Friday, August 15, 2014

drugs generic verses name brand .what is the difference ?

felecia187 so you want to know the difference between generic and name brand drugs , well i can only tell you about the rules here in Canada , other countries have different rules , OK this is short and easy , not like me long and hard lol get it , all right then , there is no difference they have to be made the same , the packaging is different and so is the price , and who made it that is the only difference , they both have the exact same ingredients , this is the law in Canada , enjoy .

lego as food

felecia187 lego as food , say what ? this is crazy but now they are making chocolate legos that you can eat not kidding the lego craze is now going full steam ahead , it all started with the lego movie where else and who thought this one up ? i can not answer that one because i do not know , is this the begging of even more stupid things to sell us coming from lego ? may be they are just getting started , if they can sell it they will make it , if you have an idea of how they can make a better lego may be you should call them , you never know , they do pay for ideas that work for them , this could get stupid , but maybe they will create a peanut butter lego OH yeah now your talking , talk about playing with your food . enjoy .

water can you drink to much ?

felecia187 water can you drink too much ? a Atlanta teen that was 17 years old this year died because you guessed it he drank to much water and became over-hydrated this causes swelling in the brain which killed him , we need water to live but it can also like many other things we need , can kill us , if you want to stop yourself from being so thirsty then add a pinch of salt to your water this will help to rehydrate you with less water , heat and water make a balance , and enjoy the summer heat and shade when having fun outdoors , enjoy .

cash and your health

felecia187 so you think that carrying cold hard cash around is a good idea , yes and no you get charged a service fee to use it pro , no limit on how much you can carry pro , very easy and handy to use pro , no bank no problem pro , getting robbed con , losing money some where con , most twenty dollar bills have drugs on them con , if you are a smart saver and you have jars at home for different things and you have your money in them pro , so with everything there are cons and pros so treat your money wisely ,  enjoy .

Thursday, August 14, 2014

dinner time is making you fat here is why ?

felecia187 making dinner time the biggest meal of the day is one reason you are gaining weight , eating right before bed time can interfere with a good nights sleep , not done yet , drinking coffee before bed will more then keep you up , loading up on carbs is great if you are running a marathon , watching TV when eating is a sure fire way to eat more then you should , putting large bowls of food on the table in front of you should be reason enough not to , and alcohol will make you eat more because it prevents you from felling full , these tips can help you to eat better try using them , enjoy .

killer toothpaste

felecia187 so this ingredient is in your toothpaste , mouth wash , hand soap , hair shampoo , heck it is everywhere it was put into products since 1972 , and has been placed in many more since then , it causes cancer in mice but they are trying to down play this by saying that just because it effects mice dose not mean it will effect people , but don't they use mice to test this stuff because if mice get it so will we , so now they are lying to us , shocker , this ingredient kills bacteria in your mouth that causes your gums to bleed , it is found in antibacterial hand soap and other products , some kinds of products do not have to put it on the label , say what , you heard me , the name of this cancer causing ingredient is TRICLOSAN , so if you are using antibacterial soap or toothpaste that stops gums from bleeding then stop , and tell everyone you know about this garbage , enjoy 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Robin Williams .

felecia187 Robin Williams death is the only story on the internet that hits home , it is amazing how one man can bring so many people together to celebrate the life of a great human being , and man who suffered a horrible illness , that took his life not from his family but from the world , when Christopher Reeves was paralyzed  from the neck down Robin Williams was rumored to come to the financial  aid of his long time room mate , he gave and he gave , one thing about this illness is that you have to learn to fill your own cup also , because this is what happens when it gets empty , mental illness is not an illness to be taken lightly and Robin Williams even in death is also helping people learn about the illness that took his life { tears running down my face } there are not many men that can have such an affect on the world like Robin Williams , he had people who could help him and knew about his illness , and they knew the signs , he fought this mental illness like a hero , and he gave money to people to improve there lives , this bigger then life of a human being may be gone from our world but the person who he was will life in our hearts for ever , everyone could learn something from this man , that having money was not wealth but making other peoples lives better was a way to make yourself wealthy , he died a man and a great one at that , he made us laugh and he made us cry just as much , but he became a great man for us all to remember , and we can still enjoy his laughter , the skit on golf that he did comes to mind , very few men have something to leave behind , and in closing he may be able to help even you in death , we could all learn to give and be happy , enjoy .

