felecia187 green for winning money most contest require you to sigh up name phone number address , you can find these contest everywhere like your grocery store , when you find a contest read the rules , in most contests you can send in multiplies of entry forms , this will increase you chance of winning , radio contest are good to so start winning today ,enjoy
Friday, March 14, 2014
saving $$$ with coupons
felecia187 green for saving money so there are many websites that give you free coupons to products you already use but spend to much on , some stores allow you to stack coupons this means you can use more then one coupon for the same product so you can actually get the product for free no kidding , they also have coupon groups where you can go and learn everything there is to learn about coupon clipping , it is quite simple to learn and a lot of fun , you can cut your grocery bill in half or more , free groceries awesome , no i am not kidding , for very little work you can get big rewards like free food , so don't delay do it to day , enjoy
beer controversy in Boise Idaho March 13 ,2014
felecia187 so a fan in Boise finds out that the small beer is in a fat cup , but it is suppose to hole 16 oz , so he takes the beer in the small cup and pours it into the large cup which is thin and tall , he discovers that they both hold the same amount of beer which means the small is 16 oz and the large also holds 16 oz so the fans are now suing the stadium , wait i got more , did some checking and in June 8 , 2011 this also happened at the Sea Hawks stadium also , now let us put two and two together and if you go to a stadium why don't you buy two beer the large one and the small one and see if they are both 16 oz because i think a lot of people are getting ripped off at sporting events in the USA the ticket price alone should tell you something , by the way the small one cost $ 4.00 and the large one cost $7.00 three dollar difference for the same beer , enjoy .
Thursday, March 13, 2014
premier Alison Redford is a thief
felecia187 oh this ain't over yet so Alison Redford now has promised to pay back some of the money she spent on travel with her daughter , and the flight to a uncles funeral , why are the first three letters of funeral fun ? what about the trip to Africa for $ 43,000 is she going to pay that back , three senators of Canada did the same thing Alison Redford did and are now facing prison time , so why hasn't Alison Redford been charged for the same crime , the crime is [ misappropriation of government funds ] its on the books look it up , this bull about the government using our money like there bank accounts has got to stop , you will love my story yeah i am getting in position to tell it and it will blow your mind on how the Alberta Canada government is using your tax dollars , but not yet soon , enjoy
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
DNA verse the monkey , humans , sea-sponge
felecia187 evolution people say we are closely related to the monkey based on the monkeys DNA compared to humans which is 97% human , this evolution started with Darwin , they mistook what he meant and turned his words around , in other words Darwin was not discussing evolution but what he was saying is how animals adapt to there environment , which is a lot different , the first so called missing link as they call it is based on bones which are suppose to be from the so called missing link and they are in fact the jaw bone and the teeth from a pig , that's right a pig and they still use this as evidence of a missing link to this day the back teeth of a pig look a great deal like humans teeth , so when they did the DNA test and found out that the monkey has 97% of our DNA the evolutionist made more then a big deal out of this , so here is where it gets really weird , the sea-sponge shares better then 99% of human DNA , now this is going to blow you away there is no living thing animals plants one celled creatures and the list goes on that share 100% of our DNA because humans are the only things that have star dust in there DNA and nothing else on earth as we know it has star dust in there DNA , ENJOY .
you owe the tax man , they owe you what happens
felecia187 this is a rip off waiting to happen , when you owe the tax man they want there money now and they want interest with it , if your late they impose a surtax , which cost you even more , now when the tax man owes you they pay you nothing for interest , you can't impose a surtax on them , but if the government dose decide to pay you interest they give you prime which is what i think 3 % , now when you owe them then they charge you 8 % or higher , the law says you can't have one set of laws for one group of people and a different set of rules for the other group all are equal in the sight of the law , the tax man makes a mistake you pay for the mistake that they made yes they have add zeros to peoples tax bill even if the tax man lied , now you have to pay legal fees you can't afford to get back what the government stole from you , when is this madness going to STOP , enjoy
the truth about the junk food tax in Canada
felecia187 so Sweden is implementing a junk food tax no this is not to get people to eat better the truth it fattens the tax man pockets more , so any how . they have started talking about implementing a junk food tax in Canada , well the truth be known is the tax man dose not want the majority of Canadians to know this , here goes about 25 years ago they already implemented the junk food tax on potato chips , candy , pop , and other junk food , but the tax man is going to lie to you about this so they can add that's right another tax to suck your pocket book dry , when are we as the people that pay these idiots salaries going to say no more lies , do we start to value what we should be paying for tax before or after we become a communist country , enjoy
how the GST and HST works bend over tax payer lol ha ha
felecia187 potato farmer will be the example .
