this , you can buy a house for $500,000.00 and pay more then $5,000 a year on property tax , or you can do this , buy yourself a RV you can get a 45 foot one with the luxury of the best houses or hotels for any where from $100,000 and up , you don't have to pay property tax , most places you go to empty your waste is free you can park overnight for free at any Wal-mart , if you don't like your neighbors then start up the RV and go else where , you can get portable mail boxes from the post office or on line you can sign up for one , you don't need to go out for dinner when you can make it every where , once in a while you can get cheap camp site , you get to enjoy live any where because you are there man . you already have a cell phone so there is your phone , you can get satellite , if you have a job you like take the RV with you to work , make the RV your only home and the money you will save will add up sit down and make a list of all the money you pay a month on your house then make a list on all the money you will save , if you sell your house and live in the RV, you make payments on the house , the insurance for the house the car to get you to work , the utilities , the maintenance the property tax , the money you spend on vacations the gas for the car the car payments , you get the point yet , so with the RV you pay one insurance , one gas , one utilities no property tax no house payments no car bills so when you decide to do this than enjoy your a lot stress free live .
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
how not to pay income tax
felecia187 in order not to pay income tax do the following this works real well if you are a trades person in this one lets say you are tile setter OK do not work for anyone else but yourself you can get all the business you want from your local floor covering store they make you a contact that wants tile done you go to the house give them an estimate then you and them agree to do the tile , now you want 50 % down and you want only cash , you will get the rest when the job is done and you want cash , do not put this into a bank account now you got money and you don't have to pay income tax on it , there are millions of people that do this every year some do it all under the table some do some of the jobs under the table but most trades people do this no taxes enjoy how to screw the tax man.
government thieves property tax rip off
felecia187 so here is the thing if you own a house in Alberta Canada you have a year in which to pay off your property tax , now if you own a modular home in a trailer park here in Alberta Canada you don't have a year to pay your taxes off they put a lien on your property right a way and start the processes to sell your modular home right away , and if your trailer park is in a town , or city you get nothing for your tax dollars from that town or city , you don't get RCMP , garbage removal , water ,sewer,public rec centers nor do you get snow removal there is one set of rules for house owners and another set for modular home owners this is f'n harassment by the government that steals our money and gives themselves over inflated pay the public should be able to tell the government how much they should get paid because we pay them to do a job and we should start to get our money worth , oh do not buy a modular home here in Alberta Canada unless you have your own lot to put it on , it is time we start to give the government a pay cut until the job we hire them for gets done right , enjoy
the hours of the RCMP in Canada
felecia187 this is stupid but i think if i say something they will change the hours , because if criminals know this then they have to change it , OK here goes listen closely the RCMP in alberta and most other provinces have there shift change at 7 am and at 7 pm , this means that most of the RCMP are not there to help you because they are on there way to work or getting off work , i have never gotten a traffic ticket at either of these times , this needs to change before the bad guys catch on , so the best time to commit a crime would be at 7 am and at 7 pm so change it to be a different hours of the day several times a day before they catch on this way you should have the same amount of RCMP on duty at any given time , because the way it is is that you are short members at the two time of day that i have listed enjoy
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Olympic figure skating
felecia187 crash and burn baby , this is one of the only events that dose not require the judges to judge the competitions based on a set of rules , take the high dive for instance it has a set of rules and regulations to judge the divers performance , there is no such regulations in figure skating which is why it sucks to get judged a better performance then the best skater just because the judge took a liking to them , one of the rules i think they should use , which they do use in almost all other sports at the Olympics is that if you fall you're done go home , if a skier falls you're done they go home , so if you fall in figure skating then you should have to go home you're done , make a set of rules that all judges must follow and this bull with figure skating will end , or don't have this competition at the Olympics , enjoy
Friday, February 21, 2014
spring is in the air fishing
felecia187 spring is in the air , this is the time when fishing season which starts on my dads birthday April 1 , no i am not kidding my dads birthday is April first , i look forward to casting my first hook into the warm waters of Alberta , this year i am also going fishing in the bow river , which is the top 5 fishing spot on the planet , i don't ice fish , because standing on a giant block of ice freezing my ass off to catch a fish that has no fight in it is not my cup of tea , i like when the temperature is 32 c for at least 3 days this makes the water hot and the fishing great , they fight like power house , its like towing your car with your rod , yeah you fishing guys and ladies know what i mean , all fish fight better when it is warm , dragging a cold fish throw a hole in the ice is like not fishing at all they have no fight when they are cold , but when they are warm look out , hang onto that rod and pray , now that's what fishing is all about the only thing that matters is you and the fish the rest of the world can go to hell , stress relief i call it , i need another rod .
Olympics and the truth
felecia187 to bad i couldn't make this one brown , this is about the harsh conditions of the winter games in Russia , now the truth will be told right here , you are not allowed to use toilet paper , and flush it down the Russian toilet , no this is not the truth part , this is have you ever used Russian toilet paper you can buy any kind as long as it is there kind , sandpaper mean anything to you , your butt will bleed if you use there toilet paper to much , so the truth is "bring your own" there toilet paper more then clogs toilets it grinds the pipes and no i am not talking sex , the government of Russia gets the best and the people get the rest , this is because you have two types of people in Russia the rich , and the poor , they don't have a middle class and this causes problems even for toilet paper , they don't promote competitions in Russia unless it has to do with the Olympics , hell most Russians don't even pay taxes but the toilet paper is a real bum wipe ha ha get it bum wipe .
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Rob Ford on Ford Nation
felecia187 so Rob ford and his Brother are now on You Tube there channel is called Ford Nation they talk about varies things from the gay flag to sports and politics they now have over 3,000 subscribers ,they are getting some good views , some of the things they discuss do have merit and even thou rob is a stupid drug addict they all are , he still has some good points on what is really going on in Toronto Canada , now you may not agree with his personal life but good points are good points no matter who says them check it out you may find that this dumb ass and his brother may be right on some things .
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
felecia187 there is an asteroid that is over 300 meter wide that will come close enough to the earth tonight that you will be able to see it with a good set of binoculars , no it is not going to crash in to earth , there are a lot of close calls that miss the earth everyday , they don't get press because they are not big enough , so i wonder how big do they have to be in order for us to see it in the press , and what do we do if the big one is coming , will we know so we can start to be nice to others knowing the end is near , or dose all hell break lose , maybe it would be better if they didn't tell us , what do you think to know or not to know ?
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