Friday, June 6, 2014

the right to die is now legal in Quebec Canada

felecia187 the bill is called "dying with dignity " bill or bill 52 , this passing of the bill means that people who are terminally ill and can not care for them selves now have the right to die with dignity , now not every one can use this bill in Quebec Canada you first have to meet the proper requirements before you have the right to die , if you have a incurable illness , but you can care for yourself just fine do not count on the right to die , if you have an incurable illness can not care for yourself , need others to help you day to day you may have the right to die , the bill dose out line who can , and who can't use it as a right to die , if you or a relative want to learn more get a hold of a lawyer or doctor in Quebec Canada , enjoy .

Thursday, June 5, 2014

how much sugar and garbage is in your pop ?

felecia187 this will make a cool experiment you take your pop and pour it into a pot that you will bring to a boil on you stove , you will boil it out until the only thing left is the sugar and garbage that you have been putting into your body , you will see that the amount of sugar on the label of your pop dose not match the amount of sugar left in the pot , there is far more then you think so boil out your pop and see for yourself , you may never drink pop again enjoy .

no more diet this pill really works Garcinia Cambogia

felecia187 this pill will suppress your hunger so you eat less , it will add more muscle mass so that you will burn more fat , it will stop fat from staying in your body even after you eat , when you buy this pill you will only buy the ones made in the USA , because the ones that are made else where have way to many additives which prevent the pill from working , so only USA ,  the name of the pill is Garcinia Cambogia , and make sure the pill has at least 50% , you will lose weight with this pill , you will lose even more faster if you exercise sorry just the way it is so get some , talk to your doctor before you start anything when it comes to your new lifestyle , enjoy .

how to make a fake UFO

felecia187 this is easy and maybe someone has already done it who really knows , you get a weather balloon and before you blow it up with helium you put a couple of hundred glow sticks into the balloon after you break the glow sticks so that they will glow then you put in the helium , and when this baby gets airborne you do this at night so you can do your video and say that you saw a real UFO and no one will be any wiser enjoy .

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Canadian hockey is fixed

felecia187 ever since the last deal that was made no Canadian hockey team has won the USA Oh i mean Stanley cup how many years has that been ? so this is how it works you will get  Canadian teams into the play offs , but when it comes down to the last two it will be the USA  team that wins , they are playing on stupid people to watch a game that is fixed , they get Canadians to watch to the end which is not very much anymore , then the USA  will be the ones that really bring in the views , why ? because the USA  has ten times more people watching and ten times more people mean ten times the money in viewers , this is the only reason that Canadian hockey is fixed , because of the money they can get when they get the USA  to watch , money talks , but the Canadian people are stupid enough to buy into it , it is like a bad soap opera that never changes , i see hockey rinks put up in every Canadian city every winter and no one uses them , most kids in Canada don't even own a set of skates , let alone how to use them , this setting up hockey rinks every year is a great way to waste the tax payers money , so when are Canadians going to get smart about this ? most parents think that to get there kids into hockey is a financial burden and most Canadians would agree , hockey is getting to be like golf every one will watch the tiger but no one will buy the equipment , some Canadians will watch hockey but most will not put there kids in it , i wonder what would happen if drunk , pizza eating people in Canada stopped watching hockey ? and we tax payers stop putting up hockey rinks no one uses , although you could make money on this because if i were to bet on a winning hockey team i would bet against the Canadian team to win and i would make a lot of money doing so i could go on but i will do that later , enjoy .

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

the detox diet

felecia187 the detox diet works by flushing your system out one day a week , you basically drink water mixed with lemon juice for one whole day a week , draw back is that you will need to be close to a bathroom for this one to work , because it really will clean you out , and the more you drink the more you loss , enjoy .

the twinkie diet

felecia187 this one is easy you simply eat twinkies and only twinkies the theory is that your body will adapt to this diet and you will start to loss weight , and yes it has been shown to work , so if you have a craving for fat foods this could be it , enjoy .

the tapeworm diet

felecia187 so you go to the doctor and yes they still do this one , and you get a pill that has a tapeworm in it , you eat the tapeworm and in about a couple of months this tapeworm will grow inside you and it will help you loss weight , after you have lost enough weight you simply take a deworming pill to get rid of the tapeworm , how sick and easy is that ? enjoy .

the baby food diet .

felecia187 the baby food diet now don't get me wrong i like baby food in the jar , so here is how it works you eat baby food for one of your meals everyday this in turn is suppose to help you lose weight , easy enough , but when you change your diet for two weeks no matter how you change your eating habits you will lose weight any way , enjoy .

the cotton ball diet

felecia187 cotton ball diet , you take about ten cotton balls and you eat them , they will fill you up and make you feel less hungry , now the supermodels use cocaine cotton balls , now you will probably end up at the doctor get them removed , but when it comes to losing weight people will try anything , enjoy .

the ice diet

felecia187 the ice diet is easy you basically make a slushy out of ice and flavor , such as two table spoons of orange juice and a cup of crushed ice you can add your own flavors , about two table spoon full to a glass , the theory is that your body will burn 160 calories more for to warm up the ice for your body to digest with every one liter of slushy this diet is not proven to work but hay nice way to stay cool in the hot summer time , enjoy .

Monday, June 2, 2014

ivory soap experiment

felecia187 this is easy and quite save to do , you take a bar of ivory soap and place it into your microwave oven turn your microwave oven on with the bar of soap in it for about five minutes , the time depends on how much power your microwave has , then you will see how big your soap will really get , that's it simple , enjoy

how to start a fire fast

felecia187 this is fun , do this outside and have a pale of water encase , you take the fine steel wool , and place it on the ground , then you take a 9 volt battery and place the connections of the battery on to the steel wool , it will start on fire right away , it s that easy , enjoy .


felecia187 these bugs are called junebugs and are very poisons , they fly at night and are native to Canada i know i live here , they usually live in sand like play grounds , beaches , so do not let one bit you , you will become very sick i just made a video on my video site by the same name and it flew by my head at one in the morning before it landed under the street light in front of me , they are about four inches long , dark in color so i got out my video camera and made a video at a safe distance , it was safe because i am still here and not in the hospital , enjoy , do not play with them .

Saturday, May 31, 2014

trick to bad breath

felecia187 this one smells yeah the breath , 90% of your bad breath comes from your tongue , so you need to do more then just mouthwash you need to get a tongue rake and scrap your tongue clean of the bacteria that is causing you to have bad breath , brushing your tongue will only smear the bacteria around which will cause more bacteria to grow and make your breath smell even worse , so get a tongue rake and get your friends back ha ha little joke there , so enjoy .

