Friday, March 7, 2014

oil pulling for your health

felecia187 it is called oil pulling and this is how it works , you take a teaspoon of oil , coconut , peanut , or a other oil of your liking and put it into your mouth and swirl around between your teeth and gums for about twenty minuets then spit it out , they say it makes your teeth whiter and helps to stop your gums from bleeding and sensitivity , some dentist swear by this , weather it works or not your guess is as good as mine , but they have started studies on this so we should know some day if it dose work in the mean time give it a try , i do know that a teaspoon of oil a day will help you lose weight , enjoy 

how to make money $$$$ off of Justin Bieber legally

felecia187 this is one of the easiest ways to make money of a famous person like Justin Bieber , you can take his photos and videos of his arrest and you can post them to you tube and other up load sites now you don't have to pay for them and they are legally yours mine and everyone else this is because the photo and videos where entered as evidence in court and when anything gets entered into evidence in court it automatically becomes public property this means any one can use it and you don't pay a dime to do so so no one can claim copy rights on court evidence , pretty cool think memorabilia t-shirts cups posters you get the idea , so because Elvis didn't copy right any thing people made millions of his death until his ex wife copy wrote every thing , so think about it Bieber is a freebie so milk it for all you can , Elvis made 4 billion before he died , and they made more then that the year he died , enjoy    

what my daughter said when she was three .

donations so we were walking outside it was about -10 c that is warm in this winter wonder land , so i said shalene you better zip up your coat more , or you will turn into a Popsicle , then shalene said , then everyone will want to lick me , no kidding where do kids get this from , enjoy

Thursday, March 6, 2014

top 10 reasons Rob Ford doesn't have a problem lying

felecia187 top 10 reasons Rob Ford doesn't have a problem lying .
10 , rehab i don't need no dam rehab.
9 , my brother never sold drugs .
8 , i never went to the jail to bribe someone .
7 , Jimmy Kimmel is so my friend .
6 , what video of me in a restaurant .
5 , take that dam gay flag down , ops i didn't mean it that way .
4 , hey RCMP  arrest me ha ha ha . 
3 , i didn't triple everyone's salary at city hall .
2 , what crack video .
1 , and the number one reason Rob Ford doesn't have a problem lying is , to his wife , but honey i didn't have sex with the hooker i paid to come to my office . 

how the press creates stories

felecia187 i will give you an example on how the press creates stories , easy one the weather this may seem stupid and it is but this is how to create a weather story , lets say you live on the west side of Canada it just snowed one foot or 30 centimeters now the people who live in the west have this happen a lot so if you live in the west no big deal off to work you go , but the press will air a story something like this [ the west has got hit hard with the storm of the century schools are closed and so are the highways , accidents are closing  in town roads worst this reporter has ever seen ] now they will not air this story in western Canada , instead they air it in eastern Canada , and that is how to create a bull s*** story in the press , enjoy

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

how the wars of the world are changing

felecia187 bloody wars not as much anymore , the wars of the world now have a lot to do with the freedom of the people , Russia may look powerful but they also have a line they can't cross because the rest of the world will put sanctions on them if they do this will cause a lot of pain for there government and there people and because we have internet to show the rest of the world what is going on in sanction countries like North Korea the sanctions can be debilitating for there governments , that is not all we can do to prevent a war from starting the USA  was stopped by the people of the USA  from going to war with Sierra  , hackers are also becoming one off the world hero's when it comes to fighting the country which may try going to war , hackers have wiped bank accounts just cause they have also found people who don't want to be found we are in a new age of war , where it won't be people that die but more like counties bank accounts wiped out , and sanctions that prevent any thing for going into , or coming out of a country that is trying to start a war , this works most of the time North Korea is a different story , if you believe in church then there is always an Antichrist here at any given time , right now that would be North Korea , before that Uganda , Germany , Rome , and many more Hitler came the closest to being the Antichrist that's right Armageddon , the wars from now on will be more political then lots of blood being shed this could be a good thing , one thought on war is this how about  if Russia invades the Ukraine and everyone that lives there up and leaves no one lives there what is Russia going to gain ? nothing because with out a work force the country is worthless this is called passive aggression  which simply put means the art of getting your way done without doing anything Martin Luther King Jr was one of the best at doing this and look how much he did for his people , by the way he knew that he was going to be killed , so why did he do it ? simple cowards don't die heroes , enjoy  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kimmel and Rob Ford