5 % when farmer sells potato .
5 % when whole-seller sells it .
5 % when store sells it .
5 % when you buy .
this is not the end you can add more because the farmer sells to the french fry maker then they pay 5 % .
if they ship the potato a long ways away then the transportation system gets charged 5 % .
this tax was suppose to go to paying down the Canadian debt , yeah you guessed it , not one dime went to pay down the debt .
now if you live in British Columbia then you also have to pay the HST tax which works in the same way the GST dose . now if you live in Manitoba then you have to also pay a service tax on top of the GST , HST, and the service tax junior burgers can cost $ 15.00 at the fast food place and that is just the burger ,enjoy
5 % when farmer sells potato .
5 % when whole-seller sells it .
5 % when store sells it .
5 % when you buy .
this is not the end you can add more because the farmer sells to the french fry maker then they pay 5 % .
if they ship the potato a long ways away then the transportation system gets charged 5 % .
this tax was suppose to go to paying down the Canadian debt , yeah you guessed it , not one dime went to pay down the debt .
now if you live in British Columbia then you also have to pay the HST tax which works in the same way the GST dose . now if you live in Manitoba then you have to also pay a service tax on top of the GST , HST, and the service tax junior burgers can cost $ 15.00 at the fast food place and that is just the burger ,enjoy
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
your new home the new tax bill and how you got taken
felecia187 so you just bought a new house in Alberta Canada , this is how it works , the builder pays for a building perament now the cost to build sewer water power gas and over flow in case of a flood are all included in this price , now the home owner also has to pay a new home owner tax usually this tax is hidden in the selling price , so the tax man just got twice what you should have payed , not done yet , so the builder pays you pay , now the city will increase your tax bill so now all the tax payers in the city get to pay for infrastructure , that the builder already payed for that you the new home owner already payed for and now the tax payer will also pay for so the city just made three times what it should have cost , not done yet , bend over , so the city last year example say charged you % 3.02 for your property tax now because you live next to a new section of the city your property increased by lets say % 10 so if your home was worth $ 200,000 it is now worth $ 220,000 so the tax man gets % 3.02 with a % 10 increase for the city , but the city who just got % 10 more that year now wants you to think that you have to pay % 5 of your property value so instead of getting just a % 10 increase they now get even more of your tax dollars this is called multilevel marketing if you or i do this in business we go to prison but the tax man dose it all the time , builder pays , new home owner pays , tax payer pays once twice and three times , so where dose all this extra money go , bigger pay checks for your elected officials , enjoy the corruption because a thief is a thief no matter what office they hold , enjoy
the new Edmonton Alberta Canada stadium who is paying for it
felecia187 the new stadium that will be built for Edmonton Alberta Canada in the long run tax payers will be paying for the stadium not the owner of the Oilers hockey team and he is worth 4.8 billion dollars , the tax payer has already blown 35 million on a study to determine how much it will cost and where and when it should be built , i will talk about number crunching later, this stadium has already cost the tax payer and the owner of the hockey team that it is being built for , well it has cost him nothing , go figure , the cost dose not en-clued how much to maintain it and police it , oh did i mention when hockey went on strike that the crime rate around the old stadium fell , so much so that the police got to go elsewhere to make other communities safer , number crunchers stupid , the tax payer will fund it in more ways then one and if it dose make money and it won't then the extra money if any will go to give the mayor a raise , so the tax payer gets nothing because it will not lower property tax but will increase your yearly tax bill because property values will rise and so will the tax bill , in the end and i do mean the end get it in the end bend over tax payer, so the hockey players make money for not scoring goals and playing like a amateur street hockey player no wait the street hockey player scores goals so these over paid pro players are even worst then street hockey players , the owners of the club make money you the tax payer that's right get NOTHING , oh no wait you get a BIGGER TAX BILL every year , if these hockey clubs did in fact make money then they should pay for there own stadium , enjoy you new TAX BILL .