Friday, May 30, 2014

how many words can you make with your calculator ?

felecia187 how many words can you make with your calculator ? well i have the answer i will list the numbers first then the word next to it , so get a calculator and play along , here we go .
77145 shill 
7715 sill
7714 hill
41 hi
7734 hell
34 he
345 she
7734 sell
7714 hello
77345 shell
710 oil
7105 soil
05 so
09 go
5309 goes
7719 gill
739 gel
907 log
937 leg
807 lob
3807 lobe
8075 slob
0937 lego
7334 heel
51 is
3705 sole
335 see
5537 less
008 boo
808 bob
58008 boobs
818 bib
918 big
607 hog
304 hoe
3045 shoe
0045 shoo
7718 bill
7738 bell
3718 bile
55378 bless
55178 bliss
5507 loss
5508 boss
338 bee
9908 bogg
938 beg
805 sob
3504 hose
339 gee
having fun yet , see how many sentences you can make with your calculator , enjoy .

flight 370 Malaysia part 24

felecia187 is this ever going to end ? so now they say for sure that the flight did not crash where they thought the pings were coming from [ USA HAS THE DAM PLANE ] but now there next stupid trick is to map the ocean floor , then bring in better sonar subs to search where they think it might be , they have asked the USA  for there documents about there microphones that they have in the ocean to see if they can tell them where the plane is , gets better now they are talking money how much to do this search for the next year ? price tag $60,00,000 so how much has all this cost to date ? do not know the answer to that , when will this end ?, no clue enjoy .

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

flight 370 Malaysia part 23

felecia187 and here we go again , so they have released the satellite data but they are still holding some of it because of security reasons , yeah right , so now they are going to map the sea floor and release all the data that they find this will determine the best places for the underwater sonar to search for the missing flight 370 , so it will take three months to map the sea floor which will be the area of 60,000 square km , not done yet then they will send in the sonar subs , the whole thing will take one year , i think what they are doing is hoping that this story fads away , the best bet is that the USA hijacked the plane read my previous post and you will learn why , enjoy 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Indian casino in Calgary Alberta Canada

felecia187 so the reservation in Calgary got $240.000.000 so the ring road can go threw , they also have a casino now before all this started the casino paid out big time someone was always winning , but now that they have started to build a hotel next to the casino and with all the money they got from the city no one wins anything anymore , they don't pay taxes on any of the money made at the casino they could put 80 per cent back into the games and still make a whole lot of money but now they just got greedy just like the white man , i was there when two women won $22,000 , i was there when a man playing won over $400,000 i even won money , but now the money is going into the pockets of thieves there casino is no longer as popular as it used to be , there people still live in poverty well the chief and there members rake in millions what gives when you can not even help your own kind , OH and the government is still giving them even more money , this band used to own downtown Calgary not kidding so they sold all that land which was making them millions a year in revenue , but there people still starve what gives , send your people to college motivate them educate them and give them a fair share of the wealth , knowledge is power so show your people how to get empowered , and put more money back into the machines this will get more people to go to your casino and make you more money DUH , enjoy 

Monday, May 26, 2014

how to turn cards into dominoes

felecia187 here is something fun to do , first you will need  a deck of cards , they cost a dollar at the dollar store , then you will need a pair of scissors , you cut two lines on the bottom of the card one on both sides , then you turn the flap you just made by cutting , you turn them opposite of the other then you can stand them up and make a roll of dominoes cards , this is also much cheaper then real dominoes so , enjoy 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

up date on flight 370 out of Malaysia part 22

felecia187 silence , the government of Malaysia is 100% silent now the conspiracy theories rule , do not let them get away with this , keep screaming talking blogging push push , enjoy 

new crater on Mars

felecia187 so they have found a new crater on Mars , here is a thought how about you send one of those robots over to check it out ? when the last one landed on Mars it made an impact crater that blew away the top layer of the ground , but they did not sent the rover over to investigate , why ? this was a great opportunity to see what was under the surface of Mars , is there something they don't want you to know ? and what happened to the bright light on Mars did they go and investigate that ? no , so what gives are they trying to hide something ? get with it you NASA  scientist are suppose to be smart so get with it , enjoy .

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Omar Khadr being sued for 50 million dollars

felecia187 this sick murder should be hung until dead , so this is what is going on he in now in prison in Bowden Alberta Canada which is twenty minutes from where i live , the Bowden prison is for sex offenders yeah you heard me right it is also minimal security , this scum should be at Spy Hill prison in Calgary Alberta Canada where they eat people like this for lunch , any how he is suing us Canadians for violations of his rights by the Canadian intelligence for $20.000.000 , while the widow of Sgt Christopher is suing him for $50.000.000 he has no defense because he pleaded guilty for the murder of several men two of which he murder in front of his dad to get his dads approval this is a full blown terrorist that is bragging about what he is doing to the Canadian justice system , what happened to Stephen Harpers tough on crime ? a butcher is butcher no matter how old he was or is , enjoy .

the truth about charity lottery in Canada

felecia187 they should have better rules for charity lottery in Canada , here in Canada you do not pay tax on a windfall so all the prizes that are won in these lotteries are free , this is good , your odds of winning a prize in a charity lottery in Canada are better then the state lottery , this is even better , now the down side , tickets will cost you any where between $10.00 to $100.00 per ticket you can also get group tickets at a discount like instead of one ticket for $100.00 you can get three for $200.00 , the cost to buy a ticket is high , now the real awe-full truth is that the charity that is selling the tickets to raise money for sick kids , air ambulance and things like that do not get as much money as you might think the children lottery only gets about 4% on the dollar the rest goes to advertising , phone centers and the one running the lottery , now i think that most of the money should go to what they are selling tickets for not everyone but them , it is better to donate your money directly to the charity because then 70% will go to where it is suppose to go in the first place and you can write it off on your taxes , but you can not write of the lottery ticket , enjoy . 

Friday, May 16, 2014

truth about horoscopes

felecia187if you read your horoscope in the paper every day , you should realize that it dose not fit you personally , it is based on  your birthday , now a real horoscope would include your birthday , your chines sign , position of stars and planets , basically a lot more details would go into it , the one in the newspaper is very poor when you take into account how many people have your birthday , so the one in the newspaper is really not specific to you , so if you believe that your future can be told then you should seek out someone who will give you a real reading and not charge you an arm and a leg for it , enjoy

weird foods we love

felecia187 so you have a craving for something weird , like pickles and ice-cream , deep fried chicken , orange and onion sandwiches , these cravings could be telling your body that you lack something such as not enough salt in your diet , or you are pregnant , people who smoke prefer salty foods , which is stupid because people who smoke only taste the salt never the food , what is your craving , some of mine and i have many , peanut butter and pork and beans together , a large amount of cookies , chocolate milk , and apple sauce , i used to soak up chicken noodle soup with crackers then pout in ketchup , i did this until i found out that i have an allergy to tomatoes , bummer ,if you have a craving like the ones here your just normal and probable need adventure in your life so enjoy .

