Monday, July 28, 2014

tips for a good nights sleep .

felecia187 so you have a problem sleeping fear no more , make your room dark , go to bed every night at the same time even if you are not tired , make your bedroom a couple of degrees cooler then the rest of your place , get rid of the TV in your room , you can have a book to read maybe , getting rid of your distractions will help you to sleep better , do not use a sleep aid , if you need help have a glass of warm milk , yes it dose have a natural sleep aid in it but it only works when it is warm , do not eat anything two hours before going to bed , have a bath or shower to help relax you i hope these tips will help you to sleep better , enjoy .and thank you very much for making this blog popular .you are the reason i blog enjoy .

what not to do when you are tired .

felecia187 so you are tired and you want to go for a drive well no matter how far it is DON'T  driving while tired is the same as driving drunk , get a hotel , pull over get some rest , you can get there the next day alive or today DEAD , you know when you are tired so don't push your self , sleep is an important part of life , so get at least 7.5 hours worth a night , enjoy . 

how long to heal different body parts ?

felecia187 so you want to know how long it takes to heal different body parts well the fast to the longest time is how we will do this .
bones six weeks to set they are not total healed but you do not need a cast after six weeks .
your muscles tore six months to a year to heal .
your legiments the parts of you body that hold the bones together these can take up to two years to heal .
brain damage can take years to heal and maybe never . 
science has sped up the healing process of out brains , bones , legiments , and muscles but the doctors all over the world will take time to catch up to this new science bones can now be set in three weeks not six , and brain damage depending on how it happened will depend on how long and in some cases amazing things have happened more and more often , the future of medicine is looking great , now all injuries will depend on what type of shape someone is in , people who are fit can heal faster then those who are not , a healthy lifestyle can improve your time in healing when you do get hurt , enjoy .

why we hiccup

felecia187 so you got the hiccups don't worry they will pass , when depends on what way you got them , two ways to get hiccups are one you are young and still growing this will make your throat grow and so will the muscles in your throat that is one reason the other reason is that you strained your throat , pulled a muscle in other words , and that is the only two ways you get hiccups , both involve your throat muscles , so the best way to get rid of hiccups is to relax the throat muscles , enjoy .

the truth about pain killers

felecia187so you keep going back to your doctor and complaining about the pain in your body or headaches , or you are using street drugs , well here is another reason to stop , your brain is the biggest part of a pain killer that you have and in your brain you have endorphin these are natural pain killers that your brain uses to kill pain , now when you do drugs you release these endorphin which kill the pain now the drug that you are using prevent these endorphin from going back into your brain to be used another day , this gets worse  if the endorphin dose not go back into your brain in time it will die , this is were it gets even worse your brain only makes so many endorphin in a long period of time , so you kill the endorphin you kill the brains ability to kill the pain even pain killers can't kill the pain if you have no endorphin left to be released , now these endorphin are also called pleasure seekers so when you make love to someone they also get released and cause you to enjoy the love , but when they get released this way they will go back into your brain to kill the pain another day , so this is also the best way to kill a headache  so if you want to enjoy making love to your partner later on in life , and you want to have these endorphin to help you then get off the drugs that are destroying your endorphin , enjoy .

are you in pain maybe this is the problem

felecia187 OK so you get up in the morning and it hurts to get out of bed  , maybe you were sitting for too long and it hurts to stand up , you think that it is your age that is doing this to you , well don't believe that it is your age , this might be a simple thing to fix , all you might need is calcium with vitamin D the vitamin D helps to digest the calcium and this may be your problem lack of calcium can cause you to have muscle pain and yes this is also for men because they can lack calcium too so pick your self up a bottle of calcium and vitamin D about 500 mg per tablet and your pain may just go away , enjoy 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

benefits of drinking lemon water

felecia187 first of all you need to use real lemons cut into wedges or cut in half then squeeze the juice into a glass of water , now the benefits ,
  aids in digestion .
  cleanses you system .
  helps to boost your immune system it is high in vitamin C .
  will help you to have clear skin .
  this is a great way to get your vitamin C , and Vitamin C has a lot of benefits ,
  lemon water will also help you to maintain a proper weight ,
 remember that it takes all kinds of healthy foods to make sure your body is getting what it needs no one food alone can give you everything so eat healthy and have a variety of natural foods and i don't mean the ones at the health food store real food not over priced food , enjoy .

healthy eyes

felecia187 so you need a reason to start eating healthy OK your eyes help you to see and your eyes need the proper food to stay healthy and the same food that your eyes need is also the same food that keeps you at a proper weight and gives you a healthy body , so the next time you have an excuse not to eat healthy think what it will be like if you can not see , think real hard , enjoy .

how to start a healthy life style

felecia187 get rid of the processed food ,
        get a juicer and juice your fruit and vegetables 
        replace your soda pop with water tea , fruit juices , make sure they are all natural .
        learn to love yourself .
        have at least 7.5 hours of sleep a night .
        find your form of exercise that you enjoy not what some else enjoys this will help you to stick to it .
        don't wait to get started today sounds good , enjoy . 

Friday, July 25, 2014

how to make the ultimate Popsicle freeze fruit pop .

felecia187 so your hot and it is summer time you want a freeze pop that is healthy and awesome tasting so here it is you take your favorite fruit or two or three and you blend them in a blender until they are soft and runny , then you place into a Popsicle container and freeze for a couple of hours , then you can enjoy a awesome Popsicle that will not make you fat and will be taste and help to keep you cool all natural enjoy .