what dose cold weather do to you
felecia187 this is weird , when they do temperature test on our skin they find that our bodies do not show that we are cold , what the hell , we feel cold , but there sensors do not register it , so something is wrong here , because when you are out side at -20 c you feel cold , but our body is still as warm as it was indoors as it is outside , so someone is going to have to come up with a different way to test this . because you can die quite fast in the cold , so when dose your body show temperature lose so it will register on the test , some people can with stand very low temperatures for long periods of time so is this really mind over matter or is something else going on , if you are naked outside when it is cold you have the same body temperature as you would if you were fully clothed , but yet there is hypermedia , frost bite , shivering , so when we find out what is really going on then we can find a better way to prevent our selves from getting cold in the winter , enjpy
Monday, March 10, 2014
are you scared to drive ?
felecia187 if you are scared to drive , then this should help you get over it , the number one rule of driving is to treat everyone else on the road like an idiot , and compensate for there stupid driving skills , example if you are at a corner and the person coming from your left and has there blinker on do not go until they turn since you have the yield or stop because if they want to get into an accident they will go straight through and hit you and if you say there blinker was on they will lie , this dose happen , treat them like they are stupid , and do not assume anything , enjoy
milk alternative if you are lactose entalarent
felecia187 if you have a problem with drinking milk try this alternative so that you still get the benefits with out the pain , take one can of condensed milk or heavy cream and mix it with a jug of water , no pain and the reason for this is that lactose is a sugar that is heavier then milk so there for stays on the bottom when the cream gets skimmed off , there for there is no lactose in cream mix with water and , enjoy
global warming connected to three mile island accident March 28 ,1979
felecia187 black and green , black for accident and green for the environment , OK here goes it was March 28 , 1979 and three mile island went into melt down the released numbers are as follows 40,000 gallons of waste water poured into the Susquehanna river , it took over 1 billion dollars and from 1979 to 19 December 1993 to clean up , now this is where it gets weird conspiracy time , there was over 1 .4 billion cubic meters of radioactive steam released into our atmosphere , then around 1980 a new term came into use [ global warming ] no one knew what it was before the melt down in 1979 , but you know now , in 1980 the ozone layer started to thin coincident i think not , it will take 10,000 years for this radioactive water to become save water again yes it is still in the atmosphere today , so is there such a thing as global warming or are we being had , well pollution in any form is not only bad for us but a lot of people confuse pollution with global warming , the farmers have destroyed our ground water with pesticides so this is pollution , if the planet heats up because the moon is moving farther away from us this is global warming , now to say that man is making global warming happen well the truth be told , we do not have enough evidence to say either way , so do cars pollute , or cause global warming no one can prove it is global warming but we can prove it is pollution and really bad for us , so should we clean up our environment of course we should dose everyone care about the environment no , just drive down any road in any major city in the world and you will see how people throw garbage out there windows to find the answer for your self , so if global warming is real then we have to find out what is causing it and see if we can indeed do something to stop it , but should we stop it ? first find out , weight the facts then decide , if our planet is heating up because of the moon moving away then what do we do , or should we do anything , maybe it is the sun , or maybe we should all move to mars , so many questions so little answers , enjoy
Saturday, March 8, 2014
people who are sensitive to milk , treatments