the kids shows we used to watch

felecia187 so my girlfriend bought me a kids show that i used to watch as a kid , it was great fun at the time , but now that i watched it again i realized that it was a load of garbage how could something so bad entertain me as a kid but be so bad to watch as an adult , so if your teenagers are misbehaving then force them to watch the shows they loved as a kid in front of there friends this should straighten them out but quick , enjoy

steel toe verse composite

felecia187 red for bloody don't worry i will make this short , the difference between steel toes and composite toes is simple composite will crush your toes but you can heal from that , steel toes will cut your toes off , this you will not heal from , so save your toes and buy csa approved composite toes your feet will love you for it , enjoy 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

how to dye your hair with jello

felecia187 yes you heard me right how to dye your hair with jello , so you will need to put water on the stove about two liters worth and bring to a boil , now pour your jello in to the boiling water , after the jello has been dissolved , you then pour it into a bowl , now you place on the table and sit in a chair and put your hair into the bowl with jello the longer you leave your hair in the jello the darker your hair will become , about 30 minutes for most depending on how dark you want it to be , this dye job will last about one month , so what color are you going to dye your jello hair ,OH one more thing you must get the sugar free jello because the one with sugar will leave your hair all sticky , and the sugar free one will not , enjoy 

2013 Calgary flood facts

felecia187 Calgary Alberta Canada in 2013 got hit with the biggest flood it has ever seen now the numbers .
 25 % of the province was flooded .
 2,300 Canadian troops were deployed .
 32 state of emergency declared .
 1,000 km of roads destroyed .
 six billion dollar price tag .
 120,000 people forced to evacuate .
 4 people drowned .
 4,000 downtown businesses affected ,
 14,500 house damaged ,
 over 200 millimeters of rain fell on the rocky mountains ,
 Calgary set a record for rain fall June 21 45 millimeters of rain fell in a single day ,
 Bow river crested at 1,682 cubic meters per second on June 21 , the normal flow rate is 160 to 180 during spring thaw .
i posted the video of the aftermath of this flood on my video page , the good news is that over 100,000 people who were not affected by the flood showed up to help the flood victims clean the mud and destroyed belongings from the homes that were affected , in my video i show you how high the water went in to there homes yes it went way past the basement and even as high as there first floor a lot of houses have been bought out by the government and you can no longer get them insured , was global warming a factor , not , enjoy . 

how to lite charcoal the fast way

felecia187 when you go to buy your charcoal for the barbque buy a bag of charcoal that will fit into your barbque , then instead of using lighter fluid , just lite the bag on fire problem solved , enjoy 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

mosquitoes how to keep them away

felecia187 these blood thirsty mosquitoes can be kept at bay by using catnip oil , i had to get it at the pet store and the one i found is like a roll on , it works great and they say this stuff is better then DEET when it comes to getting rid of them so you don't get bit get catnip oil and your problem with these nasty creatures will go away , you put it on every two hours , enjoy 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

cure for heart burn

felecia187 see your doctor , if you need to cure your heart burn fast then do this little trick , take one teaspoon of vinegar and add it to one cup of water ,then drink it , in minutes your heart burn will go away , now this is a awesome way to get rid of heart burn , but you should talk to your doctor if your heart burn continues , heart burn can be a sign of more serious things that need to be dealt with ,remember listen to your body , it may be trying to tell you something , enjoy 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

ten ways to get rid of mosquitoes

felecia187 they are blood thirsty creatures that carry disease and if you have a friend like me you are very lucky , because mosquitoes will prefer me over you no i am not kidding ,
 1, get rid of free standing water in your yard ,
 2,garlic mix one part garlic juice with five parts water and put in a spray bottle , spray on your self , 
 3,catnip oil repeals them better then deet .
 4,get or build a bat house and hang it out side your house they can eat hundreds of bugs an hour .
 5,throw rosemary or sage on your barbecuing and it will keep them at bay .
 6,use fans around your outdoor play area , a wind of less then two miles per hour will blow them away because they suck at flying .
 7,plant lemon grass in your yard it makes it hard for them to find you because of the strong sent it gives of it masks your breath which is how they find you in the first place .
 8,they say to use bug lights , but the truth be told you kill more of the bugs that eat them they you kill mosquitoes so i say stay away from bug lights , you will find a lot more moths in a bug light they you will find mosquitoes , and moths eat them .
 9,wear light colors , don't wear perfumes they are attracted to it .

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Malaysia flight 370 part 21

felecia187 this is short but blunt and honest , Larry King and i quote " after six weeks we know the plane tured left , this is all we know after six weeks " unquote guess which Island it pointed to when it turned left look up my previous post on this flight 370 and you will also see the answer , enjoy .

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

soap-less washing machines

felecia187 so they made washing machines that use no soap , they use sound waves , that vibrate your clothes in the water and this blasts the dirt off you laundry , this is great because you only pay for the water and the power to run the machine , but they made thousands of them and no one bought them , why , why i ask would you not buy something that protects the world and saves you money , i still don't know the answer so if you do they were made by GE , do you know why no bought them . please leave message and help me learn something new , enjoy .

why do we buy noise tools

felecia187 we buy lawnmowers that make noise , vacuum cleaners , power tools , all these make lots of noise and you should wear hearing protection with some of them , so why do we buy them loud , and why do they make them loud , simple short answer they made ones that made very little noise and you guessed it no one bought them , people think that they don't work as well if they are made to be less noisy  so now you know , enjoy

Monday, May 5, 2014

Malaysia flight 370 part 20

felecia187 it has now been two months since the plane went missing , now they have taken the evidence that has been made from this and given it to the experts now who are the experts i and you don't know , and why was it not given to the experts to begin with , this sounds like more of a conspiracy then we first thought , because now not only have they lied from the start [ see previous post ] but now they are making stories up to feed the masses , and this story just will not go away , read my other post on this and tell me what you think , because the cover up on this is really stupid and i may have answered the question why this is happening in a other post , enjoy .

