Monday, July 14, 2014

weight loss tip five .

felecia187 people who are over weight do this a lot they drink a huge amount of liquid usually diet pop , diet pop tells your brain that your stomach is never full so you eat more , because your brain can not tell the difference being hungry or thirsty , so start drinking water this will help you to drink less the affects of the diet pop will take up to two years to go away , so drink more water to weight less because women who drink diet pop retain more fluids then men , so women if you want to get rid of water retention drink more water and kick the pop habit . enjoy 

weight loss tip four .

felecia187 fast tip yes it has to do with speed people who are over weight eat faster then skinny ones , now the problem with this is that your brain dose not know you are full for at least twenty minutes , now if you eat slower your brain will tell you in about twenty minutes that you are full , you love your food more and loss weight at the same time just by eating slower , enjoy .

weight loss tip three

felecia187 to loss weight and keep it off you have to change your diet to live it for life , stay away from processed foods remember meat and vegetables in there natural form are always best , processed foods have filers in them such as wood pulp , processed foods and fast food can have %17 fillers in them and they do not have to tell you that , you can not make a hamburger meat patty stick to it self you have to add something to make the hamburger stick to each other such as eggs or fillers there is no such thing as % 100 pure beef in fast food so if you can not read the label or you are not sure what is in the food you are ordering then leave and eat else where were you know the food is healthy . enjoy 

weight loss tip two

felecia187 here is a easy tip before you eat make sure to drink one full glass of water or about 500 ml this will help to fill you up faster with no calories in water and drink one litre of water per day more if it is hot outside .

weight loss tip one

felecia187 this is a great tip to loss weight when you portion your plate at meal time put three times more vegetables on your plate then you have meat . the fiber in the vegetables helps to get ride of your fat so eat them more then meat . enjoy .

fasting for weight loss dose not work here is why .

felecia187 so you want to loss weight and keep it off well fasting dose not work period this is like yo-yo dieting you will not only gain it all back but more then you lost in the first place , when you stop eating your body goes into storage mode , meaning it burns less fat till your next meal , now when you eat again after fasting your body will store more from your food then if you had not fasted in the first place . remember the first meal of the day should be eaten with in the hour of getting out of bed this stabilizes your metabolism , enjoy 

colon cleanser for weight loss .

felecia187 when buying a colon cleanser for your weight loss program buy the one that helps to increase your floral in your colon , everyone carries extra waste in there colon some more then others colon cleansers will flush it out and help to keep your colon working properly , this will cause you to go to the bathroom more so do what the instructions say on the bottle , do your research for the best one to use , you want your colon to work properly so that you will lose weight and keep it off , enjoy 

peanut butter and where to put it '

felecia187 so here are a few of many things you can do with peanut butter .
 put it on the roof of your pet dogs mouth .
 pancakes between two of them .
 on your finger when you lick the jar clean .
 a teaspoon a day to keep the doctor away , this may be true because peanut butter makes your heart work better not kidding .
 use it to get gum out of your hair . 
 the proteins in peanut butter prevents cavities , because bacteria sticks to the proteins in peanut butter .
 natural weight gain for body builders , because it has 400 calories for half a cup .
 take it to school and watch the teachers freak out .
fill a balloon with it and mush it in your hands great stress relief .
 wash your hair with it and see how silky smooth your hair will be .
maybe more on peanut butter later , enjoy 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

the truth about buying olive oil

felecia187 the truth about buying olive oil , well here goes there are not regulations on olive oil , so they can say what ever they want on the label  if you pay more you may not be getting more this should change but in order to change this so the labels are truthful we have got to make it law that they are truthful , so if you want to know that you are buying a bottle of olive oil make sure you get your moneys worth get them to tell the truth , enjoy 

Naked man here to save your life

felecia187 this is the naked man new series i started , any how i would like every man to do this , buy a pregnancy test no she is not going to use it you are why glad you asked , a pregnancy test will show a man if they have CANCER , i am not kidding my test cost $ 1.25 and yes i did use it i don't have cancer so to find out if you have cancer get the cheap test and use it this is the Naked man .

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Rob Ford

felecia187 so the mayor of Toronto is out of rehab , so should you vote for him , well the thing you must know is that he has to live with this for the rest of his live and yes he will fall , but with the right help maybe not as hard as he did in the past , the thing is Rob Ford you thought you knew is not him , now you have to decide if he can show us who he really is and this will be a test to also find out who he really is , there are success stories of many people who live with this , and have dealt with it very well Robin Williams the movie star lives with it and knows how to live with it , so can Rob Ford learn to live with it and still run the city of Toronto , yes he can but is that enough for you to vote for him you decide .enjoy

condom glow lights for your next pool party

felecia187 so you are throwing a pool party at night for your friends , well you take a condom and then you get a small glow stick , break the glow stick and place it into the condom , then blow the condom with the glow stick in it up , tie the end and , put into your swimming pool , and there you have it a glow in the dark condom for your next pool party , enjoy .

heart attack symptoms

felecia187 no you can never be to fit to know the symptoms of a heart attack knowing these symptoms can save your life so read on .
 fast heart beat and shortness of breath . 
 tingling down one or both of your arms .
 dizziness and light headiness .
 jaw pain .
 nausea and vomiting .
 burning or discomfort in your chest .
 fatigue lack of energy that you would normally have .
 some or all of these signs could mean that you are having a heart attack so get to your doctor as fast as possible some of these signs may mean something else but do not become your own doctor , enjoy .