felecia187 Rob fort the mayor of Toronto went to California USA to appear on Kimmel late night talk show , people feel sorry for ford because Kimmel tears this man a new one , takes him down , shatters what is left of his dignity , Rob Ford gets torn apart and you will feel for Rob when you see the video on you tube , it looks like ford got set up by the late night TV host will ford be on another talk show , you bet he will , ford will find a way to make money on his stupid behavior and i don't think this mayor of Toronto is going any where any time soon , besides he has a drug habit to pay for unless the Toronto tax payer is footing the bill for his crack cocaine habit , they should check into that , enjoy  

how to safe money on your next car

felecia187 some simple tips on saving money on your next car , like it already , never buy new you will have to pay extra for mandatory tune ups and these tune ups can cost hundreds of dollars , and if you don't get the tune you don't get the warranty , and your gas and insurance to your monthly bill , set a budget  , now the smart thing to do is save for your car pay it in full do not make payments because when you make payments you cut into your monthly cash flow , learn how to change your oil now depending on the year of your car will depend on when you should change it this can save you an easy $40.00 , if something goes wrong with your car fix it now not latter one problem with new cars is  if you leave it , it could make something else happen , never boost your battery unless you follow the Manuel , if you boost your battery wrong can burn out the computer chip in your car and this can cost you thousands of dollars to replace , do not buy a car because you like the way it looks listen up you women , you buy a car for dependability , gas mileage , and how much the parts will cost to fix it domestic cars cost less to fix , but Toyota are very dependable but there parts cost more , if you think something stinks about the person selling you the car then walk away after all it is your money , if you are a women when you go to buy a car take a man with you that knows what to look for , you do need a man then you will get ripped off just the way it is , find a honest garage to fix it when it breaks down word of mouth helps with this one , because if someone got ripped off at a garage i guaranty they will tell you and for how much , i learned this after lee brothers took me for  an additional $2,800 after they rebuild my engine yes i sued the judge called it a draw , remember that knowledge is power so get some knowledge and get empowered , do not have someone buy a car with you no matter how much of a friend they are your car your rules , it is better to save for a car and take the bus knowing that you will soon own one without payments then to have the car cut into your cash flow , rule of thumb is the bigger the motor the longer it will last , four cylinders are great for two but if you will have more people to drive around get six cylinders , v-8 are the best but the bigger the motor the more gas you use unless the cylinders shut down like in the Mercedes which runs on 4 , 6 , and all eight but then they cost a lot more , always change the oil on time this alone will make your car last a lot longer , now if you want it to last even longer this little tip will help you do that highway miles are the best , when you drive in town you stop and go way to much and this causes wear and tear on you engine , enjoy oh remember women get taken so take a man with you .         

the difference between front wheel drive and rear wheel drive in the winter

felecia187 ok think you can drive well listen up you could learn something there is a BIG difference between front wheel drive and rear wheel drive in the winter , now it dose not matter how good your winter tires are or who sold them to you , this has to do with how you handle a skid with your car , when you are driving a rear wheel drive in a skid you accelerate and steer into the skid easy enough , now when you a driving a front a front wheel drive do not and i repeat do not accelerate into the skid , take your foot of the gas and let the car under its own power itself in to the skid do not touch the gas , you can touch the brake but not the gas you will loose total control if you touch the gas , in both front and rear you should steer into the skid enjoy today's driving lesson .  

Monday, March 3, 2014

the easy way to clean silver

felecia187 in order to make this easy way to clean silver i will make this as easy as possible take a cake pan yeah that will work place it on the table easy so far , take a sheet of aluminum foil and place in the cake pan shinny side up take a big cup and mix water and baking soda together , a couple of tsp should do it , when the baking soda is dissolved in the water pour into the cake pan , now place you jewelry  into the cake pan easy so far no brainier , now the easiest step wait till tomorrow and your jewelry will be all nice and shiny , enjoy

Sunday, March 2, 2014

why they put salt in fast food .

felecia187 when you put salt on meat that you are cooking you dry it out faster and make the meat rubbery so why do so many fast food restaurants put it in there food and on there food , the answer will surprise you , number one reason is because salt is a preservative of food , salting fish and ham so it dose not go bad as fast has been done for thousands of years , it works real well , the other reason is so they can sell you more to drink mainly pop which will also make you thirsty , and the biggest reason to salt your meat is so people who smoke can taste something they usually taste the salt and not the food , ask any one who quite smoking how great food really taste , enjoy   

what is in your favorite restaurant ?

felecia187 MSG the first time i ate a burger with this my mouth got blisters in it , this was invented to increase the flavor of the food that people put it in too . they now post in the menus and on the door of the restaurants that serve MSG  so that you know what to expect when you eat there , enjoy 

mcdonalds what is in there food ?