Sunday, May 4, 2014

pet deer

felecia187 yes you heard me right a women named Janet Schwartz in Vancouver B.C  has a pet deer she calls it bimbo it sleeps in it's own bed , they tried to take it away from her because it is a wild animal but with the help of a vet she got to keep it , she has had the deer for ten years and she feeds it goats milk , enjoy

Saturday, May 3, 2014

a little truth about the Canada housing market

felecia187 so you want to buy a house and the average price is $ 504,000 this is in Calgary so most people will buy condos at a much lower price , so get smart get knowledge because knowledge is power and will save you money , OK here goes when you take the million dollar homes out of the market your average house in Calgary falls like a rock , you can pay $ 350,000 for a condo , or if you look a little harder you can find great houses in Calgary for $ 250,000 not kidding , there are lots of single family homes for a great price that you can afford , take the numbers condo + condo fees + taxes = $4,500 per month or single family home + taxes = $2,500 per month which can you afford ? i do not see the housing market crashing but i do see the condo market having problems in the near future this is because a condo is nothing more then a over priced apartment , think of the noise you have to put up with in a condo compared to a house , the advantages of owning a house over a condo is huge and when the condo market crashes the house will go up in value before you buy get the knowledge and enjoy your not so noisy house , and the yard that comes with it ,don't believe all Realtor after all they make more on the bigger price houses then they do on the lower ones , they could be as low as a car dealer so think before you buy after all it is your money , enjoy .

where stupid people live

felecia187 people will buy homes in very dumb places , they even pay a large amount of money for them , 
 tornado , they call this one tornado alley it is around Kansas in the USA they destroy homes every year , now why do they not make homes that are aerodynamic , or they could build them under ground , houses in Canada are not insured if you build them in place that they get destroyed on a regular bases .
 flood zones , really and then they will not leave there home and end up drowning , take New Orleans need i say anymore , they have made banks along the river that are over 40 feet high , they are just asking for it move already .
 war torn countries where religion is the problem , your house gets fire bombed , your family gets shot or are shooting people , get the hell out ,
ocean front property oh and this one can cost you millions to own and yet the storms can destroy your home in a matter of seconds not to say that the shore line is coming closer and closer to your home every year , 
in the end when you buy a stupid property you pay way to much , if you want to live there then build it to with stand the environment you want to live in , enjoy 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Alison Redford

felecia187 this one is still in the press , she will not show up for her duties , and was last seen in Palm Springs , she flue there yeah you guessed it on tax payers money , Don Getty who was premier of Alberta did the same thing when he was forced out , and ever since they got rid of Ralph Klien the government of Alberta has gone on a borrowing  spree , which has put Alberta back into debt ,enjoy

Rob Ford

felecia187 first and foremost drugs are BAD this man has a addiction  that he needs to get help for , he has denied his problem which makes it harder to treat someone like this , the first step is to admit that he has a problem , before he can have someone help him through this , right now he is nothing more then a drug addict that gets press , and even though some find his behavior funny , to a reformed drug addict it is nonsense and if he dose not admit to having a problem , and then getting the help he needs , then he will DIE  very soon this is serious , enjoy

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

why do rich people buy cars that cost $ 2,000,000

felecia187 so you want to know why rich people would spend $ 2,000,000 on a car well this is how it works , for starters they only made about 100 of these super cars which means they are rare to begin with , now when you buy this car you are not spending any money really because you are investing in the car to go up in value yes you heard me right most times you spend the two million on a car and in one year you get three million for it , these cars are safer for investing then real estate , no i am not kidding , the reason rich people are rich is because they invest there money well poor people spend there money , and that is why rich people are rich and poor people are poor , enjoy .

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

more then 300 death row inmates innocent

felecia187 so the university of Michigan USA have found that between 1973 and 2004 more then 300 inmates are innocent this dose not include the ones who had there sentence commuted to life , 7482 case were studied so the numbers are huge you could see one or two but hundreds this is sick and tells people who are lead to believe that so and so killed there family member only to find out they got the wrong man , i wonder if the families of the person murdered could sue the state for convicting someone of killing there family member , if it turns out that they were innocent of the crime , because the system let the real murder go free , i don't know about you but if someone was convicted of murdering someone i know and i found out that they were innocent , this would cause undue stress to me and i would be even more ticked off knowing that the real murder got away with it , someone has got to get into this system and find out who and what is the problem here and fix it so innocent people do not get murdered by the state or put in prison for life , this is bull and someone or many have to get the ball rolling on this because it is murder if you kill an innocent man , it starts with the investigators so let us start there and see how they do it wrong and fix that part so it works right , then we go throw the court system and see what we can fix there one problem with the court system is that most of the time evidence is not given that should of been given , if you have ever been to trial it is kind of like the way politicians argue between each other and we all know how much politicians steal our money and don't get anything done , it is time to start investigating the system and then fixing the problem , better training and getting rid of the social paths in power so investigators do not get tunnel vision , enjoy 

Monday, April 28, 2014

how to drink all the beer you want and not get drunk .

felecia187 it has finally happened someone has come up with a way to drink all the beer you want and not get drunk , you will still blow over the limit so do not think you can drink and drive after you try this , DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE .
 now that you are still here you will not have a hangover in the morning when you do this , but it only works with beer it dose not work for other alcohols , you take on teaspoon per beer and you mix dry yeast into a yogurt , so if you are going to have ten beer all night you will mix in ten teaspoon full of DRY YEAST  , now how dose this work well instead of your liver separating the parts of the alcohol into carbon , hydrogen , and oxygen the yeast which is all ready in your system dose the separation before your body dose and in turn this prevents the affects of alcohol from giving you a hang over , now the enzyme in the yeast is called [ ADH ] for short , you can also take the white powder of yeast with you but make sure you take one teaspoon full before you drink the beer , doing this will prevent you from having a hang over in the morning , DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE , enjoy 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

9 cheapest places to retire

felecia187 so you want to retire , well these retirement spots have clean living , good health care , and are not crowded , they also have lots to do and see , so here goes .all prices are in USA dollars .
 9 . Ipoh Malaysia , cost $ 897 per month .
 8 . Nha Trang Vietnam , cost $ 650 per month .
 7 . Chiang Rai Thailand , cost $ 750 per month .
 6 . Dumaguete Philippines , cost $ 1,000 per month .
 5 . Cayo Belize ,  cost $ 1,100 per month .
 4 . Granada Nicaragua , cost $  1,300 per month .
 3 . Loja Ecuador , cost $ 1,100 per month .
 2 . Tralee Ireland , cost $ 1,500 per month . 
and the number one place to retire on a fixed budget is , 1 . Carcassonne France for the cost of $ 1,750 per month . 
 now before you start packing the truth about these list is that they are in today's dollars , and they do not tell you what they will cost in the future , so like always do your home work before you go this way there will be little to worry about when you do go , enjoy .

the truth about first class flights

felecia187 so you want to go first class , well this cost more no kidding , you get better food so they say , more leg room this depends on the airline , more luxury , better stuff , now let us talk safety , when a plane crashes dose not matter how or where the front part of the plane kills more people so if you are in the front and the pilots die then there is a great chance you will to , do you get better safety in first class , NO, do you stand a better chance of living through a plane crash in first class ,NO ,this is because first class is in the front of the plane , so go cheap and improve your chance of living through a plane crash , enjoy 