felecia187 this is bast on my own experience until i figured this out , up until then i have had an allergy to milk , well now i know better , i can now drink all the chocolate milk i want no problem , and i can now drink more white milk then i use too , so what i discovered is that if you take 500 mg of vitamin C once a day you can drink more milk awesome simple right no more pain , this has been a pain in the butt because milk with people who are sensitive to it get hemorrhoids , cut back on the milk and take the pill , then you can gradually drink more milk , cure treatment call it what you want it works for me no more pain in the butt for over 15 years , so take the advise and enjoy
Friday, March 7, 2014
oil pulling for your health
felecia187 it is called oil pulling and this is how it works , you take a teaspoon of oil , coconut , peanut , or a other oil of your liking and put it into your mouth and swirl around between your teeth and gums for about twenty minuets then spit it out , they say it makes your teeth whiter and helps to stop your gums from bleeding and sensitivity , some dentist swear by this , weather it works or not your guess is as good as mine , but they have started studies on this so we should know some day if it dose work in the mean time give it a try , i do know that a teaspoon of oil a day will help you lose weight , enjoy
how to make money $$$$ off of Justin Bieber legally
felecia187 this is one of the easiest ways to make money of a famous person like Justin Bieber , you can take his photos and videos of his arrest and you can post them to you tube and other up load sites now you don't have to pay for them and they are legally yours mine and everyone else this is because the photo and videos where entered as evidence in court and when anything gets entered into evidence in court it automatically becomes public property this means any one can use it and you don't pay a dime to do so so no one can claim copy rights on court evidence , pretty cool think memorabilia t-shirts cups posters you get the idea , so because Elvis didn't copy right any thing people made millions of his death until his ex wife copy wrote every thing , so think about it Bieber is a freebie so milk it for all you can , Elvis made 4 billion before he died , and they made more then that the year he died , enjoy
what my daughter said when she was three .
donations https://paypal.me/VictorPizzeyhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCKkYVvl9FBW7NIUSt9KoJgfelecia187 so we were walking outside it was about -10 c that is warm in this winter wonder land , so i said shalene you better zip up your coat more , or you will turn into a Popsicle , then shalene said , then everyone will want to lick me , no kidding where do kids get this from , enjoy
Thursday, March 6, 2014
top 10 reasons Rob Ford doesn't have a problem lying
felecia187 top 10 reasons Rob Ford doesn't have a problem lying .
10 , rehab i don't need no dam rehab.
9 , my brother never sold drugs .
8 , i never went to the jail to bribe someone .
7 , Jimmy Kimmel is so my friend .
6 , what video of me in a restaurant .
5 , take that dam gay flag down , ops i didn't mean it that way .
4 , hey RCMP arrest me ha ha ha .
3 , i didn't triple everyone's salary at city hall .
2 , what crack video .
1 , and the number one reason Rob Ford doesn't have a problem lying is , to his wife , but honey i didn't have sex with the hooker i paid to come to my office .
10 , rehab i don't need no dam rehab.
9 , my brother never sold drugs .
8 , i never went to the jail to bribe someone .
7 , Jimmy Kimmel is so my friend .
6 , what video of me in a restaurant .
5 , take that dam gay flag down , ops i didn't mean it that way .
4 , hey RCMP arrest me ha ha ha .
3 , i didn't triple everyone's salary at city hall .
2 , what crack video .
1 , and the number one reason Rob Ford doesn't have a problem lying is , to his wife , but honey i didn't have sex with the hooker i paid to come to my office .
how the press creates stories
felecia187 i will give you an example on how the press creates stories , easy one the weather this may seem stupid and it is but this is how to create a weather story , lets say you live on the west side of Canada it just snowed one foot or 30 centimeters now the people who live in the west have this happen a lot so if you live in the west no big deal off to work you go , but the press will air a story something like this [ the west has got hit hard with the storm of the century schools are closed and so are the highways , accidents are closing in town roads worst this reporter has ever seen ] now they will not air this story in western Canada , instead they air it in eastern Canada , and that is how to create a bull s*** story in the press , enjoy
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