felecia187 the list of bad stuff in there food is very long so to make it short with out writing a book here they use chemicals that are used in paint products , cleaning products , and industrial plants , they have burgers which are more then ten years old left out on the counter , bugs will not eat this nor will bacteria , it will not rot out side of you , by the way they are also the largest buyers of soy beans on the planet , but hey there menu is simple enough , enjoy   

what is in taco bell food ?

felecia187 dimethylpolysiloxane this is used in chalk and as a foaming agent , don't know what it dose but that means we don't know how bad it is taco bell uses it in there rice , i only ate there twice that was enough crap for me they suck , enjoy 

subway bread causes asthma

felecia187 the brown bread at subway may cause asthma like breathing sinus problems , the ingredient they put in it is called azodicarbonamide this is banned in Australia , it makes the bread more sticky , watch what you eat , enjoy   

Saturday, March 1, 2014

your cell and your kids cell phone is tapped being watched

felecia187 believe me this is stupid every cell phone in Canada and the USA is recorded which is why drug dealers never use them to sell drugs , your kids phone is being watched to see if they have sent nude photos to other cell phones , they don't have your permission and they don't need it , kids are being charged with child porn because of this , the rule is simple any photo that shows the bare skin between there neck to there ankle , and between wrist to wrist is considered child porn , this applies to people 17 years old and younger , by the way drug dealers use telephones dial , rotary , touch tone , look it up so make sure your kids know how not to use it , oh and if you had a important talk with someone on the phone and want a copy get a hold of your cell phone company and get them to give you a copy , and if you don't want someone listening to your call then talk to them in person , enjoy

Vince Li cold blooded murder free

felecia187 red for blood , so Vince Li cuts a mans head off on a Greyhound bus in Manitoba Canada , is found not criminally responsible and now six years later starts to get freedom after committing this murder in  front of the children on the bus were there kids on the bus i don't know but hay makes a better story , any way they say as long as he continues to take his meds he will be fine , omg do they make a med that can make your kid clean there room , can you give someone a med with no side affects , if being on a pill worked then we could give pills to people to stop them from committing crimes in the first place , oh did i mention he has no criminal record so he can travel to the USA  and kill again think about it , if the person that killed was your kid what would you do ? enjoy   

the xl pipeline propaganda is a lie

felecia187 the truth about the advertising about the xl pipeline this is  called propaganda , now what this really means is that people with money are trying to convince you that this pipeline is great for the environment and for the over all population of Canada and the USA , and this is not the case because most people do not understand the truth about this bull , it will take 900,000 barrels of water a day to put this oil sand stuff through the line this in it self is a environment disaster how lakes that is right lakes will they have to drain dry up get rid of before they realize that the tar sands can only be viable with turning it into bio fuel no other technology can make this work again dumb dumb people in power , you know why these idiots are in power it is because these lairs can't hold a real job lol truth hurt good those who can't work run for office those that can run billion dollar companies lol oh just getting started lol enjoy

Friday, February 28, 2014

Alison Redford spends $ 9,200 of your tax money premier of Alberta Canada

felecia187 so this thief is on vacation in Palm Spring California USA when she gets a plane to come from Canada pick her and her daughter up and fly them back to Edmonton Canada for a Ralph Klien memorial , now this thief knew about the memorial and could have planed this vacation a lot better then she did and since her secretarial person plans all this he should take some responsibility for this , has they dig deeper into her spending you will find even more tax dollars spend that should of come out of her own pocket because we just paid $ 9,200 for her vacation time and this is not the first time she has spend our money , enjoy  

Alison Redford is a thief and here is why premier of Alberta Canada

felecia187 Alison Redford is the premier of Alberta Canada , that is right oh did i mention a thief that's better some people beat around the bush when it comes to our leaders not me a thief is a thief no matter who they steal from , this one stole $ 45,000 to go to a funeral for Nelson Mandela don't get me wrong this was a honor to sent this leader which is still a thief , now i don't know what her and her partner spent $ 45,000 on but this sounds a lot like the rich and stupid , oh i don't know Justine Beiber ring any bells , he spend $ 60,000 on a air plane to Toronto to turn himself into the RCMP  , but Redford didn't make this money we did and she should have to pay it back , oh i got one how about we charge her with misappropriation of government funds yes we do have that on our law books and many  a political person in Canada have been charged under this law so what do you say we charge the child abusing b*tch or make her pay it back out of her own pocket oh did i mention that she is a thief , enjoy