Burts bees lip balm

felecia187 so you need to stay awake while studing for test , well it appears that some students may be using Burts bees lip balm , well if you are stupid enough to do this , this is how it works , you put it under your eye lids , and it causes your eyes to puff up , this happens because of the pepermint oil reacts to your eye , this in turn is suppose to keep you awake for longer periods of time , do not try this even thou i know some of you will , this is how stuff like this gets started , enjoy

Ontario women kills kid then sues parents

felecia187 so it was a dark road that was narrow , she is driving along at 1:30 am and then three kids on bikes get in front of her car , she didn't have time to stop she was not charged , she killed one , permanently injured another and the third one was unharmed , so the parents are suing her for the death and injuries suffered by there kids , she is suing the parents for suffering undo stress that will affect her for the rest of her life , so is she right to sue the dead kids parents this is causing some controversy for both sides , she didn't hurt anyone on purpose this was an accident  on her part , the kids were kids stupid in other words , but kids none the less , one of my questions is what were these kids doing out on bikes at 1:30 am with no bike lights , and why were they not at home at this hour , maybe the parents could be at fault , what do you think . enjoy .

Friday, April 25, 2014

lower back pain cure .

felecia187 so you have lower back pain , you take drugs , they don't work , you go to doctors , they can't help you , you seek other alternatives they don't help , you buy infomercials toys ,they don't help ,well in order for you to stop the pain and increase your ability to move with out pain you first have to find a way to increase the blood flow to your disk in your spin so that your back can start to heal , in most cases the pain is caused by pressure  on the disk , well this simple exercise will do just that , before you do this talk with your doctor first because there are more reasons then one on why your back hurts this will work with most but not all sorry , so for the ones it dose work for here goes instructions ,
 lay flat on your back ,
bring your knees to your chest or as close to without pain as you can ,
now place your hands one on each knee ,
now that you are in position you will only move your arms , your legs will stay relaxed , the only thing you will use to move are you arms ,
now pull your knees toward your chest , then relax , pull relax , and continue to do this move for 12 minutes , do not strain your self when performing this simple move hold for one second then relax , now the great news the reason this works is because it relaxes the pressure on your disk which allows the blood flow back in to your disk and helps it to heal , this has worked wonders for me , at first you do this everyday for one week the following week you do it six days , the week after that five , then you do it when you feel discomfort , i do this about once that's right once every six months and i have no back pain , no drugs that you have to take more of the more you take , no stupid toys people are trying to sell you , this is free and easy to do , so get your life back and get pain free , enjoy .

Malaysia flight 370 part 19

felecia187 so a expert who dose not what his name known has stated because of the failed search with the under water drone that this could take years to search for the flight , which will cost millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars , they might be bringing in more drone subs , who is going to write the first book ? on this and will there be conspiracy theories in it , like the USA has the plane and a huge problem , they can't put the plane in the ocean so some will find it , because the entire ocean has already been searched using satellites  for public use and people all around the world are still using these satellites to try and find the plane that the USA has , if you want to know why the USA may have the plane then read my previous post on flight 370 ,enjoy .

foreign worker program on hold

felecia187 the foreign worker program for all restaurants in Canada is now being suspended until further notice , a report has come in and found that the only reason for foreign workers in restaurants is because owners do not want to pay to have Canadian workers work for them , it also found that the unemployment rate has gone up for Canadian workers mostly in Alberta and British Columbia where most foreign workers were brought in , out of the 338,000 foreign workers in Canada they are mostly in the western provinces , it all so found that the foreign workers are being payed below the poverty line in Canada and this is not what it was meant for , reminds me of what Canada did to the foreign workers who built our railroad , look it up big mess , so now what , we will see , enjoy .

Thursday, April 24, 2014

top ten stupid super powers

felecia187 these are the stupid powers that have no real reason in a fight . 
10 . madam fatal / she is a guy who dress like an old women to fight crime .
9 . bouncing boy /inflates his body into a giant ball and bounces .
8 . hindsight lad /tells you what you just did wrong and how you could do it better .
7 .dogwelder / he can weld dead dogs to people .
6 . thunderer / you put on a costume add a microphone and talk really really LOUD .
5 . zeitgeeist / he throws up on people .
4 . dazzler / blinds people for a short time with light .
3 . color kid / can change the color of objects .
2 . arm-fall-of-boy / he takes of one of his arms and beats the villain  with it .
1 . and the number one stupid power goes to squirrel girl / she can move her tail , and talk to squirrels . 
enjoy .

coloring your flowers

felecia187 so you want to know how to color your flowers to make them look awesome , you buy flowers that have white petals now when you bring them home to put in the vase you add water and the food coloring of your choice , and in about one hour the petals will be the color of the food coloring you put in the water with the flowers , they will look awesome , enjoy

how to make a lava lamp

felecia187 so you want to know how to make a lava lamp OK here goes you get your self a vase that is tall you pour it ninety percent full of cooking oil , you add some food coloring , then you get an alkaseltzer and break it in to four pieces , then you put it into the vase with the oil and food coloring , it will start to bubble and bingo you have your very own lava lamp , enjoy 

how to get rid of slugs in your yard

felecia187 so you have a problem with the little slime of the slug , so here is what you do , you get a beer yeah that is what i said beer you are not going to like this , but you will take the beer and pour it into a container about six inches tall and fill it with beer to three inches , now dig a hole where the slugs are and set the container about four inches into the ground leave it over night and in the morning you will find dead slugs in the container with the beer in it not kidding works like a charm but you have to waste the beer or you could drink the beer with the slugs in it , just kidding lol . this really dose work so try it and see , enjoy  

Malaysia flight 370 part 18

felecia187 OMG yeah yet another update , the search area has now been searched yeah you guessed it no plane , there has been parts of what they think may be a plane wash up on the coast of Australia and they are now being looked at to determine if they are from flight 370 the plane went missing seven weeks ago and to date nothing of the plane has been found , they are now searching the area with even more powerful sonar but you guessed it nothing yet , so how much is this costing , who is paying for it , and why the heck have they nothing to show for it , will this plane ever be found ? enjoy . 

the fluffanator sandwich

felecia187 this is a true story of the fluffanator sandwich in the USA  one of the states wants to make the fluffanator the state sandwich , what is a fluffanator , well glad you asked it is a marshmallow spread and peanut butter sandwich  the fluff as it is called was invented in 1917 , so instead of these leaders dealing with real problems they are voting on if this should be the state sandwich , think this is crazy it just pasted it's first vote in the states senate , talk about crazy news no i did not make this up , you can look it up online crazy stuff for the fluff , enjoy 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

making money with your videos .