Saturday, June 28, 2014

mega rich are doing what ?

felecia187 well no one ever said you had to have brains to be mega rich so here is the new stupid trend of the mega rich , in Kensington England instead of adding additions to there house they are digging deeper basements which go down three stories about thirty feet , and putting in swimming pools , tennis courts , now the problem is that the house next door has its foundation moving which is a huge problem , so now the city has to make new laws to make this practice safer or stop it all together . enjoy 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Stephen Harper buying votes

felecia187 this is a load of , well you know , Stephen Harper is the Prieminister of Canada now the other party has gotten more support by taking over Quebec and Ontario , and B.C so instead of calling an election like he should do he is giving Quebec five billion dollars which is the rest of Canada s money he is buying votes and what ever happened to having a set election like he said he would do when he got elected call an election i am to mad to write now , enjoy 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

flight 370 Malaysia part 24

felecia187 so yeah this is still going on the good news is that they are still talking about it , now the search for the plane is headed farther south of where they thought it was , but now they are saying that the plane was on autopilot  , it is amazing that they can't find this plane but they can tell you what was happening on it before it disappeared , and remember the internet is the media . enjoy .

Sunday, June 22, 2014

chocolate can kill your pet dog .

felecia187 do not let your dog eat chocolate , the cat won't because cats are harder to poison they are picky eaters , go figure . now depending the type of chocolate will depend on if your dog is in danger of of death , the darker the chocolate the more the danger , baking chocolate the dog only needs about on once to die , white chocolate they need about twice the dogs body weight , it is the caffeine in the chocolate that you have to worry about , to prevent this from happening keep your chocolate from being near your pet dog , if you suspect that your dog may have eaten dark chocolate get the pet to a vet , the sooner the treatment begins the better the odds . so all you pet lovers enjoy the tip it could safe your dogs life .

remedies for mosquito bites

felecia187 this is one of the most terifing monsters ever . MOSQUITO , they could make an awesome horror movie out of this one . so any how you want to know how to remedy mosquito bites well the following do really work , one of the best ways is to not get bite .
 cold such as ice will confuse the brain and stop the dreaded itch . 
 heat will do the same but will also speed up the healing . 
 baking soda made into a paste , i used baking soda in a bath when they get me too many times . 
doederant this will draw moisture and toxins from the bite .
wet tea bag black or green tea . 
garlic fresh garlic will knock out the toxins and stop the itch faster . no prove it works , but some say it dose .
 vinegar the acid will stop the toxin and the itch really fast , one teaspoon full will also stop heart burn within three minutes , just one of many tips with vinegar .
 honey fast pain reliever ,  and a natural inflammatory , in world war one the doctors used honey and aloe vera heated to treat bullet wounds , in Korea war they used coconut water instead of blood ,. 
anitihistamine really works and proven .
so your best defence is don't get bit , catnip oil keeps them away the best better then ddt . 
enjoy .

ducks killed two people

felecia187 so this women named Emma Czornobaj stopped on a hyway to save ducks crossing the road , her hazzards are on and her door is open , she is not on the side of the road , she is half way in the lane of traffic and half way on the side of the road , now to motor bikes ram into her car from behind , the wife is on one bike and she survived the husband and daughter are on the other motor bike they both die at the scene , both bikes are 20 kph over the speed limit so they are speeding there is no intent to conviced the women of the car helping the ducks of any crime , but gets convicted of manslaughter she faces fourteen years in prison for helping ducks across the road this happened in Qubec , this is one of the first times someone has been convicted of any crime with out intent so dose your insurance cover everything ? No , drive saver and enjoy .

Saturday, June 21, 2014

how to fund your retirement on penny's a day . not kidding . free .

felecia187 so you are worried about retirement , worry no more this is guaranteed , how much so ? you will know how much you will get , a nurse in Red Deer , Alberta , Canada has done this for years , it is not illegal , the nurse would buy life insurance for older people and pay the premiums , when the person passed away she would give some to the persons relatives , and pocket the rest , by the way this is tax free , you can do this with your parents , and in the end they will fund your retirement , this is a great gift thanks to the insurance companies of the world , and you can do the same for your kids , the stress of retirement is now gone , you make the payments and you are the one that gets the check , enjoy your free retirement .