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

FYI fastest way to cook corn on the cob.

felecia187 so you want to cook corn on the cob really fast well here is what you do , take the cob husk and all and place in a microwave for four minutes , take it out and take the husk off and there you go four minutes to cook corn on the cob , then just add butter and salt , enjoy .

FYI chill your champagne faster .

felecia187 this is an easy way to chill your wine or champagne faster , first you get your champagne bucket and you add ice to it , now here is the trick , then you add a lot of salt to the ice in the champagne bucket , you do this because salt will help to make your ice a lot colder , shake it around and then add the bottle of wine or champagne this trick with the salt will work faster to make your drinks colder faster , enjoy .


felecia187 this makes a great breakfast and it is fast and easy like me lol joke you have to be here , oatmeal this will lower your blood pressure make you full longer and will not add any weight to you , you can use the instant kind and plain then just add fruit this is awesome and fast and easy , enjoy .

tai chi benefits .

felecia187 this is an ancient art form that goes way way back in china , this is easy to learn , one of the things people feel about this is that it is a way to learn to beat people up , well there wrong this is a defensive martial art it dose not teach anyone to beat people up , but here is what it dose do , there are 124 moves that you put your body throw each day about 20 minutes , it is real easy to learn and do , when it is done right you will learn to have better balance , calmer inner self , better muscles this is great exercise for young and very old people , this is one thing that will help you to live a fuller life , you learn how to move your body properly , feed your mind , and deal with every thing that life throws at you , this will help older people to keep there balance so no more falls and broken hips , you can learn this on the internet or find an expert that will teach you the proper moves and give you a better state of mind , enjoy .

antibiotics truth

felecia187 you see the news and tv saying that some people who are not very smart tell everyone else that antibiotics are bad for you , they say not all bugs need drugs , so let me explain what happens , when you get antibiotics and you will get a certain amount of these pills , now this is where the bad things happen if you do as the doctor says and you finish the bottle , you will have no problem , so we don't need to tell that part again , now when you do not finish the bottle you are now a problem  to the health care system , when you start taking the pills they will kill the virus that is making you sick , now if you stop taking them before the bottle is finished then you will have the virus that survived until you stopped taking them to deal with , so now this left over virus is now a super bug that they can not treat , this is one medicine you must finish your life will depend on it , so the people who don't want you to take antibiotics are the ones who fear you will not finish them , this is why some idiots want doctors to stop giving us antibiotics , and it is actually the fault of the stupid people who didn't finish the bottle that we now have super bugs , finish the bottle and do what your doctor told you to do and we will have no more problems with this issue , enjoy . 

peanut allergy treatment .

felecia187 most people who are allergic to peanuts carry the shot that can save there life this is a very bad allergy to have , and should not be taken lightly , now you can treat this by doing the following , talk to your doctor before doing this , you start off by eating  quarter of a peanut each day at the same time every day , then in a month you go for half a peanut then move up , each month increase by one quarter of a peanut do not miss any days , until you get to two whole peanuts , this will prevent attacks of your peanut allergy , but this is not a cure and you can not miss any days you have to do this for the rest of your life , this is a treatment not a cure , and only do this if your doctor tells you too , enjoy.