felecia187 so a 14 year old girl started making cosmetic videos and posting them on line she now makes get this $ 40,000 per month , you tube can make you lots of money , there is one that has 25,000,000 subs he makes seven videos per day , how much dose he make millions per year , this is the most fun you can have , you make a video post it tweak it and that's it now it makes you money for doing nothing , it is like doing a commercial for TV you work two days to do the commercial and if it goes national you get $ 250,000 for the year they showed it on TV , once the video is uploaded it makes you money for doing nothing , everybody has something they want to share with the world the best money you can make is the money you had fun making .enjoy 

Rubin Carter [hurricane ]

felecia187 this was a bad live this was a great live the live of the hurricane he did twenty years for a murder he did not commit he was set free and his conviction was finally over turned , even thou his live sucked for twenty years he became very wealthy , and a champion for true justice , there are more people like him behind bars for crimes they have not committed , which is a great waste of our tax dollars and in some cases like Mr . Carters we as tax payers still have to pay for the time they lost there lives while be hind bars , this story of this great man has not changed this corrupt system one little bit , Gorge Bush's brother when he was the senator of Texas had DNA  test done on all the people in the state of Texas on death row , SURPRISE  fifty percent of them were found not guilty , so the death sentence in Texas has been stayed this was the only thing that was good that any Bush ever did , so how to fix a system that is so much bull well first in order to fix something you first have to bread it , enjoy .    

Friday, April 18, 2014

Malaysia flight 370 part 17

felecia187 today they have narrowed there search area by a lot , now what this means is that it will take one week to search the area with the unmanned sub , which was to take two months before , the sub has gone its deepest with no side effects yet , the search for parts of the flight on the ocean surface may be called of in a couple of days , if they find nothing and i do not think they will then , they will regroup and see where they go from there , conspiracy theories are looking pretty good right now , see previous post for details . enjoy .

Malaysia flight 370 part 16

felecia187 om my god still writing about this , so they fixed everything in the deep diving sub , now it is working fine , but they will need about two months , yeah you heard me right it could take as long as two more months until they find flight 370 if they find it at all , and this is bull in today's world where we have gps that works all over the planet to help find people who need help and these idiots can't find a plane with a black box that sends out a ping , oh that's right it took them three weeks to get into position to hear the ping that only last for four weeks i can totally  understand where the anger of the families is coming from toward there governments , the conspiracy theories would not have started at all if it were not for the government getting experts to lie about the phones and where the plane may have gone down if it did go down , i hope they find it and end this bull soon , enjoy .

Thursday, April 17, 2014

bridge stolen not kidding

felecia187 you read the post right someone stole a bridge it was ten feet wide and twenty feet long , it went missing in Kane township Illinois USA , they think that it was stolen all in one piece , no one knows who stole it or why , not much information on this one , the bridge was used by farmers and they figure it went missing in March of this year , it was made of wood and iron , that's all right they sold the Efel tower three times , so a small bridge missing is nothing new , enjoy 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

heard bleed bugger arrested in Canada

felecia187 the person who stole 900 sin numbers from revenue Canada has been arrested in London Ontario , his name is Stephen Arthuno  Solis-Reyes , this kid is 19 has a back ground as follows .
won London district school board computer programming competition .
track and field 1500 meters .
Catholic school spelling bee .
was taking computer science .
the heart bleed bug is a program that unencrypts encrypted messages as i said before in a previous post you made the door to open and you thought you had the only key , well think again because doors were meant to be opened , this kid is going to do some time and when he gets out and is done his parole he will be hired by companies that want someone like him to make there computers more secure , stupid i know but this is how it works it is like he is advertising for future employment , i would tell you in this post how easy it was to catch him on the computer but then this would be the last time you would ever use the internet for fear of them finding out what you are doing here scared yet . enjoy .

part 10 flight 370 Malaysia .

felecia187 this is an up date the ship Haixum has picked up a ping , now it right now is not known if it is flight 370 black box , and in this the government has given so many false leads , search areas , so do not get your hopes up , this is the largest search yet for the missing flight , the ping was picked up at (25 degrees south and 101 degrees east ) use your maps to help search the area with satellite , also how do you pick up the ping when the black box was turned off as they said when the flight first went missing ? but if the conspiracy theories are right then the USA  has the plane  read my previous post on this and you will know why the USA and other countries would want to hijack this plan . and no the black box is not black it is a very bright orange , just so you know the color makes it easier to find , so keep the pressure on and do not let this story die , we need to know who hijacked flight 370 and why . or do we already know read my previous post to find out , enjoy .   

Malaysia flight 370 part 15

felecia187 so the update for today , man this is a pain , can these idiots do anything right , now they have fixed the problem with the unmanned sub and it is back in the water as i write this , the people who lost there families have walked out of so called meetings with the Malaysia government who can blame them , the way this search for the flight has been handled is dumber then a politician on drugs , remember my previous post , conspiracy theories start when the government starts lying to you , hopefully we can put this to rest , or the USA has the plane i explain that in previous post also , enjoy 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Maple leaf foods under fire yet again

felecia187 so this company was under fire years ago when more then a dozen people died from eating there product , they should of went out of business then but no people keep buying there garbage , now there is a women living in Iqaluit and she found metal shavings in her hot dogs , her name is Sylvia Thompson , see has reported it to the company and they say they are doing a full investigation in to this , well the food inspectors of Ontario are also doing there own investigation , this has happened in this company like every year they do something like this and people still buy there product which has been proven time and time again to be danger to the people buying it , wake up and boycott this company , by the way i don't buy any meat products from Ontario this should tell you something , so the women who found the metal shavings is keeping the wieners after talking to a lawyer , so we will see how many stupid people keep buying products from this company with a no good track record , enjoy 

the foreign worker program under fire , part 2

felecia187 so the truth about this program is coming to light , they are going to need some time to find out what is wrong with this program and what needs to be done to protect Canadian workers , so this update is about Naomi Alboim , he is the chair of the Queen's University's school of policy studies , he brings several things to light , but it is what he said that hits the home run , and i quote [ if employers would invest more into working conditions , improving wages , would there be more Canadians willing to do this job ] unquote , the answer is yes , but we already know that , the foreign worker program is basically for the food service industry and hotels , which have very low wages and bad employers , so i think this guys question should be taken more seriously then it has , because if you improve working conditions and raise the wages in any industry of course you will get more people working for you duh . there is a restaurant on Gasoline alley out side of Red Deer Alberta where the owner has a starting wage of $15.00 per hour , but she can't keep any staff even thou this is a pretty good wage , because she is a pain in the ? you get the point , if she were a nicer person people would want to work for her but even the foreign works refuse so what dose this say about bad employers who want foreign workers , it is because foreign workers do not have a right to work any where else because they are under contract and this is the only type of workers she has because Canadians will not work for her because of her attitude , so both the wages have to increase and the working conditions , enjoy .