Thursday, July 24, 2014

frozen vegetables are they good for you .

felecia187 so people buy frozen vegetables all the time in the frozen section of you store and lots people want to know if they have the same benefits as the fresh ones well the answer is yes you can boil them , steam them and fry them , depending on how you cook them will depend on how they will taste so pick some up on your next trip to the store and enjoy .

why you lose weight with a new fitness program .

felecia187 you see the gimmicks on TV how to lose weight best fitness trainer ever , lets get real money back if not satisfied , when ever you start a new diet or exercise program your body says WHAT and until your body figures out what is going you will have lost ten pounds that's it no more because these TV info commercials focus on one muscle part which is usually the abs , now the truth is there is no such thing as spot reduction in order to lose weight you have to work the whole body this is why the TV garbage ends up under the bed , you want to lose weight and keep it off change your eating habits for life and keep your money in your pocket when the TV gimmick wants to sell you something that will not nor ever help you to lose weight and keep it off , this is easy money for them because they promise you that you will lose weight and keep it off in as little as 15 minutes per day , bull so don't waste your money on them when you should be doing your home work on how you want to lose weight and keep it off , only you can make that choice no else can help you lose weight until you decide to lose the weight your self do your home  work make a plan write it down and then DO IT  till it hurts then do it some more , home work , plan , execute plan , enjoy .

why taste is different form person to person

felecia187 so some like hot food some not , the food that we eat is not the same food that everyone on this planet eats , great food is how you believe great food is , some countries have healthy food , some like Canada and the USA don't , what people like when they eat has to do with what they ate when they were children , and what part of the world they grew up in , some places force a type of food on us just to make money , other countries use the natural food because it taste better and is cheaper to make while processed foods cost more and are unhealthy but we can all learn to eat healthy and live a better live , when you stop smoking you taste food better and more full of flavor , then just putting salt on it so you taste something , we should all learn to eat better and not let the big food companies tell us what to eat to make them a profit  so the next time you go out to dinner try something different like real Chinese food not the fact kind either , to live healthy you need to add variety to what you eat this will keep you interested in staying healthy , enjoy .

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

benefits of water

felecia187 water will flush your system , it dose help to relief allergies they say you can even die if you drink to much at one time , but yet you need it to live , we use it to cook with , we stop our thirst when it gets hot , you can drink a glass of water before you eat and it will help you to lose weight , if you are really thirsty then add a pinch of salt to your glass of water the salt will help you to absorb the water better , we even eat fish which need water to live water is live on this planet and we should make it our priority to make sure it stays clean because with out it we die , water is one of the greatest things for weight loss and management we do not have to take a pill or buy a weight loss gimmick we just need to drink a glass of water this stuff is awesome if you think about it , enjoy your next glass .

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

good fat bad fat

felecia187 how to know if the fat you are eating is good for you or bad for you , this is easy fat from chicken , turkey , fish , is good fat , fat from processed cooking oil , lard , fake butter , is bad fat fast food places all have bad fat , eat some where else , now natural oils like olive , peanut , walnut oils are good fat , canola oil is bad fat you body needs good fat to make you feel full bad fat will not make you feel full for very long this is why you are always hungry after eating Chinese food , learn the difference and live a healthier live enjoy .


felecia187 milk is great food for your body , when you finish your work out have a glass of milk it will replenish what you lost during your work out and you will not feel as thirsty , this is great any time because it helps to keep your bones healthy which is great for women and it has iron in it even better , there is so much goodness in milk that when you go shopping make sure this becomes part of your daily diet , just pour and enjoy no hard work and makes a great snack with out the bad fat they keep talking about there is good fat and bad fat another post soon so enjoy .

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Garcinia Cambogia where it comes from and what is it ?

felecia187 the Garcinia Cambogia grows on trees that are called saptrees there are any where between 50 and 300 kinds of these trees depending on who you talk to , they are very picky about where they grow usually in south east 

Garcinia Cambogia plantwhere can you get the garcinia cambogia fruit in hawaii

Asia and tropical countries they do know that at least one species of this tree is extincted the one they use for Garcinia Cambogia weight loss products is the purple mangosteen and is now being used as a crop in these countries long term use of this could cause damage to your private parts in men and one of the chemicals is toxic this fruit yes fruit is used in appetite control pills this plant can also be called monkey fruit not much is written about this and they do say on the weight loss bottle not for long term use it is cheap because the countries it grows in are poor countries and it dose not take much effort to grow this because it is a tree and most fruits trees do not need a whole lot of care , before you put chemicals into your self do your home word because it could cause an allergic reaction in some people , enjoy .

eating out doesn't have to be bad .

felecia187 you don't have to fear going out for dinner when you are eating healthy , there are many places you can go and get a great meal that will not be bad for healthy living , and yes you can have more then just salad , fish , beef , chicken , turkey , you want something low in fat but enough fat to keep you full , coffee water tea water with a twist of lemon , look at the menu and ask if you can change something on the menu they will be more then happy to help you with your choice , think of it this way a menu is just a guide line but they are more then likely to help you with your selection so don't fear going out make it fun and enjoyable for your self , enjoy 

health benefits of Canadian Maple syrup .

felecia187 the health benefits of Maple syrup are now being studied and it looks promising , this compound has 54 different compounds and they are all being studied for insulin for diabetics and a way for fight of fat from carbohydrates , you can also use it as a sweetener in your coffee or when you make cakes and peanut butter cookies Oh yeah peanut OK enough any how this Maple syrup has more then a few great things in it for a better diet , make good use of it , enjoy  .

Saturday, July 19, 2014

weight loss tip thirty-five cucumbers

felecia187 so this is another tip on drinks not kidding you will need to slice a cucumber up , don't forget to peel it wash it , then place in a jug of water then put into your fridge , this makes a great drink with nothing in it that will make you fat after two days if it has not been consumed by then then throw it out , enjoy .