Monday, August 11, 2014

hack mase , how to make it .

felecia187 this will be painful for your attacker , you feel you are in danger and you are home alone with the bad guy , so when they are not looking throw hot peppers into your microwave the smoke they cause will burn there eyes and throat this makes a great deterrent when someone wants to harm you , so stay healthy and stay safe , enjoy .

microwave this ? Not .

felecia187 these are some things you should never microwave as if we need to be told ,OH we do OK.
aluminum foil . no brain er here .
stainless steel travel mugs , you know someone tried this or it wouldn't be on the list .
Chinese take out boxes . like it wouldn't be gone before you got home .
Styrofoam containers . help I'm melting oooo.
plastic containers because the chemicals can end up in your food . did not know this .
raisins they will smoke .
grapes will start fire .yeah I know you are going to try this one . 
plastic bags who did this one OMG .
eggs in the shell BOOM  got you under pressure .
dried hot peppers if you have an unwanted guest in your house throw these in the microwave it is like mase the fumes will burn there eyes and throat , this could be a good tip that might save your life .enjoy .

how long will this food last ?

felecia187 so you want to know how long some foods will last well here a few examples .
ground meat one to two days after you bought it .if you freeze it , it will last as long as three months .
salads will last three days after buying them .
a package of open hot dogs will last for as long as one week .
lunch meat is only good for three days .
eggs three weeks after buying but some say even longer .
cooked meat will last three to five days .
bacon will last a week .
butter will last two weeks after it expires .
it is best to know these things so you can stay healthy after eating , enjoy .

don't refrigerate these foods .

felecia187 so these are some foods that you do not have to or should not refrigerate .
tomatoes .
melons .
potatoes .
onions .
coffee .
garlic .
honey .
hot sauce .
bread .
basil .
these foods can lose there flavor , dry out , wilt , lose the health benefits , so in order to eat health you need to know how to handle and prepare your foods , take a cooking class this will help you greatly make cooking an enjoyable thing , your food will taste better also , enjoy .

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Ebola virus what you need to know .

felecia187 is this blood red Oh well , the Ebola virus will kill 90 % of the people it infects , the WHO or world health organization is trying to get this under control , they are failing badly at this , this virus comes from the fluids of fruit bats that the people eat for food , even thou the fruit bad is the main carrier other animals that get infected can also carry the virus , you can't transmit this virus until you show signs of being infected this virus is not air born , you have to be in direct contact with blood , sweat , pee , in other words body fluids in order to catch the virus , the virus will last 2 to 21 days and the sooner treatment starts the better your odds , they have no proven cure right now , they say they need more testing to see if there cure will work now and if it will have an impact later , they treat this virus with electrolytes , and lots of fluids , because it causes dehydration , and internal bleeding , the more they bring home doctors that have been infected the great the chance of it spreading to the rest of the world teaching people in the area of how to prevent this is becoming a huge problem , and because of air travel the bigger the risk that this could go full blown all over the world , many people have died because they refuse to get treatment for this virus , and it can still be transmitted even after you die , it is better to burn the bodies properly then to bury them , in order to get this virus under control the people at greatest risk must be made to cooperate , and killing all the bats may not solve the problem , remember knowledge is power and will save your life get in the know , enjoy .

bucket list what is it and how to make one .

felecia187 simple , a bucket list is a list of things you want to do before a time period has past , it dose not mean things i want to do before i die , it could mean things i want to do before i get married , finish school , turn 21 , so in order to make your bucket list simply set a time date , then you write down all the things you want to do before that time date arrives , they can be in order or not , make it fun , maybe something you are afraid to do like skydiving , not no way would I jump out of a good airplane .enjoy .

FYI how to quit smoking ?

felecia187 so you want to QUIT smoking well it is not easy many people who QUIT will QUIT several times before they finally QUIT for good , this is not an easy thing to do it is like losing weight , but if you keep trying then you will finally QUIT , so here are some tips to help you QUIT , go see your doctor they have things that will help your QUIT , pills , fake smokes , some people get laser  , hypnosis , some QUIT cold turkey , i don't know what it is like to QUIT smoking i never started , i have seen many people who have QUIT  for good , and they do not miss it one bit , the price of a pack of smokes here is $ 15.00 is that enough to QUIT  at one pack a day that comes to $ 450.00 per month or $ 5,400.00 per year this should be enough to get you started , there are many health issues we can talk about here but the truth be told you already know what they are and how they will KILL YOU , so get started you fail , then start again until you finally do QUIT  , enjoy .