Malaysia flight 370 part 14

felecia187 when is this going to end , how long has it been , OK so the submersible was sent down to search the area and because of the safety built into it's programming it returned to the surface , it went down to far , it is programmed to stay 30 meters above the sea floor , but because it went below 4500 meters the fail save went off and returned it to the surface , it did not bring up any data showing any plane , now if it were to work it takes 2 hours to go the bottom , 16 hours to search the sea floor , 2 hours to return to the surface , and 4 hours to go over the data so it has 24 hours to do one search , they are reprogramming it to go deeper but we don't know what will happen if it dose , there are other submersibles that can go deeper but they are not in the area , how much is this costing , the conspiracy theories are looking pretty good right now , they took three weeks before they started searching for the plane , and the black box goes off line in 30 days , no wreckage has been found ,  now the submersible can't go deep enough what next , if they don't find it then the USA has the flight look in my previous post on this to get the conspiracy theories , they recovered what appears to be oil so they are now testing the oil to see if it is from the flight , basically they have nothing to go on , have spent hundreds of millions of dollars so far and have nothing to show for it , they need to find the black box or the USA  has the plane no question about it , enjoy .

she's back Alison Redford

felecia187 the bitch is back by Elton John could not have said it any better , that's right Alison Redford is back in the news , so here is how it goes this time just when you thought the problem was gone you now learn that she took her daughter on at least 50 flights that were suppose to be for business , turns out she took her daughter , like a short vacation for the both of them how much has she stole from the Alberta Canada Tax payer oh they know but they are not telling us , is she going away anytime soon i don't think so she may be the first female Rob Ford not kidding the opposition is going to milk this for all that it is worth , so she may final be gone next election i hope , enjoy  

Monday, April 14, 2014

bleeding bug revenue Canada

felecia187  so revenue Canada has admitted that the bug you didn't have to worry about has now stole about 900 sin numbers , and people keep saying it is save to do your business on line , and i say if you do business on line you are nuts , the internet is like a door with a lock on it , it was made to keep stupid people out , but the smart ones keep getting in the door , you want to know how to pick a door lock then go to the video site and search really easy to pick locks , beat motion detectors , break handcuffs , make a bumper key and the list goes on , if someone comes up with the idea of making the internet safer , then someone is going to figure  out how to make it unsafe again it seems to be a challenge waiting to happen so DO NOT DO BANKING ON LINE  , how and when is this message going to get through to you people , hacking is the easiest  thing to do so don't fool your self keep it secure don't publish your banking information on line , word of warning if i had your e-mail address i could find all the sites you have ever visited in 5 minutes and you don't have to be a genus like me to do it , so if you go online everything you do on line is there for the picking so DON'T do anything on line you don't want someone to know about , in order for someone to stop someone from opening the locked door you first have to get rid of the door , enjoy .

foreign worker program Canada under fire .

felecia187 now the truth about the abuse of Canadian workers comes to life , they are now saying that Canadian workers get paid less then foreign works , get less hours , and have less rights then foreign workers , the investigation has now gone from a McDonald in Vancouver to Lethbridge Alberta ' in some stores you have to sign your wright away to a raise or you don't get hired as a Canadian worker , you now get performance increases not raises that they can take away from you anytime they want , the fast food restaurants are the most profitable and pays the least amount for workers , the truth be told we do not have a shortage of Canadian workers in Canada what we have is a shortage of employers who are willing to pay a decent wage , and because of the foreign worker program the Canadian wages are being staled or frozen so you Canadians are more then getting screwed , now the numbers fast food restaurants in Canada make any where from 80 cents to 90 cents PROFIT on the dollar so the restaurant gets the most money and they spend 10 to 20 percent on running the restaurant this is a huge profit and this includes wages , upkeep which they right of on there taxes , rent , advertising , product , so the profit for fast food is HUGE  it is going to grow and the investigation is going to get bigger we don't know of all the fast food places that are screwing Canadian workers because some workers are don't want to come forward because as a Canadian you would lose your job and they will replace your job with more foreign workers , enjoy 

flushable wipes verse biodegradable flushable wipes

felecia187 so you want to know the difference between flushable wipes and biodegradable wipes , a flushable wipe in it self will not bread down when you flush it it pretty much stays the same and will clog up your sewer line , now a biodegradable flushable wipe will break down and will not clog up your sewer line , so just because they say flushable dose not mean they will break down when in water , you must make sure the package says that they do break down and that will be the ones you buy , enjoy 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

part 13 Malaysia flight 370

felecia187 so there are no new pings the search area is down to 500 square miles , there deep sea sub will take about six to eight weeks to search that much ocean to see if it can find the black box , who the hell made a black box that only last 30 days what were they thinking oh that's right they weren't , so this black box lasted 37 days , like i said you need to get the black box or the conspiracy theory will not go away , and another thing why don't they make a black box that sends a message to a satellite to tell were it really is oh another good one if you can send a message to a satellite that can pin point your cell phones position to with in three feet , then why can't you make a black box do the same thing ? if they made a black box properly they would of found it a long time ago , i said it once and i will say it again stupid people make the rules and stupid people make black boxes , or maybe the USA  doesn't  want you to find it , enjoy .

Saturday, April 12, 2014

how to catch a child molester .

felecia187 now i don't recommend people do this but many people have done this to catch child molesters , first you set up a fake account on a social site , now you state that you are young do not say at this point how young , now when the child molester answers your add you get them talking about what kind of sex they like , now you tell them that you are 12 and that you want to meet them for sex , you set up a time and place make sure the child molester gives you a very good description of them selves and make sure you keep the e-mail of your talk with them on your fake site , you will need this as evidence , now when they show up for the meet you and you friends pull out your camcorders and confront the child molester and tell them that you got punked in the worst way make sure you get the plate number on there car with the camcorder to not attempt to arrest or hold them for the cops , now after you got all this on video you take the evidence to the cops and let them deal with the child molester do not do this by yourself take your friends with you , because you do not know if the child molester is armed or dangerous , it is that easy , enjoy .

how to get out of credit card debt .

felecia187 so you have a credit card , learned your lesson yet , can't stop using it , you put it in a cup of water and froze it , then got the hair dryer out to get at it , you cut it up but ordered another one , you gave it to someone to hang on to but they give it to you when you ask for it , well i could go on and on but this works for me i have a safety deposit box at my bank i put it in there , now when i think i need it i can't get it because most of the time my bank is closed when i think i need it , works great give it a try .enjoy 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Ryan Smith retiring

felecia187 so Ryan Smith of the Edmonton Oilers is retiring as of today , my friend who is a till setter did his bathroom not once but twice the floor was not properly made the first time so they had to add a sub floor to Mr.Smith house , when he got traded from the Oilers and was on the news crying like a baby it made me wonder what kind of man that makes millions of dollars he really is , i think he might need a shrink , any how retiring might be more his enjoyment considering he can't score goals any way hey i tell them like i see them over paid , and under worked hockey players the world is full of to many of them , so before i get going with more on this , enjoy your retirement Mr.Smith .

Penhold Alberta Canada fire .

felecia187 on April 10 . 2014 about 5 pm in Penold Alberta Canada a fire broke out at the apartment building on the south side of town i filmed it and will post to my video upload site , this fire started fast and got real big real fast the four story building was in golfed in flames very quickly , there was black smoke that went two hundred feet into the air , the fire truck was there in about 15 min but they had a hard time finding the fire hydrant there was fire trucks from Red Deer , Innisfail , and Springbrook , they had the fire under control in about one hour but it was not entirely out yet i do not know if anyone was hurt , lets hope these people who lived there had insurance i know i do it comes in handy when something like this happens , we will know more tomorrow , enjoy   

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Quebec language law struck down .

felecia187 score one for the big guys , several store chains took the Quebec language law to court and won the judge stated that there store front signs did not go against the Quebec language laws and that they could keep there store front signs , so Quebec , got there butt kicked in the provincial election and now they get there butt kicked with there communist language law , personal the families of Alberta want there $ 7,000 a year back that we give to the people of Quebec , they should of had a vote that everyone in Canada could vote to keep Quebec and see what would happen with this one , it is amazing how the Quebec communist hay what else would you like to call them , have to impose laws to keep the fastest dying language alive in the world , if they stopped this garbage about there rights to french language and stop trying to separate , and get on with running the province then maybe they could make the province of Quebec more profitable , so everyone else in Canada would not have to support them anymore , and stop there bull wine about everything stupid about there government , but know they want to be like the oldest child , and you should treat the oldest child like the first pancake you throw it out , you get the point ,enjoy 

top 5 guns for your home protection .

felecia187 top 5 guns to protect your home with .
5 , maveric 88 shot gun 12 gauge .
4 , mouthberg 500 20 gauge 6 shot .
3 , smith and wesson governor 45 ,with 4 pellet shot .
2 , clock 19 , this is the easiest to use .
1 , and the number one which looks crazy for home protection but hay who am i to say no when your live is on the line , Krisvector .
enjoy .

Malaysia flight 370 part 12

felecia187 well they have not given in yet they now are searching a much smaller area of the Indian ocean , about 500 square miles , which would be about the size of LA they are still picking up pings , now they are going to drop a microphone down one thousand feet below the surface of the water to see if they can locate right where the plane is , the smaller there search area gets the faster they can locate the plane , they have hope , but like i said they have to find the plane to get rid of the conspiracy theories ,  enjoy

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

part 11 flight 370 Malaysia .

felecia187 so the search continues now they are saying that they are picking up lots of PINGS now they have not said where the pings are coming from or even if the pings are from flight 370 , you would think that the ping finder would have a directional finder on it but nope not that smart in making a ping detector so like everyone else we have to wait and see for our selves what the ping is from , how much is this costing and which person is paying for it , enjoy . 

strange light on mars .

felecia187 red for the red planet Mars , well today a strange light has been spotted by the Mars rover , there were two cameras going at the same time and in the same direction but only the right one picked up the bright light in the distance , so you guessed it no one knows what caused it , theories abound , aliens maybe , cosmic rays is this the best answer NASA has cosmic rays ha ha , or it could be a shinny rock , so check it out and you can decide what it is maybe it is ET sending an S.O.S if people can not explain for sure on what something is then they make up ideas to make the FEAR of the unknown go away , this makes people feel better the truth is no one for sure knows what the bright light really is maybe you can find out , enjoy .

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

car tipping

felecia187  you have heard about cow tipping well now try car tipping no you don't give the driver a tip , you tip his or her car on  there side , they are mostly doing this to smart cars , this started in San Francisco , now that it is in the media i think you will be seeing a lot more of this car tipping going on even in your own town , you need a small group of kids to do this so beware of kids travelling in packs , the reason they are using smart cars is because they are easier to tip , personal my girlfriends car gets better mileage then a smart car and it is twice the size , maybe smart cars should be turned onto there sides , so beware this is not a urban legend they have started what looks like the next stupid craze , enjoy

glow in the dark drinks for your next party .

felecia187 so you are throwing a party you want low light or no light maybe even moonlight dancing now i am getting romantic any how , you get yourself some glow sticks break them to activate them than you put them in the the big pop bottles you are using to mix drinks , then you can put them in the drinks and people can use them as stir sticks , enjoy 

Quebec Canada election

felecia187 so Quebec Canada now has a new leader because there previous leader she got her ass kicked hard , she didn't even win her own riding , the Liberals have now won , this is the people of Quebec way of saying no to seperation , good for them bad for us because it is the rest of Canada that pays the bills in Quebec , so if they were to seperat then the rest of Canada would get our money back here in Alberta Canada they take over $ 7,000 per family and give it to Quebec , well there are a lot of family here that could use that money a lot better then supporting those free loaders in Quebec , the way they have to protect there languag is stupid , did you know that it was not the french that found Quebec but the english , not done yet %90 of Quebec is owned get this by the indians , and if you think that the broke provice of Quebec is going to pay the indians for there treaty land you should really think again , in fact i bet that the indian voted more in this election then anyone else , since the people of Quebec want to stay with Canada then they should at least start to make money in there province instead of taking ours , and start giving back what they have taken for so long hell we own Quebec we paid for it so maybe we should go there and staighten it out with a can of woop ass , Canadian style , enjoy .

Monday, April 7, 2014

how to make our roads safer .

felecia187 you need a witness to an accident can't find one or they drove away , you know you had the right of way but can't prove it , solution buy your self a dash cam and install it now when you start driving turn it on then you do not have to worry about who was at fault , this makes it very bad for the road rag idiot that slammed on his brakes in front of you at 70 mph , after cutting you off , put one in the back window that way you can show the police who was tailgating you at 70 mph and only was two feet from your back bumper , or the idiot who was on there cell phone when they hit you , i could do this all day , i just uploaded a ten second video on my video page about a women on her cell phone , so be careful because i make money on idiots like this , and if the RCMP are watching my videos then they are handing out  tickets , i am not the only one there is a man in Calgary Alberta Canada that has his dash cam uploading to a live video stream on the internet and the RCMP are watching his live steam and handing out tickets , just think if there were enough people with streaming live dash cams we could put the RCMP on a different patrol , like finding drug pushers , web cams have been used to charge people in riots like the one in Vancouver B.C. so video is starting to make people famous for being idiots and also getting them charged , and making people like me money , you do not need permission to upload these videos because the criminal is not allowed to prosper from committing a crime but you are allowed to make money off the idiot in your video news is news no matter who video it , enjoy .